Ghost of Kitties Past
- Posts:
- 2,157
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- #174
- Joined:
- Jul 2, 2015
- Alignment
- Chaotic Neutral
- Realm
- The Nimbus Vale
- Realm Position
- Lord Protector
- Nation in Lazarus
- New Rogernomics
- Discord
- NewRogernomics#9755
Important Notice: Due to Theme changes, this will be going out of date. A new version of this will come out this month.
Lazarus is what is known in Nationstates as a 'sinker' region, where nations are reborn and begin their time in Nationstates anew.
But our region is much more than that, with our own unique government, regional theme and way of doing things - with plenty of activities, including spam, to keep our members entertained.
Feel free to read through this Guide to learn about the region of Lazarus, and how you can participate. 1. Etymology of Lazarus 2. Government of the Republic 3. Things to do in Lazarus 4. Applying for Citizenship 5. Basics of Nationstates 6. Jobs & Employment 7. Lazarene Liberation Army 8. Questions & Feedback
1. Etymology of Lazarus
The name Lazarus comes from the Bible passage where Lazarus is raised from the dead.
- John 11
- King James Version (KJV)
43 And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth. 44 And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with graveclothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them, Loose him, and let him go. When nations cease to exist, they are stored in the game until they are revived again, and Lazarus is one of the three regions where this revival takes place.
2. Government of the Republic
The government of the Humane Republic of Lazarus consists of:
- The Executive Branch which is made up of Executive Officers, and is headed by the Sovereign (Delegate).
- The Legislative Branch made of the Citizens of Lazarus, and administered by the Director of Ceremonies (Speaker of the Assembly).
- The Judicial Branch headed by a Grand Judge, and consists of elected Court Officials.
- The Lazarene Liberation Army made up of Army Guards (Enlisted Personnel), and headed by the Grand Commandant of Army.
- The Grand Advisors who endorse the Sovereign (Delegate) in the World Assembly.
The Elected Officials of the Republic:
- The Executive Branch
- The Sovereign (Delegate): TBA
- The Grandee Secretary (Vice-Delegate): Andrew
- The Legislature
- Director of Ceremonies (Speaker of the Assembly) : Altmoras
- Deputy Director of Ceremonies (Deputy-Speaker: Saeturn Valerius Liberalis
- The Executive Officers
- Minister Steward (Minister of the Interior): Yuno
- Minister Herald (Minister of Foreign Affairs): Amerion
- The Grand Commandant of the Army (Head of the LLA): TBA
- The Judicial Branch
- The Grand Court (Court Officials): Loftgen, The Church of Satan
- The Grand Judge (Head of the Court):Constie
3. Things to do in Lazarus
Now that you are in Lazarus you are thinking about what there is to do, and what activities there are to get involved in.
A. You can participate in our regional government by:
- Getting citizenship in Lazarus by completing an application form on the Lazarus forum, which is discussed in section after this one.
- Joining the World Assembly, which is discussed in the 'Basics of Nationstates' and the 'Lazarene Liberation Army'.
- Enlisting in the Lazarene Liberation Army to help defend Lazarus, and also help protect other regions from raids or invasions.
- Voting on legislation (or laws) in the Grand Assembly of Lazarus, as well as proposing them.
- Getting involved in the politics of the region by voting in regional elections, or by standing as a candidate for a position that is on offer.
- Helping out elected officials, in order to make Lazarus a more fun place to be.
B. You can join in on the spam games down in Spamtopia, and increase your post count at the same time, or just relax and talk about anything down in Canary Wharf, which is an Out of Character (OOC) forum.
C. You can Contribute an article to the Lazarene Gazette, which is the Regional Newspaper of Lazarus, you can also join the Gazette staff as well, all through an application in this topic/thread.
D. Talk to other region members or game-players on our regional IRC Channel #lazarus, or in our Lazerene Skype Group if you aren't a fan of using IRC channels. We also have a Lazarus forum-based Chatroom if either of those options don't interest you.
E. Ask questions of other game-players if you are new at the game, follow the regional news in the Gazette or in the main Nationstates forum, or even create your own fun and get others to join in.
