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The following is a report composed by the Secretary of State of The Allied States. Please visit our forums here:! We love to receive Ambassadors from other regions!
General Election Results:
Senate: Election Results: CDland (OP): 24 Votes (16.1%) ELECTED Zachary Drakan (DSP): 23 Votes (15.4%) ELECTED John Elwin (OP): 19 Votes (12.8%) ELECTED Hunteiria D. (OP): 18 Votes (12.1%) ELECTED Obito Drakan (RP): 15 Votes (10.1%) ELECTED Scaperelli (I): 14 Votes (9.4%) ELECTED Regionia (RP): 12 Votes (8.1%) Wildeboden (I): 12 Votes (8.1%) Brick Alexander (I): 9 Votes (6%) Nosma (RP): 3 Votes (2%)
Chancellor: Election Results: John Elwin (OP): 7 Votes (77.8%) ELECTED Regionia (RP) 2 Votes (22.2%)
Senate Speaker: Election Results: Imperium: 5 Votes (83.3%) ELECTED Obito Drakan: 1 Vote (16.7%)
The Government of The Allied States |
 The Cabinet
Chancellor: John Elwin (OP-HBE) Vice Chancellor: Gregory Drakan (I-S) Secretary of State: Kastros Drakan (OP-HBE) Secretary of Interior: Brick Alexander (I-HBE) Secretary of Treasury: CDland (OP-S) Secretary of Immigration: Rhein States (BP-HBE) Secretary of Culture: Britarvia (BP-S)
 The Senate
Speaker : Imperium (DSP-S) Speaker pro tempore: Zachary Drakan (DSP-S) At-Large Senator: CDland (OP-NCR) At-Large Senator: Zachary Drakan (DSP-S) At-Large Senator: John Elwin (OP-HBE) At-Large Senator: Hunteiria D. (OP-HBE) At-Large Senator: Obito Drakan (RP-S) At-Large Senator: Scaperelli (I-S) Western Senator: Wildeboden (BP) Southern Senator: Imperium (DSP) Britannian Senator: Trook Washington (RP)
 The Supreme Court
Chief Justice: RNS (I-NCR) Associate Justice: Lewis vi Britannia (OP-HBE) Associate Justice: Mytzonia Drakan (DPS-S)
Brief Summary of the General Election
Senate This election saw 10 candidates competing for 6 seats. 9 of the 10 senators ran campaigns, CDland would be requested to run by a large portion of the region. CDland gave in to the request an would receive the most votes in the election, coming in first place. Zachary, Elwin, and Wildeboden would be the only candidates running for reelection with Zachary and Elwin winning, Wildeboden would be given the Western Senate Seat by then Senator Britarvia. Hunteiria and Obito would be elected after a brief break from the Senate. Newcomer Scaperelli impressed many with his fresh attitude and his new point of view. His focus on the economy helped him become the last Senator elected. Regionia would put on a strong campaign, racking up some support however he fell short of the mark by two votes. Brick Alexander put on yet another strong and detailed campaign where he would lay out his various positions and his reform ideas, despite this he would fail to be elected for the third election in a row. Nosma ran.
Chancellor John Elwin would announce his intent to run for reelection early, racking up a few key endorsements. He would go unopposed until late in the cycle when newly elected Senator Obito would give up his seat to Senate Election loser Regionia so that he might run for Chancellor despite having just lost in the senate election. This move would be highly criticized by some and was a considered a subversion of democrat and the will of the people. There was some talk about the two candidates running the government together, however talks quickly broke down. Elwin would go on to win in a landslide, Regionia would quit the region for a few days before coming back.
Speaker Imperium received near universal support in his bid for the Speaker position. Racking up a number of endorsements, including that of his predecessor. Obito would enter the race only for the sake of choice however he would vote for Imperium. Imperium would coast to victory, receiving a decisive majority.
Two new neighborhoods have been built in the capital. Potomac Heights and Brightwood now give the residents of the capital a place to live among the hustle and bustle of the city. Not much else has been done in the capital because TNR 'doesn't give a fuck'.
Since breaking free of the West, the New California Republic has conquered the West and reclaimed some of its former territory through diplomacy. The New California Republic now encompasses all of the regional western state; stretching from the great plains, over the Rockies, through the great Mojave, and touching the Pacific. The New California Republic has seen a fair amount of activity under it's President, Britarvia. The Army has been restored to its former glory and the Mojave Assembly has seen great activity almost rivaling the activity of the federal legislature. In all, the New California Republic has proven to be much more successful than its predecessor.
