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The Northwest Star: May Edition; INWU Regional Newspaper | |
Tweet Topic Started: May 1 2016, 07:57 PM (117 Views) | |
El Fiji Grande | May 1 2016, 07:57 PM Post #1 |
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Only in the darkness can you see the stars We wish you a pleasant read! ❤ Grand Opening Written by Savalen On 1st May 2016, a new newspaper was added to the extraordinary mix that was already out there. The Northwest Star was, however, born with a different purpose. It was to be an inter-regional newspaper, one which allowed all nations and regions to participate, no matter how large or small. In this inaugural edition, the IFU introduces itself as a good neighbour of the INWU (that’s us!) and Fiji talks after steering the ship to calmer waters after the split. But this article isn’t about what you can read below, it’s about the opening ceremony! 200 people gathered in the press room of the IFU, with Othelos, Fiji and me fidgeting whilst we waited for the all-clear in a small room where they had spent hours craning their necks over articles from far and wide. ![]() First batch of the NorthWest Star ready for distribution However, as mentioned, this is no ordinary newspaper. The press room was beamed to regions all over NationStates from Ancient Athens to Lazarus. During the press conference, Savalen commented: "There were teething problems - people finding it hard to actually write up the article, actually getting the Printing Press to work as it had been closed for 25 years, keeping this operation from prying eyes without being suspicious. But all of these have been overcome and here is the newspaper that you see now!" We wish you a pleasant read!❤ New Era of Political Parties Voice of The Great Orator Othelos In the aftermath of the Great Divide and the institution of the new constitution, two new political parties have emerged. Unlike past parties in the INWU, these two parties are not transient, largely single issue parties that quickly disappear after change has been enacted. This is likely due to the fact that they have emerged to fill the void that parties usually take place of - uniting its members behind certain candidates, issues, and an ideology. The two parties are called the Justice Party and the Unity Party. The Justice Party was created first, and the formation of the Unity Party followed quickly afterwards. The main differences between the two parties are along the lines of the region's approach to The Hanover Republic, the raiding/defending game, and the role of the World Assembly Delegate and Chancellor. The most contentious issue has been the region's approach to The Hanover Republic. The larger Justice Party and its members ultimately favour re-joining the regions by working in realistic increments to that end. The Unity Party, meanwhile, favours leaving The Hanover Republic to conduct its own business. As this was the issue that the two parties have primarily campaigned on, the consensus leans towards working towards a re-merger between the two regions. It is also likely that if the Justice Party takes office, the region will work more strongly towards this end. ![]() Unity Party Office The Justice Party favours staying out of the raiding/defending game, while the Unity Party favours an active defending operation. This issue has not risen to prominence in public debate, so it's not clear how the majority of the public feels about this issue. The Justice Party favours a more hands on, involved World Assembly Delegate and Chancellor in the conduct of the region, due to the past failures in RMB management having led to the Great Split. The Unity Party, on the other hand, favours a more hands off, centrist World Assembly Delegate and Chancellor, which seems to have worked well for long periods in the region's history. This issue reveals a great deal about how each party's nominee will likely behave in office. It will be interesting to see where the new system takes the region and how it will impact future politics and elections. Two strong indicators will be the party primaries held in May and how the election ultimately turns out. ![]() One of the many election campaign videos for the Justice Party primary A Statement from Albiorix, a Founder of the Unity Party "The Unity Party, founded by Midland South States and myself, is a political organization aimed at improving the interregional outlook of the INWU. Most notably, we support recognizing the Hanover Republic’s independence as well as a defender operation within the region. Currently, we are selecting our key party leaders, the President and the Secretary." A Statement from Othelos, the Founder of the Justice Party "Currently, the party is pushing forward in growing its membership. We are going to hold our primary from May 26th through May 28th on the Regional Forums. Stay tuned for the results." Links: Unity Party Justice Party For more information on where to find the party platforms or related forum threads, contact Albiorix or Othelos. Finding out about Fiji Interviewer Savalen interviewing Fiji Hello and welcome to this interview with the current WAD for the INWU, El Fiji Grande, who is halfway through serving his third, non-consecutive term in office. Sorry to start off with a difficult topic. You always seem to be elected when there is a dispute and, amazingly, every time you steer the ship to calmer waters. How were you able to achieve peace this time around? Peace is always difficult to achieve. The reason I tend to get elected when disputes occur is that I know that I can fix them, and run on that platform. In order to restore peace, there are numerous challenges. You have to be reasonable, level-headed, determined, and compromising as a delegate. You have to give the region purpose, and instil pride into each citizen of the region. You have to speak personally to each person who's a had a