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NorthWest Star: Issue II; Forgot to publish here | |
Tweet Topic Started: Jul 27 2016, 12:05 AM (45 Views) | |
El Fiji Grande | Jul 27 2016, 12:05 AM Post #1 |
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Only in the darkness can you see the stars We wish you a pleasant read! On Freedom of Speech Written by Estradia, Fiji's personal assistant May was another lively month for the INWU, and not for all the right reasons. Last month saw the INWU have another run-in with trolls, our RPs start to get off the ground, the beginning of the election cycle and, perhaps most notable, another hot-headed debate. This time on freedom of speech in the INWU. To be fair, this debate has shown more restraint than some others the INWU has witnessed in its passed. That being said, last month's debate again showed some deep-seated within the INWU community. Not this type of troll All of us in the INWU are very passionate about the well-being of our region, that fact I’m sure is evident to everyone. We all care very deeply about the past, present and future of this place we’ve called home for various amounts of our NS careers. However, as has been shown many a time before, this passion of ours has a tendency to get in the way of people’s better judgement. The debate last month further solidifies this ever apparent truth. There’s no shame in that, we’ve all been guilty of letting our passion get the better of us at one point or another. But I think it is crucial, now more than ever, that we as a community stop allowing such strong emotions dictate how business is ran. The debate over free speech last month was nasty. Not so much because of the words being used, but because of how quickly it got our fellow nations to turn on each other. As soon as the debate flared up sides were taken and ultimatums were made. It’s hard to picture that such an event happened between some of our closest friends. Such extreme measure being taken, the creation of Gatito's dispatch for example, in no way help work towards a solution to the issues we as a region face. Rather, they further add to the schism that we’ve had many a run in with. This ‘us or them’ mentality is indicative of a severe degradation to the bonds that hold our region, our community, together. If we cannot do something as simple as listen to what others have to say, then how can we ever expect to further grow/ repair this feeble region we call home? We all state that we want what’s best for those in the INWU. But by alienating those who having a differing opinion we betray that very notion, we betray the very community we’ve sworn to uphold. When will this stop? As such, I implore all of us to review our beliefs and motives with great scrutiny. Whether they are perceived as good or bad doesn’t matter, the way they are conveyed is what does. We can argue and yell at each other from dusk till dawn, but we can’t expect anything to be accomplished if we aren’t able to give in to the idea that those we are arguing with also care about the region, and that maybe their opinions are worth a serious listening to. We’ve had a long history of dealing in absolutes, something only a fool would do. We are friends, we are family and at the very least we are a community that care about our own survival. If we refuse to listen to each other, even if it’s due to such an excuse as “They are forgetting about what made the INWU’s culture so great,” then we’ve already given up what it means to be an INWUit. The day we do that is the day we pack our bags, leave and let the INWU die. I do hope that that’s the last thing on everyone’s mind. Here’s to hoping that June will be better, long live the INWU! Links: Gatito's Dispatch Just a pinch of Culture Article by Albiorix, Graphic Designer and Assistant Editor For most of our time as a region, the INWU has managed to create some magic all by itself; people generally being happy (save for certain periods where people refused to compromise on certain issues, but that can become an article all by itself.), "productive vibes", etc. But that time is not now. People are growing apathetic. Part of this is because of the decline in activity following the Divide. But more of this is just because humans in general don't like to follow through on things. The culture of the region has nothing to do with this; the first time is always the best time (usually, 100% of the time 90% of the time, etc.). Where is everybody? This brings me to my point. We've had this Department of Culture thing "in development" for quite some time now. The thing is, no one is actually working on it. In order to improve the experience of the INWU, we need a structure to work in and around to improve the ideas we have and launched (once, each). It gives us continuity for once, instead of bickering about wildly different issues