F. If you're here from another region, and would like represent your region within Lazarus then you can apply for Diplomatic Status or a Visa. You can also make an application for an Embassy in the 'Embassy Applications' topic.
4. Applying for Citizenship
If you are ready to participate in the region more than just on the Regional Message Board, then it might be time for you to consider applying for citizenship.
Some good reasons for applying:
- You can vote in forum-based elections to elect the Sovereign/Delegate and the regional government.
- You can vote on laws, treaties, and regional appointments in The Grand Assembly.
- You can join the Lazarene Liberation Army to protect Lazarus, and defend other regions.
- You can participate in the regional government, and/or stand for election for a position in it.
- You can apply to become a Grand Advisor and receive more endorsements.
- You can join the Lazarene Gazette as a full-contributor.
- You can join in on forum-based activities, and have a good time posting and spamming on our forum - if all the above isn't appealing already.
What do I need to do to become a citizen?
The first thing you need is a nation in [region]Lazarus[/region], which is the main requirement of Citizenship.
Once you have decided on a nation you would like to keep in [region]Lazarus[/region], then you need to:
1. Make an account on our regional forum, which will ask you to supply an email address, account name, birth-date, and password in order to register.
2. Make a citizenship application in this thread/topic, which will ask you to state the name of your nation in Lazarus, and your past Nationstates history (if any) in the game.
What do I need to do to keep my citizenship?
Once you have citizenship it is pretty easy to keep, so long as you keep a nation in the region, and tell us when the nation you have in the region changes.
If you don't tell us, and your nation Ceases to Exist (or CTE's) or you no longer have a nation in [region]Lazarus[/region], then your citizenship will be removed until you reapply with a nation that resides in [region]Lazarus[/region].
The keeping a nation in [region]Lazarus[/region] requirement may be wavered however, if you are in the Lazarene Liberation Army (LLA) on active duty.
5. Basics of Nationstates
If you would like a more comprehensive guide to the game click here, as this just shows some basics.
The World Assembly
One of the first things you might consider doing is joining the World Assembly, as it allows your nation to:
- [*[Vote for General Assembly or Security Council Resolutions.
- Run for World Assembly Delegate in a region.
- Participate in Defenses of Regions against Raiders by endorsing the Defender WA Delegate within a region.
- Participate in Raids against regions by endorsing a Raider WA Delegate within in a region.
- Propose General Assembly Resolutions (read the Rules & General advice here).
- Propose Security Council Resolutions (read the Rules for SC Proposals here):
How can I join the World Assembly?
You should notice the World Assembly link on the Nationstates Control Panel of your nation, which takes you to a page that looks something like this:

At the top of the World Assembly page is the option to Apply to Join the World Assembly, or if you have already joined to resign from the World Assembly:

Before joining the World Assembly you must make sure that you have added an Email address to your Nation account:

Once you click ‘Apply to Join’, you should receive an email within 24 hours, once you receive this email you can click within the email to confirm your WA membership.
Another activity you can do in the game is to answer your nation issues, which will allow you to change the Civil Rights, Economic freedoms, and Political Freedoms in your nation, in addition to what you decided when you first founded your nation.
What are Issues?
Issues are events that your nation has to decide to do about - or dismiss (ignore).
Each issue usually shows different views of petitioners within your nation:
Usually they represent people or groups that want to neglect or improve upon aspects of your nation’s economy – but they can also involve restricting or expanding the civil rights or political freedoms of your nation as a whole i.e. establishing a dictatorship vs establishing a liberal democracy.
How many issues can I have each day?
- No throttle.
- 12 hours between issues.
- 24 hours between issues.
- 48 hours between issues.
What happens when I answer issues?
When you answer issues, they change your rankings in global categories.
A. They change how your nation ranks in Civil Rights, Political freedoms, and Economic freedoms.
Here are some government categories that can result from how your issues are answered.
 Here's an example of what you might see when your government category is changed.
B. They change your global rankings in regards to culture, nudity and so on.
This shows how recent issues have impacted a nation.