share of the conflict, and determine exactly their perspective. You want to be understanding, kind, and fair in these conversations. And by hearing what everyone thinks and feels, you can build compromises and convince the rest of the region that a solution can be found. It takes a very specific skill set. But it also takes a lot of help. I could not have made it this far without the help of Estradia, my Chancellor, or Othelos, my Administrative Assistant, as well as many unnamed others. They have proved invaluable. You talk about compromise, which suggests that you're not always satisfied with the outcome. Where do you feel that the region has swayed from what you wanted to achieve when stepping into office? You're correct. It should be noted that the best compromises leave no one exactly satisfied as a result. As delegate, you have to put aside your own interests and agendas to make way for the direction the people of the region want to go. Ultimately, I'm happy when there is peace, and compromise is one of the best ways of achieving that. A good delegate must also face reality. While I was elected solely on the platform of putting the region back together, and standing us back on our feet, one has to realize that getting The Hanover Republic to remerge is a near impossibility now. The level hostility of their members and the level of apathy of ours make any friendly efforts very difficult. Additionally, I would have personally preferred a pure direct democracy to the Regional Council system we currently have set up. And finally, I believe my administration was not vocal enough during the constitutional reforms. Communication is essential, especially when fundamental change is coming; a regional telegram and frequent RMB reminders may have been sufficient. I really dislike when politically active citizens are shut down from helping change the constitution on the reasoning that "Oh, you had that chance, and you missed it." ![]() People trying to stop the hostilities between The Hanover Republic and INWU You seem to have a few things that you aren’t happy about, but I’m going to flip this completely without going into any great detail, as these problems are explained in other articles. What do you think has been the greatest moment that you’ve had during your tenure as WAD? Yes, there are a few things I am unhappy about, but as delegate, as I've said before, I put my personal preferences to one side for the benefit of the region. My first thought was naturally peace. The most essential part of my role as delegate has been fulfilled. The region may not be perfect, but for the moment, I believe it to once again be on the proper trajectory. But aside from peace, I will mention our role in foreign affairs. It's not a subject many nations here care about, but it is a subject I feel they ought to care about. Friendly relations with other regions can be very mutually beneficial to all regions involved. During my current tenure in office, I've been very successful in expanding the role of the INWU - at the very least from its former, dire state. We now have embassies with Lazarus, Spiritus, Renegade Islands Alliance, Albion, among others, and Europeia, Balder, Texas, and Taijitu are pending. I'm very proud of my work in that regard, and thankful of the region's ambassadors and personal assistants who have helped me achieve this. As a former Foreign Minister myself, I understand your position. I, personally, always wanted to have good relations with other regions to meet new people, for a new RP experience and to have that knowledge that you have friends who will back you around NationStates. I wanted to ask, however, why you wish for the INWU to get more involved in inter-regional politics. Foreign affairs - and thus both embassies and forum relations - are mutually beneficial to all regions involved for several reasons, some of which aren't applicable to the INWU, but I will still mention here. First and foremost, foreign relations share culture, ideas, and perspectives. By studying and interacting with other regions, you can gain useful insights into how to make the region a better place. For instance, direct democracy was borrowed from Taijitu, the regional newspaper was inspired by The Monthly Reject of TRR, and our very neat WFE was heavily influenced by Wintreath. Via interaction, you can also make up for various experiences that would be lacking within the INWU on its own. There is the annual NS World Fair, roleplays on the NS forums and on other offsite forums, friends to be made, and Werewolf over by Wintreath. Anyone who is actively interested in trying to make the INWU a better place should be interested in foreign affairs for all of these reasons, and more. Something that isn't entirely applicable to the INWU is the R/D mini-game, but it's still something that is important to NS as a whole. It is through foreign affairs that organizations such as TITO, the FRA, and other defender groups exist. To better understand the significance of foreign affairs, you can become an ambassador for the INWU by applying - via a telegram to me or our Minister of Foreign Affairs for now. That is, of course, until we get the official offsite application up and running. Additionally, you can help by contributing articles to our regional newspaper, writing foreign updates, and creating regional emblems and insignia that will help our region stand out from the others. There are also regular games of Werewolf over by Wintreath, one of which I am currently participating in. ![]() Foreign Affairs Office I couldn’t have put it better myself and I had no clue about the Werewolf games over in Wintreath. I may play myself! I think that your view on foreign policy is to continue as we are – making friendships with other regions that will last. But I wanted to ask: what you think are the main problems still in the region? The single largest problem that the INWU lacks