a month apiece. So that there would be less controversial decision making for once. So that we have something to work towards. So that we have ambitions, in terms of upscaling ideas. So that we have a community. Hey, you, yes you, foreign reader! Join the conversation as well! How does your region do your community events? What is your activity like? What do you think of ours? Now I realize that I have a part to play in this as well. We all do. But here is my contribution: I've started a bill to make this Department a reality. But I think that it needs more discussion, so post on the Regional Council, post on the RMB, TG important minister do something to improve the INWU. Please everyone, can we agree on something for once this year? As for Estradia, you know that RC thing you needed? You've got it. The Lounge The dispatch that needs your help! Regional Council Summer is Coming! Written by Topsail Empire, Staff Writer Well, once again summer is about to begin. It seems like just yesterday that last summer was starting, but here we are today. Many schools, including mine, have already been let out for the summer, with many more letting out this week and next week. I have experienced two summers before this one in my almost three-year stint on NationStates, both of which were very different. The first one was the summer of 2014, prior to the creation of the INWU. This summer spelled the end of Strategos Prime, the region our Lord and Savior Fiji, Atlantica, Hijjma, Hockesin, Atlantica, Grothbord, and more resided in prior to the founding of the INWU. Activity waned to the point that the region could no longer survive. While we posted about 1700 RMB pages throughout the first 9 months of our existence, mediocre by INWU standards, we posted only 200 between May and August of 2014. The next summer was the summer of 2015 in the INWU. I was delegate during this time, and was by far the most active we’ve ever been on the RMB. At one point in July we posted 1,000 RMB pages in just 17 days. However, the “summer lull” that crippled Strategos Prime affected us in other ways. The NFA became extremely inactive, and roleplay, while reasonably active in May and June, waned to almost non-existent levels in July and August. ![]() RMB archive for the INWU However, this summer is different. Last summer we came into May already extremely active, averaging 1,000 RMB pages in about 30 days. This summer we’re going into June averaging a paltry 1,000 RMB pages in about 50 days, with inactivity in RP and the regional council to boot. This is concerning. This summer we need to increase activity in all three of these areas. We cannot continue to decrease at these levels. The past 1,600 RMB pages have taken us 81 days to post, which while almost as much as Strategos Prime’s total of 1900 RMB pages over a year, however this is abysmal by INWU standards. And something needs to be done about it. We can no longer sit by and do nothing while our activity levels wain. We need the opposite of a summer lull, a “summer surge”, to get back on track as a region. We need new, interesting roleplays that are welcoming to both experienced and new RPers. We need more legislation for the Regional Council to deliberate on. And we need to reinvigorate the RMB. However, we won’t be able to do any of this if we just lazily sit on our asses hoping that the problem will just fix itself. We need action now. Welcome to the INWU Made by Gatito, Comic Designer So, this is the average day... Sports Round-up Written by Savalen, Chief Editor Goooooood evening! It's your regions chief editor and recent Northwestern Cup host. I'm really hope that all you [strike]losers[/strike] participants enjoyed yourself in Savalen. Happily, there was no overflow of fans and tourists, allowing the tournament run smoothly. Whilst the weather wasn't always perfect (notably raining heavily during the game between Crumstain and Topsail), there were certainly notes to take from the performance of the Savalenian players and I'm sure lots of the other [strike]losers[/strike] participants found out lots of information about their respective teams! I really hope that during the next edition there will be someone to rival my sign-up bid (I may even take mine away if I deem that that person has put enough effort in!) I also really hope that even if you don't wish to host the next edition (a great thing to put in your signature), you will be around to RP in the next tournament. You know why? We managed to fill up two pages. Two whole pages of sports RP, in the INWU!. Results Other Awards Some of you will be thinking where to go next, surely the NW Cup isn't the pinnacle of NS sports? You'd be absolutely right! The World Cup is currently ongoing, so sadly you won't be able to join this edition, but the sign-up threads for the Olympics, the real star of NS sports, will be going