The state of Buxton had a mixed month. The state enjoyed a great influx of new citizens and activity from the existing citizens also saw an uptick. Things took a turn, however when Hunteiria, second in line to the Brittanian throne, wanted to escape the clutches of Emperor Lewis, and bring her precious county of Virginia with her to the South. The move sparked hysteria amongst the states and a massive arms race began. Both the South and the HBE began purchasing massive amounts of arms in order to secure their positions. The HBE however, having more wealthy citizens and better diplomatic connections with the new leader of California, was able to outmaneuver the Southern opposition. Threatened with the reality of having to face a two-front war, the South entered negotiations with the HBE and the New California Republic. The Southern leadership, not able to agree to the terms presented by the two other states, was forced to abdicate their claim that Virginia should be able to stay with the South per Princess Hunteiria's wishes. A non-aggression treaty, which was drafted by the HBE PE, Free States, was signed by the three states.
Internally, the state passed marriage laws, and also appointed Mytzonia Drakan the new Attorney General. The newly appointed AG was charged with creating a legal code for the state, which will be presented to the congress once the future of the State RP is determined and agreed upon by the relevant parties.
 THE HOLY BRITANNIAN EMPIRE The Empire faced large challenges in this month and was seen as an aging state on terminal decline by its rivals. The rednecks sensing the opportunity tried to take counties with support of rebels but were quickly outmaneuvered on the diplomatic front with the West changing sides. Ultimately the crisis was solved with the HBE threatening to invade the South if it refused to back down, faced with an impossible military situation, the southern leadership had no choice but to drop their aggressive plans and recognize imperial superiority leading to a peaceful solution for the crisis.
On the internal front, the month saw a change of leadership with Prime Executor Free States returning to power, there were also new additions to the House of Lords and several immigrants joined the state which will hopefully allow for the development of internal politics in the future as state RP is further developed.
The Great Constitutional Amendment and Elections Change A new constitution has passed and received near universal support. The goal of the new constitution was to reform the how the executive was elected and how the senate worked. The Allied States will be moving from a Parliamentary system to a Presidential system with direct elections. The Chancellor will no longer be required to be a senator. A bill passing around the same time called the 'Elections Act II' removed the state senate seat system, making all of the seats open to everyone.
Great Constitutional Amendment 5 th Senate, 1 st Session A. B3
Senator Imperium of Buxton introduced the following bill in the Senate Debate Chamber.
To Bring about a more perfect alliance through the implementation of a Presidential SystemBe it enacted by the Senate of the Allied States,Section 1. TitleThis bill may be referred to as the "Great Constitution Amendment (2016) ". Section 2. The new Constitution(a) The Constitution of the Allied States will be replaced with the following: New Constitution CONSTITUTION OF THE ALLIED STATES
From time to time it behooves a community to come together and to reevaluate our ideals and our goals, to form a more perfect alliance, and to dispel any shadow of discord. Therefore we, the people of The Allied States, do resolve to institute this new government to our region, that we may more happily coexist.
Article One: The Nature of the Region 1a. The Allied States is a federal region, comprised of the greater Region, and those states as shall be apportioned by law. 1b. The States shall have self governance devolved unto them, and shall have jurisdiction within their forums to govern themselves as they see fit. 1c. The Federal Government shall have sole jurisdiction of the regional forums not governed directly by a State. 1d. The Federal Government may deem some of its laws to be of such importance that they must extend unto the states themselves.
Article Two: The Legislative Branch 2a. All regional legislative power shall be vested in the Allied States Senate, or else to the people through referenda. 2b. Senators shall serve for two months terms, unless they resign, are removed by legal means, or early elections called. 2c. The Senate shall have a twin election cycle of two sessions. The General Election shall begin a new Senate’s first session, and it’s second session shall occur after the midterms. 2d. - If early elections are called, then a General Election will be held and a new Senate constituted.
2e. The Senate may pass laws, ratify treaties, declare war, call referenda on the approval of laws, confirm Supreme Court nominations, and remove Justices by a simple majority of Senators present. 2f. The Senate may amend this Constitution, decide on the size of the Senate, make rules regarding replacement Senators, early elections, and the elections system, and call referenda on constitutional amendments by a 2/3 majority of all Senators present. 2g. The Senate may elect its officers and enact rules to govern the business of the legislative branch.
Article Three: The Executive Branch 3a. The Executive Branch shall be comprised of the ceremonial Delegate, the ceremonial Founder, and the Chancellor. 3b. The Chancellor shall be invested with all executive power to execute the laws passed by the senate, though the Chancellor may create departments and appoint citizens to their cabinet to assist them in this. 3c. The Chancellor shall be elected during the General Elections by direct voting, and must achieve 50% plus one vote to be elected. The Chancellor shall serve for a term of 2 months, but may not serve as a member of the Senate or of the Supreme Court. 3d. The Senate may impeach a Chancellor for dereliction of duty or some other egregious offence, requiring a ⅔ majority to impeach. If such an impeachment shall pass, there shall be an early General election called, to constitute a new Senate and elect a new Chancellor.
