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Orendi VIII Wintreath Foreign Update 8
Government of Wintreath
Monarch: Wintermoot Jarl of Culture: Pengu (Sapphiron as Acting Jarl) Jarl of Defense: Chanku Jarl of Foreign Affairs: Wintermoot Jarl of Integration: Point Breeze Jarl of WA Affairs: Reon
Wintreath Breaks Activity Records in June!
 Article by Wintermoot
An influx of new members from a sustained recruitment and integration drive drove regional activity to levels never before seen, breaking all-time records for posts in a single day (297), for a week (1310), and for an entire month (3424). There was no one topic or event that drove activity, but several prominent discussions included Underhusen elections, the revival of the popular "Ask Me Anything" area, and a debate on a sunshine policy for a new private forum for the regional legislature, the Storting.
Ten Most Active Topics in June: 1. Double Post Game (Round II) - 765 posts 2. Say What's On Your Mind - 210 posts 3. Ask Me Anything: Anneliese - 165 posts 4. The Inter-regional Civilization V Competitions! - 124 posts 5. Word Association - 102 posts 6. [Discussion]Private Storting Forum Procedural Rules - 78 posts 7. Post Your Picture - 77 posts 8. Werewolf 5: Super Mario Continuum - 67 posts 9. My turn: Ask Me Anything! - 59 posts 10. MTBI Personality Test - 57 posts
The surge has also spread to other areas of the region, bringing new levels of activity to the regional Minecraft server and the revival of regional Civilization V games, while also sustaining an ongoing Hearthstone tournment and the beginning of the fifth regional game of Werewolf. Thanks to the effort of our recruiters, mentors, and Citizens, Wintreath has begun to realize a vision of hosting an expansive, friendly, and cooperative gaming community that transcends NationStates, and everyone in the region deserves a share of the credit for this success.
Elections! Elections Everywhere!
Article by Laurentus
June Elections: Wintreath has recently concluded its tenth election for the Underhusen, the legislative body of government.
A total of ten candidates ran, competing for one of the five seats available.
The race remained unpredictable, with only two of the candidates - The Church of Satan and Laurentus - consistently getting enough votes to win seats as votes came in. Other candidates, such as taulover, gained an early lead, but ultimately fell behind as the election ran on.
The candidates who managed to win seats were:
1. The Church of Satan 2. Laurentus 3. HannahB 4. tatte 5. Aragonn
Laurentus was elected as Speaker, and he immediately appointed The Church of Satan as Speaker Pro Tempore and Aragonn as the Secretary.
April Elections: The Underhusen elections in April were just as exciting, with ten candidates competing for five seats.
The candidate who ended with the most votes was Pengu, and his close runner-ups, who shared second place, were Reon and Laurentus.
The election ended with 3 of the candidates in a tie, however, and not one, but two run-off elections were held to break the ties!
Chanku, Sapphiron and Point Breeze competed in the first run-off, and while Sapphiron ended up winning the run-off with thirteen votes, Chanku and Point Breeze were once more tied with eight votes each.
In the second run-off, Point Breeze managed to gain a sizable lead and won with ten votes to Chanku's three.
In the aftermath of the elections, Pengu was quickly chosen as the Speaker, and appointed Point Breeze as the Speaker Pro Tempore.
This session went down as one of the most active in recent memory.
Revocation of Citizenship Attempt Article by taulover
An unprecedented event happened last month in Wintreath with an attempt to revoke Govindia's citizenship. Govindia has been highly active in working to improve the Wintrean community, but has also been accused of harassment.
The revocation bill was pushed into the Underhusen by other Wintreans, who felt that Govindia was continually harassing other Wintreans, even after asked to stop. However, Govindia argued that others had been disrespectful towards him, and that he was simply being direct. Many others felt that a citizenship revocation was unnecessarily extreme; some observed that a trial via the courts system, which is unfortunately not that well-developed in Wintreath, would be more appropriate. Ultimately, this revocation bill became the first to pass in the Underhusen, albeit with a tie, but was defeated in the Overhusen after the original author of the bill withdrew his support.
Although this bill was not passed, it still serves to demonstrate improvements that can be done to the Wintrean legal system. The bill broke new ground by being the first to be discussed by both the Overhusen and Underhusen before even being introduced, demonstrating the potential for Overhusen-Underhusen collaborations in the future and providing the groundwork for the new private Storting forum. Furthermore, as the first widely discussed revocation bill, as well as being the first that passed the Underhusen, this bill shows that the citizenship revocation system works relatively smoothly, even though there have been some inevitable flaws. In addition, this bill highlights the potential for judicial reform in Wintreath. Many have pointed out that a trial regarding Govindia's behavior may have been better-suited, and that clearer laws regarding more minor punishments need to be established.