is our shocking absolute lack of roleplay of nearly any sort. It's stunning how completely apathetic nearly everyone in the region is towards roleplay. Tracian Empire has been working quite hard and is demonstrating that no matter how enthusiastic, creative, or how targeted his roleplays are towards the interests of our citizens, roleplay is dead in the INWU. I would be lying to say that I have done much if anything to solve this problem - there simply isn't much I can do. Given that I don't have much time to roleplay, and since many others interested have the same problem, it is extremely difficult to reach critical mass to get one started. Many of our old roleplayers are growing inactive, and recent recruitment efforts have failed to bring in many active nations. That is the single largest issue this region has, and is one I think will plague the future of the region unless we all make a dedicated effort to solve it while we still can. You seem quite passionate about this topic, but I can't help but point out that you promised to make an application for The Dark Ages Roleplay set up by Tracian Empire, our Roleplay Minister. Don't you think that this is why there is no Roleplay - people just don't have the commitment to go for it? You make another point: we have a problem with recruiting new, active nations. What's your view on this problem? How should the next WAD go about tackling this problem? Have you done enough? On the topic of roleplay, I'm really not as passionate as I should be. Back in my former region, Strategos Prime, we had an active roleplay culture, fuelled to a large extent by the activity and creativity of East Ibsenia, Falling Stars, Topsail Empire, and Hockesin. Even Crumstain occasionally joined in on the action. So I know just how beneficial active roleplay can be for a region. But the depressing inactivity in that regard makes it hard to get excited about any of them. Hmm - I did post - *checks* hmmm. ok - I guess not. I was certain I wrote up an application for that... As in, I actually remember writing it and posting it. That's so weird. But yes, commitment is certainly a problem. I'd guess to some extent that when applications never transfer over to actual IC threads doesn't help either. As for recruitment - I believe I have done far more than my share. During my delegacy, our population rose over 70 nations, peaking at or just above 200 nations. I sent manual telegrams [in blocks of eight] to a couple thousand nations, and also started some automatic recruitment while I was on my cycling tour. However, the wide majority of these nations proved inactive - as expected - and have not made a large improvement in regional activity. I don't think that the next delegate will live up to that mark. Only through a dedicated and distributed recruitment program could similar success be reached without the use of telegram stamps. I am of the opinion that continued recruitment is always necessary to a successful future of the region, but no one ever wants to actually be the one to do the recruitment. I did so this term, and was ironically criticized for my efforts, as some nations feared I was bringing in puppets. ![]() Recruitment Efforts Fair enough, I believe that you have done exceedingly well with recruitment and it sets a target that will be hard to reach. I hope that the next WAD will be ready for such a target. As we know, you are coming to the end of your delegacy, as is this interview. Finally, what advice would you give to the nation that replaces you? Advice is always difficult to give, as the responsibilities a WA Delegate needs and the situations they typically face change from term to term. They need to have a clear vision for the future of the region, but be flexible to compromise and be happy to provide for the needs and wills of the common citizen. They must attempt to befriend all, and unify the region once more after each election. But my best advice really does apply to everyone in the region - it's very basic, yet it's rarely followed quite to the level one would hope - that is: to be kind, fair, just, reasonable, and respectful of all. Word what you say carefully, and before posting, pause and consider if that post really helps the situation. Additionally, before the next delegate takes office, I will debrief them and offer last bits of final advice myself, on a more personal note. Thank you very much for all your time and for leading us through such a difficult period. May you be cherished. Links: Join the Regional Council! The Book of Fiji Savalen, Minister for Foreign Affairs Tracian’s Theelings Written by Tracian Empire, Minister of Roleplay Well, apparently I have to write an article for the INWU Newspaper. Although I have no proper idea about what to write, after all, this will be my first article, let's get going. First of all, since I know that everyone is eager to once again have a regional map, I'm proud to announce that the alternative map you have (or haven't) voted for is close to being finished. I have no idea who exactly did it, since as some of you may know I went in a trip abroad over the past few weeks, but it's gorgeous, and, as soon as me and Raventsvo start working on cultural zones, it will be perfect. It's much better than all our previous maps combined. As soon as it's completed, you will all be able to once again make map claims, and create your nation in the INWU the way you want it to be. Everything will be discussed, so as soon as the map is launched, we'll be waiting for you and your ideas, on the regional forum, on the RMB, and on TG's. It's up to us all to make this map into the map we have all been dreaming of. As your wonderful Minister of Roleplay, I'll also use this opportunity to advertise a couple roleplays. I hope you all understand that you'll either join them, or take the first train to Kolyma... umm, anyway, back on the subject. We currently have two really nice