3e. The Chancellor shall have the power to appoint citizens to federal offices of the cabinet, and to nominate members of the Supreme Court. Supreme Court Nominees must be confirmed by the Senate, and every Chancellor may nominate an entire court upon assuming office, although the previous court may remain constituted at the Chancellor's will. 3f. The Chancellor may nominate a Vice Chancellor, to be confirmed by the Senate, who shall be in line for the Presidency should the Chancellor resign or fall inactive. The Vice Chancellor may also act as the Chair of the Senate when there are no officers of that body currently appointed or active. 3g. The Chancellor may issue pardons or commutations for any federal crime, excepting Treason or Posting Pornography. 3h. The Chancellor shall sign bills into law within 3 days of their being passed, or else shall veto them. The Chancellor's veto may be overturned by a ⅔ majority vote in the Senate. If the Chancellor shall veto a constitutional amendment, only a unanimous vote of the Senate shall overrule it. Bills that are not addressed within 3 days of their being handed to the Chancellor for signature shall pass into law unsigned. 3i. The Chancellor may create such executive orders as are necessary for the good governance of the region, these orders shall only last for the Chancellor's term and may not conflict with any other law. The orders shall have the force of law, but may be overturned by the Supreme Court, or by the objection of any 3 Senators, or 1/3 of the senate, whichever is less. 3j. The Chancellor shall sign any passed Treaties, subject to Senate ratification.
3k.The selection and term of the World Assembly Delegate shall be prescribed by law. Both the Founder and the Delegate shall have their powers and responsibilities prescribed to them by law.
Article Four: The Judiciary 4a. The Judicial Authority of the Allied States shall be vested in the Courts of the Allied States. 4b. The Judiciary shall be comprised of the Chief Justice and two Associate Justices, who shall be appointed by the Chancellor and Confirmed by the Senate. 4c. No Justice shall serve as Chancellor. Nor shall any Justice serve in the Cabinet or the Senate, except with the permission of 2/3 of the Senate.
4d. The Chief Justice shall administer the Courts of the Allied States. 4e. The Supreme Court shall convene on controversies arising under this Constitution and may declare acts of the government unconstitutional. 4f. Civil and Criminal Courts shall oversee non-constitutional matters and shall pass verdicts upon the facts and laws presented, within the principles of common law. 4g. Parties may appeal judgments where new and compelling information has come to light, or a breach of rights or court protocol occur.
Article Five: Rights of the People 5a. Nations naturalised through the process outlined by law shall be citizens. 5b. Citizens shall be liable for all actions taken within or affecting The Allied States. 5c. All citizens shall have the freedom of speech, press, religion, choice, and petition, although they shall be liable for any abuse of these rights. 5e. All citizens shall be permitted a fair and reasonably timed trial, including the rights to representation by a lawyer or themselves, and to due process of law. In the case of summary offences, no trial shall be given unless one is asked for. 5f. All citizens shall have the right to vote in elections and to run for office, unless disbarred by a court sentence.
Article Six: Powers of the People 6a. Citizens may call a referendum on bills, executive orders, and bill proposals by having 1/3 of active citizens sign and submit a petition to the courts, or 2/5 of the population in the case of constitutional amendments. 6b. Polls for referenda shall be started within a period of 1 week after being confirmed by the courts. 6c. A General Referendum, overseen by the courts shall require a 3/5 vote in favour to pass or a 3/4 vote for constitutional amendments. 6d. The citizens may recall any elected official by popular referendum as mandated by law, with such a recall vote being triggered when at least 40% of active citizens call for it.
Article Seven: Execution of this Constitution
7a. This Constitution is Self Executing. This Constitution, and the laws of the Allied States made pursuant to it, shall be the supreme law of the region. Section 3. Implementation(a) Laws passed under the old system shall persist insofar as they do not contradict the new constitution (b) This Constitution shall take effect with the General Election of the Sixth Senate, when the first Chancellor of the new system shall be elected. The General Election of the Sixth Senate shall occur at the end of the first session of the Fifth Senate. (c) At this General Election of the Sixth Senate, the entire Senate shall be reconstituted, with all Senators being elected. Those Senators that do least well shall serve only a term of one month, in order to establish the General Election/Midterm cycle.