6. Jobs & Employment
Lazarus has several different types of jobs on offer, all with varying degrees of skill required to do them.
With our regional government there are opportunities to become Deputy Ministers, and help out people in positions of authority, if you are looking to get into the politics of the region, without necessarily having to be elected to do so, then you can apply right here.
But if you are wanting to go straight into things, then here is a quick run-down of what is on offer.
Here is a full list of elected government positions and possible political appointments:
• Executive: The Sovereign (Delegate & Head of State) aka the Son/Daughter of Fènghuáng.
Click to View: Job Description Powers: As the head of State and Delegate of Lazarus, the Sovereign nominates executive officers, can veto bills and treaties put up for vote, and can veto citizenship applications if need be,
Job Requirements: Must be available to consult and work with the executive officers of the region, and otherwise administrate and supervise the region, as well as maintain regional security through the Regional Administration panel.
Length of Term: 3 months, but cannot hold office for more than two consecutive terms. • Executive: The Grandee Secretary (Vice-Delegate)
Click to View: Job Description Powers: When the Sovereign is away, or in a worst case scenario is unable to continue in office, The Grandee Secretary’s role is to take over – in some cases till a new election can be held.
Job Requirements: Must be available to consult and work with the Sovereign, and the executive officers of the region, and otherwise administrate and supervise the region, as well as help maintain regional security in times of crisis through the Regional Administration panel (if the Sovereign is unable to do so).
Length of Term: 3 months • World Assembly: Grand Advisor (Endorse the Delegate)
Click to View: Job Description Powers: Is allowed to have more than the normal amount of endorsements for residents or citizens, for the purposes of regional security.
Job Requirements: Must accrue endorsements to support regional security, and must be prepared to temporarily succeed The Grandee Secretary, in the political line of succession.
Length of Term: Re-confirmed every 3 months. • Judiciary: Court Official of The Grand Court
Click to View: Job Description Powers: Helps administer The Grand Court of Lazarus, and appoints The Grand Judge through a simple majority vote amongst the other Court Officials.
Job Requirements: Must be able to help prepare trials (or legal cases), provide opinion on legal matters, and provide advice on the constitution if it is necessary.
Length of Term: Re-confirmed every 3 months. • Judiciary: The Grand Judge (Head of The Grand Court)
Click to View: Job Description Powers: Oversees the functions of The Grand Court, and the other Court Officials.
Job Requirements: Must be able to oversee trials (or legal cases), as well as provide opinion on legal matters, and provide advice on the constitution if it is necessary.
Length of Term: Re-confirmed every 3 months, but a vote on The Grand Judge is only required if requested by one of the other Court Officials. • Executive Officer/Legislature: Director of Ceremonies (Speaker of the Assembly)
Click to View: Job Description Powers: Oversees the functions of The Grand Assembly, brings legislation to vote, and administers elections.
Job Requirements: Must be able to bring legislation to vote and help organize legislation that passes or fails, as well as run the regional forum-based elections when necessary.
Length of Term: 3 months. • Administration/Legislature: Deputy Director of Ceremonies (Deputy Speaker of the Assembly)
Click to View: Job Description Powers: Oversees the functions of The Grand Assembly with the Director of Ceremonies, brings legislation to vote, and administers elections.
Job Requirements: Must be able to bring legislation to vote and help organize legislation that passes or fails, as well as run the regional forum-based elections when necessary. If the Director of Ceremonies is absent the Deputy Director of Ceremonies takes over.
Length of Term: N/A • Executive Officer: Minister Herald (Minister of the Foreign Affairs)
Click to View: Job Description Powers: Organizes the embassies, ambassadors and overall Foreign Policy as directed by the Sovereign and the The Grand Assembly.
Job Requirements: Must be able to appoint ambassadors, maintain the embassies of Lazarus in the region and abroad, and organize the foreign policy of Lazarus (such as discussing treaties with other regions).
Length of Term: 3 months. • Administration: Ambassador (Represents the region)
Click to View: Job Description Powers: Organizes embassies and is allowed to negotiate with other regions, and otherwise supports the Foreign Policy of Lazarus abroad.
