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Terrene Telegraph; International Edition #2 | |
Tweet Topic Started: Apr 1 2016, 11:30 PM (67 Views) | |
Apocryphi | Apr 1 2016, 11:30 PM Post #1 |
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Terrene Telegraph; International Edition Welcome to the latest international edition of the Terrene Telegraph, broadcasting to all those forum embassies and consulates we hold around NationStates. We hope you enjoy your reading! Goodbye March On the dawn of Max Barry's latest 'hilarious' April Fool's prank, we turn our backs on March, a month of differing activities and various new ventures of the nations of Terrene, but definitely one of interest. Regional population has doubled over the month despite the recruitment program only being carried out for half of it, due to running costs and government budgets. April has now seen the relaunch however, so numbers are expected to be on the rise very soon. Forum wise the first IC conference has launched under the mighty guidance of Cyprentana, as can be seen in more detail in their own article featured in the regional news. This conference is accompanied with a new bunch of factbooks to tweak the interest of nations, a fully updated and growing regional map and launch of a 'milestones' system which has encouraged activity across the forum, most particularly and expectantly in the games section. Easter, a busy period for many, usually sees activity dwindle across NationStates as leaders all over the world find themselves under assault by the creature known only as 'real life', limiting the time they can commit to their nations and their respective regions. Terrene thankfully has survived the onslaught with many leaders reporting to be in good health and raring to get started on the regional government structure, something that is expected to be clarified this month. Members have enthusiastically been submitting their ideas on the forum as to what their vision of Terrene is, from a region where everybody is a part of the government to one where only chaos rains and people regularly flee in terror from Bureacrabeasts. It is still undecided, but the Founder is sure common sense will prevail over fire breathing politicians. In other news, the Church of Satan has kindly donated forum emoticons to Terrene in the hope that they will bring the region good luck and prosperity in the future, well, in not so many words. The emoticons will be lifted over from TRR in good time to allow our nations to truly express their anger and dismay at the future government to be. We thank the Church of Satan and can only take this as an omen of good relations between Terrene and TCS in the future. Terrene has received a big number of new nations willing to get involved who seem to truly care about the region and its future. These nations are thanked by the Founder and Delegate, and whilst helping decide the future of Terrene, are existing proof of the future themselves. Afterall, a region is not about the numbers it holds, but the community that is maintained within it, that is the secret to a happy region, a region that is now known as Terrene. We hope you enjoy reading up about Terrene, have a nice day! Spoiler: click to toggle A New Republic Arrived in Terrene - Varseille Through ultimate struggle and warfare with and through the Nikoloan Duchy to the south, the Varcilians have finally come out of the dust and established an independent republic. As one of the sister nations of [nation]Ebsotz[/nation], Varseille recently is finding to establish a capital city. Paris or Toulouse are the two best candidates for the Varcilian capital. The new capital's name is either going to be Lamoire or Altaloire, depending on an upcoming referendum. Vacilians pride from the rich Corsican, French, and Italian history the country holds. The people expect a bright future. Vive la république! Spoiler: click to toggle Terrene Consulates and Embassies open up around the world From the tropical archipelago of Europeia to Bowerstone Market of Albion, embassies and Consulates of Terrene have been opening up to spread news of the region across the universe(s). Receiving friendly greetings in every region of which a request was lodged, the Founder has reported a great success in our foreign relations development, most notably with the regions of Equinox and Lazarus already processing in-game embassies. Terrene has not yet reached its first month anniversary, yet boasts an ongoing recruitment and embassy programme, customized off-site forum, original regional map and chance to voice your opinion, among many other things. Recently a discussion was opened up on the future governance of Terrene, currently under full-control of Founder Apocryphi. It is expected that once a fully detailed and conclusive debate has been held, power will be handed over to an elected regime. Founder Apocryphi currently holds an open door for any embassy requests that come to Terrene, believing this reinforces the regions position within the NationStates world, choosing to recognize in-game embassies as a vital step towards good relations to some. Despite this, the Founder will most probably maintain all already-established forum embassy contacts and international news broadcasting as he believes good gameplay relations are essential to any region, whatever stand it may take or whichever orientation it may have. Terrene is spreading its wings preparing to soar across the skies of NationStates. Many thanks for reading, this is Sasha signing off for Terrene International News. First Regional Summit That's right, the first ever regional summit has been arranged by the government of Cyprentana to take place within the city with leaders from all over Terrene invited to the seemingly prestigious event. It appears only some leaders however are planning on taking the trip, as the government of Cyprentana has refused passage for comfortable levels of security to the state throughout the events being held. This reporter understands that a high ranking security official of Apocryphi denounced the restrictions in place as "disrespectful when Cyprentana is currently a mystery to us). The leaders of Terrene have not had a chance to interact before, making those more paranoid leaders somewhat concerned of the hosts intentions. However. The event is expected to be a fantastic display of Cypretana's culture and the first step towards international friendship and cooperation between the states of the continent. To quote the invitation of which was addressed to all leaders of nations within the region; "In honour of the founding of the region, Chairman Michael Grandfield, leader of the City-State of Cyprentana, humbly requests your presence at Radcliffe Park in celebration of regional unity. As part of the festivities, members of each delegation will be honoured with a state dinner, times to host treaty talks, and get to experience the world-class nightlife Cyprentana has to offer. The summit will take place over two days and will also include a tour of the Biosphere Organization, a public-private partnership that feautures cutting edge biological and agricultural technology." As it stands, 4 nations are attending with 3 having accepted within 24 hours of the invite, with some more expected responses soon. These nations are as follows; Cyprentana (host), Svaebondir, Arthralia (pending security survey) and Apocryphi. Surely it will be a sight to behold for all leaders to recount, lets hope it all goes as planned. This is Sasha Amenko reporting for Terrene International news, thank you for reading. |
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