nation based, alternative history roleplays on our forum, close for anyone to try them (AT for short, if you ever come across that acronym). The first one is made by myself, set right before the Crusades. You know that Medieval Era state you always dreamed of creating? This is your chance. We will accept anything alternative as long as it can be explained historically, and then, the fun (and the kebab killing), can begin! The second roleplay is made by Hijjma, and is a MT (Modern Technology) Alternative Earth roleplay. Do you like modern tech? Do you like having fun? If so, join it now! ![]() Do you want to join the Medieval Roleplay? As I'm an avid roleplayer, not just any old Minister of Roleplay, the roleplay situation of this region really saddens me... but not all hope is lost! Even if in terms of roleplays, the INWU is the equivalent of the Sahara Desert, there is a nearby place with a lot of.. good stuff. We call it, Portal to the Multiverse, or for short, P2TM. It doesn't matter what you want to do, you'll find a roleplay for you in there. P2TM is the land of all possibilities. And don't be afraid, even if some of the people in that thread aren't exactly.... normal(I've seen some really dark stuff there..). They don't bite at least... I think. If you want to experience roleplay at its fullest, try to take a look at P2TM! Links: Medieval Era RP MT Alternative Earth Roleplay P2TM A Hitchiker's Guide to the IFU Written by our friend, Great Carlistan Unity, Justice, Liberty It started with a dream of a region where nations of all political systems and people with different ideologies could coexist in a cooperative and friendly way. On the 19th of December 2015, the Alaskan Federative Republic founded the International Freedom Union, or IFU, and large-scale recruitment campaigns quickly created an enormous influx in regional growth and activity. Soon, the region engaged in political discussions and countless referenda, becoming the bustling and diverse community in the active process of elections for the second regional government it is today. The path, however, was not always easy. While political theorisation and debate often turned heated, a greater conflict soon erupted on a much larger scale. Sellanis, a far-spanning, mountainous nation, known for increasing civil rights abuses and the rigorous execution of ethnic cleansing campaigns, genocide, fell into anarchy. This sparked an international uproar of extreme dimensions and it was not long before foreign troops landed on Sellani soil. While Savalen and the Empire of Great Carlistan quickly created bridgeheads and set to restoring order, all was not well and tensions grew evermore as more aggressive parties cast their eyes on a land ripe for taking... The ultimate test of unity came later, as tragedy struck in a series of unforeseeable events. In the debate of political reforms, the issue of a direct democracy, dropped around the new year, was once again brought up and, condemning these revolutionary nations, the more conservative chancellor resigned without notice, tearing down a system and a society so painstakingly established over months of hard labour. In this period of confusion, the raider threat, although contained in the past, moved on the IFU en-mass, only deflected by the thankfully active founder. However, this seemed to have pushed the IFU farther over the edge and the region looked ruined. ![]() Alaska looks over the ruins that was his region Waking in the rubble, walking over glass, the region rose like a phoenix, out of the ashes seeking rather than vengeance retribution, in an unbelievable development testimony to the stubbornness and motivation of its members. A new constitution was whipped through a referendum, a new chancellor was elected, a new bill protecting regional borders while reaffirming civil freedoms was passed and a news thread was finally established. The region is flourishing and we thank all our members and allies for their repeated support and undeniably important role in shaping the IFU, for building the foundations of this incredible community. Links: International Freedom Union IFU Forums News Thread Savalen's Notes I hope you've had a great read and join us next month! ❤ Fiji - Assistant Editor Othelos - Assistant Editor, Staff Writer Albiorix - Graphic Designer Savalen - Chief Editor, Staff Writer Tracian Empire - Staff Writer For those of you interested in the upcoming elections - there is the election special. Keep an eye out for that! Has something happened over the past month that you want to write about? Do you think you can make the Newspaper look better? Or do you just want your name here --> Apply now for loads of different positions, we would be happy to have you on board. Is there something wrong? Are you offended in any way? Is there a typo? Do you just want to commend us (yaaaay!)? Make sure to write out all of your complaints in the the correct thread or telegram me, Savalen. Links to other issues: Issue I Original Dispatch Issue II - coming 1st June 2016 Issue I signed off 1st May 2016 Savalen ![]() |
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Drop Your Pants | May 14 2016, 11:10 AM Post #2 |
🐑 Lazarse 🐑
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Sounds like your 2 parties are polar opposites ![]() |
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Altmoras | May 14 2016, 11:15 AM Post #3 |
Former Something
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I agree, it was very good but not many people are going to be bothered to read the whole thing. Or you could break it up into two separate volumes. Edited by Altmoras, May 14 2016, 11:16 AM.
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El Fiji Grande | Jul 27 2016, 12:06 AM Post #4 |
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That's a good idea. I'll forward this to the editor. |
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