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[Archive] Internal Management Plan for December 2021- April 2022 Term

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Nov 17, 2021
-Deadeye Jack
Hello all!

Some of this may look familiar from my campaign but here are my plans for the current term. I will be focusing more on the areas that don't involve a Vice Director and let the VDs be the main movers and shakers for their specific areas while I oversee and chip in on their work where necessary/possible.

Monthly Contests/Games

I think a good place to start with activity is giving people something fun and easy they can do with other members of the region. So I plan to host at least once a month a game or contest. These will be designed so that people have time to participate and won't have to open up their schedules for a specific time in the day. They will also aim to engage people on the forum, the discord, and the RMB (maybe not all at once, but it may be possible for some contests). There is potential to do these things with more frequency but it would depend on if people other than me would like to host something.

Polls/Question of the Day

I would like to make sure we're regularly engaging the gameside of our region so that we can identify and reach out to people to become part of our offsite community. And also just give them a reason to stick around. To that end I would like us to regularly release polls and Questions of the Day (although maybe every 2 days to not burn it out). I would also take potential poll and question ideas from the gameside people and our offsite people and compile it into one working document so that we stay well stocked.

Cross-Regional Events

Our Department will stand ready to aid with the planning and execution of any interregional event our Foreign Affairs throws on our desk. It's important to have fun with our allies.


With the Vice Director, we will continue to build up the Cards Guild and expand on its current offerings. We currently have Giveaways and the Stock game right now and I think we should work with members to brainstorm new activities centered on cards.

World Assembly

The Vice Director will continue to oversee the posting of forum threads to facilitate discussing resolutions. Furthermore, I believe in order to increase WA interest within the region, we should conduct outreach to people voting on World Assembly resolutions in Lazarus and inform them of the areas we currently have for discussion. We also are looking to potentially expand into having written recommendations on resolutions where possible.

The Lazarene Gazette

I'm hoping to get a Vice Director who will focus on the Gazette but am still waiting to hear back from the person I reached out to. The Gazette needs a major reinvigoration which means finding more writers and trying not to overburden existing writers. Reform discussions need to go a bit more in depth but one worthwhile area to explore might be opening up who can write for the Gazette.
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