Job Requirements: Must be able to be discreet if necessary, discuss with other regions, and be able to update regions each month with the Lazarene Gazette and/or communicate necessary information as directed by the Minister Herald.
Length of Term: N/A • Executive Officer: Minister Steward (Minister of the Interior)
Click to View: Job Description Powers: Organizes the regional activities of Lazarus, oversees the Lazarene Gazette, and in general supports the internal affairs of Lazarus.
Job Requirements: Must be able to organize regional and inter-regional events, oversee the operation of the Lazarene Gazette, and work with the government of Lazarus to keep things active and entertaining.
Length of Term: 3 months. • Lazarene Liberation Army: The Grand Commandant
Click to View: Job Description Powers: Appointed by the Sovereign (Delegate) of Lazarus to maintain and administrate the Lazarene Liberation Army.
Job Requirements: Must have some grounding in the military operations, and preferably is a former or current enlisted officer of the Lazarene Liberation Army or another military organization.
Length of Term: 3 months. We are also looking for writers and editors for our regional newspaper the Lazarene Gazette, so if you are interested, you should give it a shot, and here’s the application thread so you can be a legit contributor.
IF you are more into action rather than words, and would be interested in defending this region and others around Nationstates rather than dabbling with the politics of this and other regions, then the Lazarene Liberation Army described in the next section might be the right place for you.
7. Lazarene Liberation Army
The Lazarene Liberation Army is the sole military organization of Lazarus, and is tasked with defending Lazarus and its interests, as well as helping defend other regions from attack.
Here’s something from the LLA to explain why the LLA should be for you:
- Join the Lazarus Liberation Army!
I urge you to join the LLA for the good of nations everywhere. We frequently urge you to join the army "for good" and other vague reasons like that, but I want to clarify exactly why you should join the LLA.
The LLA is a defender military. We go around fighting invaders and helping innocent nations and regions from being plundered by raiders. Raiders serve to bring others down and break regions and communities for their own personal fun. It's even a stated goal of most of them.
Our goal as the LLA is to try to do a few things to counter this bullying from occurring. We chase after the raiders and prevent them from taking over regions, we fight via endorsements to take regions back that are occupied by raiders and give them back to the natives who make up that region's community, and we coast from region to region and remove the graffiti on the RMB and World Factbook Entry that raiders leave behind when they smash up a region.
In order to do this, we need a lot of help. We're always working together with our allies and defender friends to obstruct raiders from crashing regions, and I would really love for all of you to be a part of it. If you do decide to join the military, you will meet a lot of great people and will be helping to do a good thing for everyone.
I really hope you all do decide to join the Lazarus Liberation Army. Every single person matters and I personally as well as many other defenders reinforce that ideal: that we're all equal comrades moving toward the goal of stopping raiders. I can't stress enough that defending is a great experience that gives an entire new depth to the game.
Come check it out. Also for those interested, here’s the breakdown of how the Lazarene Liberation Army (or LLA) operates:
- The Lazarene Liberation Army has two ranks, the Commandants of Guards and enlisted personnel (Army Guards).
- This is followed by the Grand Commandant who was discussed earlier in the last section, who is appointed by the Sovereign to lead The Lazarene Liberation Army.
- When you join the LLA you are allowed to serve in foreign militaries of other regions or organizations, so long as they are not currently in a state of war against Lazarus.
- However, you must be a citizen of Lazarus to be a member of the Lazarene Liberation Army, which is easily done by either keeping a non-WA (or puppet) nation within the Lazarus region or keeping in active duty with the LLA.
- In times of war, those enlisted in the Lazarene Liberation Army may be required to occupy other regions and territories.
- Raiding outside of Warzone regions or in regions not in a state of war with Lazarus is off-limits in times of war or peace, as the Lazarene Liberation Army is essentially a defender military organization.
If that is okay with you, then you should consider making an application in this thread so you can begin your career in the Lazarene Liberation army right away.
8. Questions & Feedback
Update Log: 5/5/2016: Updated information on issues.
| 5/6/2016: Updated the Elected Officials section with current Officials. |