out in due course. This is, of course, part of the NS summer that is so loved on Nationstates and I hope to see some of you there! For those of you who want to do some right now, there is the Aussie Rules tournament, hosted by Topsail Empire. The sign-ups thread is in contained in the links below! Savalen lift the Cup! Links: Aussie Rules sign-ups! NS Sports Threads Hitchhiker's Guide to Esportiva Written by Ethane, Staff Writer Ah, you come wanting to know more about Esportiva. Why, I can tell you some things, for sure. You see, Esportiva is one of what they call ‘’the big three’’ sporting regions: Atlantica Oceania, Rushmore, and Esportiva, of which Esportiva is the youngest of them. Many of the nations you see lurking around the NS Sports forums come from Esportiva, of which I, of course, am one of them. But I’m sure what you are most interested about Esportiva is not what it is, or who is in it, but what we do, and what our region is focused on. Esportiva is a tight knit community of nations who roleplay on the NS Sports forums. We are heavily focused on sports roleplay. Many of the nations, young and old, are welcome in the region, which is a fully accepting region of anyone who doesn’t spam, and the nations inside, while may seem a bit intimidating, are friendly, and willing to help anyone who asks so. Espotiva on a daily basis For sure, being the youngest of the three sporting regions on nationstates does put the region behind a bit, but the nations resident to Esportiva don’t let this stop them putting in their best sporting performances, in events such as the World Cup. It was only recently that an Esportivan resident team - Nephara - won the World Cup, something that the region had been waiting for such a long time to achieve. The region has also had nations win other sporting events: 2 Cup of Harmonies; 2 World Baseball Classics; 4 International Baseball Slams; 4 International Basketball Championships; and 4 World Cup of Hockey tournaments. You may not know what all of these are, but these constitute the major sporting events on the NS Sports forums that teams from Esportivan countries have won. I certainly love Esportiva, as a place to call home. It is home to some of sports greatest nations, and has an interesting geographical identity to it. It hosts many competitions, and has had many bloody wars. It has possibly the most brutal nation I have ever heard of in my life: Gregoryisgodistan, whose nation will bring you to your knees, crying in despair, as you are forced to worship Gregory, or be nuked into oblivion. The connections you can make with other nations, other people, is wondrous, and the rp ideas that can come out of being in such a wonderful place is magnificent. For anyone, Esportiva can be whatever you want it to be. It can be a peaceful paradise, where you have no qualms with other nations, or it can be a hellhole, where you get nuked into oblivion. For some of you, this will provide no interest to you whatsoever - you may not have any interest in the sporting forums. But for some of you, those interested in sports in the forums, those, who from the little taster you have had, want to join in more of the sporting events on the NS Sports forums, this provides you with a small insight into one of the greatest sporting regions to exist in this multiverse. I can assure you, this is brief, compared to the possibilities that await you on NS Sports, should you care to join us there, or with links to Esportiva. I for one, am always open to questions, should any arise, or anything else you would like to communicate about (roleplaying, sports, anything), feel free to TG me. If you want to contact anyone else in Esportiva, I am sure they are always open to TGs as well. Esportiva NS Sports [ ]Savalen's Notes I hope you've had a great read and join us next month! Everybody working on the next edition already Estradia - Assistant Editor, Gatito - Comic Designer, Albiorix - Assistant Editor, Savalen - Chief Editor Tracian Empire was sadly not present due to problems in his country. It is hoped that he can turn out for the later editions. For those of you interested in the upcoming elections - there is the election special. Keep an eye out for that! Has something happened over the past month that you want to write about? Do you think you can make the Newspaper look better? Or do you just want your name here --> Apply now for loads of different positions, we would be happy to have you on board. Is there something wrong? Are you offended in any way? Is there a typo? Do you just want to commend us (yaaaay!)? Make sure to write out all of your complaints in the the correct thread or telegram me, [nation=short]Savalen[/nation]. Links to other issues: Issue I Issue II - coming 1st June 2016 Issue II signed off 1st June 2016 Savalen ![]() |
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