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Question [Question] Do appointments mandated for a PM's term have to be successfully confirmed?

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Wang Yao

Son of the East
Areopagite (Justice)
Epilektoi (CLS)
Resident (Lazarus)
Sep 17, 2019
Wang Yao
Greetings, I would ask like to ask if Government appointments mandated by Lazarene laws have to be successfully confirmed for a PM term to be considered as having respected those laws.

Specifically, the Lazarene Citizenship Act (January 2020) (https://nslazarus.com/forum/index.php?threads/2648/) reads the following:
Article I. Grant of Citizenship
(2) The Prime Minister shall appoint a Minister as a Granting Official to advise the Delegate on citizenship applications.

And the Charter of the Lazarene Regional Guard (December 2018) (https://nslazarus.com/forum/index.php?threads/2135/) reads the following:
Section 1. Establishment of the Lazarene Regional Guard
(2) The Delegate will be the commander-in-chief of the Regional Guard. The Prime Minister must appoint a Cabinet Minister to serve as operational commander of the Regional Guard, subordinate to the Delegate and subject to approval of the Delegate and all provisions for appointment and removal of a minister. Operational command authority may be further delegated to a chain of command subordinate to the Cabinet Minister.

Thanks in advance for the time taken by the Court to answer these questions of mine.
(PS: Nothing to do with this question but I just want to state that I do intend to get a Director of Shareholdership confirmed regardless of the Court's answer and I'm open to candidacies.)
I shall drop the first part of the question, regarding Granting Official, due to the current version of the Lazarene Citizenship Act making it obsolete.

However, I shall maintain the second part, regarding the appointment obligation and validation of a Cabinet Minister serving as operational commander of the Regional Guard.