Aye: Obito, Zach, John Elwin, CDland, Imperium, Kastros, Scaperelli, Hunteiria Nay: Abstain: Not Present: Wildeboden
Elections Act II 5th Senate, 1st Session A. B9
Mr. Free States of the Holy Britannian Empire introduced the following bill in the Citizens' Town Hall.
To Re-Establish the Regional Elections System Be it enacted by the Senate of the Allied States,
Section 1: Distribution of Seats 1a. The Senate shall have 9 seats. 1b. In the general elections, 5 senators will be elected, in the mid-terms there shall be 4 seats at stake.
Section 2: Senate Elections 2a. The elections system will be based on first past the post. 2b. No candidate running for chancellor shall be included in the poll for the senate. 2c. Each citizen shall receive a number of votes equal to the number of seats available in the election. 2d. The candidates receiving the most votes shall be elected, until all the seats available have been filled. 2e. A 24 hour runoff shall be conducted to resolve tied votes where they would affect the candidate elected to the Senate.
Section 3: Chancellor Elections 3a. The elections will be realized with a two round system. 3b. In the first round, all candidates will be included in the poll with each citizen having one vote. 3c. If any candidate achieves a 50%+1 majority, that candidate will be considered the winner. 3d. Should no candidate achieve 50%+1 in the first round, a second poll should be started with the 2 most voted candidates. 3e. Any ties shall be decided with a 24 hour tiebreaker poll.
Section 4: Recalls 4a. Should a process of recall be triggered, a 5 day registration and campaign period will be allowed. 4b. At the end of registration, voters will be faced with 2 polls. First, a poll asking whether the government official should be recalled or not. And a second poll choosing the replacement if the vote for recall is successful. 4c. In the recall of a senator, the replacement will be picked through first past the post. 4d. For chancellors, the replacement will need a 50%+1 majority, if not, a second round will be done with the 2 most voted candidates.
Section 5: Guidelines 5a. Early elections for all seats and the chancellery can be called by the Senate with a 2/3 supermajority or by the people with the signature of at least 2/3rd of active citizens. If early elections are called, they should be held within 10 days with at least 5 days for registration. 5b. The executive is responsible for handling and deciding the date of the elections, it has to be announced 10 days before the polls are opened. General elections shall happen every 60 days with a margin of 7 days and the mid-terms will happen 30 days after the general election, also with a margin of 7 days. Early elections shall reset the cycle. 5c. Registration shall be opened 5 days before the polls are opened, but campaigns can start before that period. When registration closes, the polls start. 5d. The ballot shall follow an alphabetical order and the party must come after the name of the candidate. 5e. All election, referendum and recall voting will be realized through forum polls. 5f. The polls shall last at least 48 hours and can last no longer than 72 hours.
Section 6: Special Elections 6a. In the first general election or in an early general election, all nine senate seats will be contested. The 4 candidates that do least well will face reelection at the next mid-term. 6b. The date for the first election under the new constitution shall be set by the executive and should happen 30 days after the past general elections with a margin of 7 days.
Aye: Imperium, Zachary, CDland, Kastros, Wildeboden, Hunteiria, Obito Nay: Abstain
Winds of Change Comings and goings have are a part of life in NS, when regions get older some cherished members leave and some return. Two high-profile departures have happened recently. Pepe Drakan retired from NationStates last month, Pepe was a valued member of the froums and was a forum administrator. Pepe did just about everything there is in TAS from being a two time Chancellor, being a senator for months on end, and even a Hall of Famer. Keventle also retired from NationStates last month citing this his work in the real world had taken off. Keventle, bounced between being inactive and active but had most recently revitalized his home state of Buxton. With these departures, TAS has seen more than a few high profile returns. Free States has returned after a 3 month sabbatical from NationStates. Since returning, FS has returned to his Admin duties and has returned to the Prime Executor position in the HBE. Former Vice President Cashew has returned after a lengthy period of inactivity and has since become royalty within the HBE. CTI majority owner and founder Crescellia has also returned to being active. Crescellia is a former President, Senator, and Chief Justice. Most recently, Trook Washington has returned after a two year absence from the region Trook was a highly valued and very dependable member of the region he was the longest serving Secretary of the Interior in The Allied Republics. Since returning, Trook has replaced a signing senator and working on several legislative ideas.
A Senate Reborn With the latest general election seeing several senate regulars returning and a new bight-eyed and bushy tailed face, a breath of fresh air has blown into the senate. Speaker Imperium has made use of the bill numbering system and has diligently kept track of the the bills being presented and their current status. This action has been highly praised and has made keeping track of bills much easier for the senators. 14 bills have been presented to the senate in a short period of time. Debate on these bills picked up significantly compared to the previous senate terms. 10 of the 14 bills have passed the senate, bringing much needed change to the region.