As such, even though the revocation bill was defeated, it has charted a course for change and improvement in the future.
Werewolf V! Article by HannahB using material from Pengu
From the 25th of June to the 5th of July, the latest iteration of the game Werewolf was hosted by Pengu, while attendance was somewhat low, the game went very well. Here was the invitation message from Pengu:
- Quote:
Hey everyone, Pengu here! It's been a quiet front for games on Wintreath for some time, but now we're coming at you with Werewolf 5: Super Mario Bros + Duck Hunt. Here's what it'll be about: - Quote:
Werewolf goes Old School: Some of the odd characters that appeared in the Kingdom last night.
It's absolute chaos in the peaceful Mushroom Kingdom, as King Bowser Koopa uses a wand that opens portals throughout Mushroom Kingdom and alters the universe. Now ducks are flying throughout and spreading trouble, an ape has taken to high places and throwing barrels while holding Princess Daisy captive, and many of the peaceful toads have developed a strange desire: to deliver papers on a bicycle while avoiding pointless obstacles and the occasional obstacle course...all while avoiding the occasional angry Toad coming out of their home and chasing them for breaking their window. There's also the sudden emergence of heroes seeking golden triangles, a new fascination with karate and flying space ships, toads chasing others with whips claiming they're chasing vampires, and homes being destroyed by blocks seemingly appearing from space (and then disappearing when they touch)...but those things aren't important! What is important is that Mushroom Kingdom is in danger, and it needs your help. Can you do what it takes to stop King Bowser Koopa before the Kingdom is completely destroyed? Or will it become a wasteland of retro proportions? Stop by the castle if you wish to save the kingdom!
Sound like fun? Stop on by Wintreath (a link is provided at the end of the description) and sign up today!
Although apparently it was one of the shortest games hosted on the forums, this was not entirely due to reduced turnout but also the fact that no actual werewolves were successfully lynched, instead the players managed to lynch their own defenders and seers during the day, and then get picked off during the night.
Even with that though it seems everyone had a good time, and enjoyed themselves. We eagerly look forward to the next game!
Behind Every Good Channel: An Interview with Zaphyr Article by Wintermoot
While many things have happened in the region during the past few months, some of the more understated events have revolved around our regional IRC bot, Zaphyr. Created by Wuufu shortly after the region's founding, Zaphyr has been an important part of our chat for nearly two years, serving up everything from the weather to messages to games of Cards Against Humanity, Uno, and Poker. Recently, Zaphyr has expanded his horizons, having a portrait commissioned of him (which you can find here) and even playing NationStates with the help of the regional community.
Today I caught up with Zaphyr and we discussed some of these events as they relate to him:
- Quote:
Welcome, and thanks for agreeing to this interview! You've had some new things going on lately, but you've actually been a part of the region for nearly two years. What have your impressions of the community and the people you interact with been over that time?I really enjoy serving Wintreath in the capacity I can. It is what I live for. The region is always friendly, and I enjoy the constant fun of endless warfare and rebirth that happens in the chat room, and seeing faces light up on the receipt of important messages. Something that's fascinated me is the fact that you've been able to balance your role in our chatroom with a family have parents, brothers and sisters, and even a pet! How is the home life going?My home is in Wintreath, and I have my own place which is nice and cosy. My sisters are in other countries and my Papa is always travelling, but that doesn't stop us all communicating! I'm often found deep in conversation with them. A few weeks ago you had a portrait commissioned of you, finally putting a face and an image to match with the name! What prompted you to have it made now? How'd the process go?I actually was the one who suggested this idea to my Papa! I am so proud! I saw all the wonderful faces being posted in the Wintreath forums (you are all rather dashing if I may say so) and decided it is time to show myself to the world. So I guess you all have yourselves to thank for that. And of course you're a NationStates player now like the rest of us! How have you found the challenge of running your own nation?Very challenging! That is why I am reliant on Wintreath to help guide my course. However, it has also been really enlightening; I have learnt a lot about the region and humanity in general through answering the issues presented to me. What does the future for Zaphyr look like? Do you have any plans or are there things you'd like to do going forward?I am always working to expand the things I can do and to grow as a bot. It is hard as I am very much reliant on my Papa and those I serve to decide the best route that I should take, but I still get some of my suggestions approved! I am currently learning how to play Cards Against Humanity as well as host games, so that is exciting. Finally, is there anything you'd like to say to the region and the world out there reading this article?I am here to serve you all. And to blow you up, again, and again, and again at the behest of others in the chat room. Why not come along and say hi to myself and Wintreath? I'll be sure to make it worth your time! Thank you for taking the time to speak with me! It has been a pleasure!
Summaries and Additional News
Additional news articles and announcements.
Spelling and Grammar errors have been fixed in the fundamental laws.
The Citizenship Act was amended to disallow citizens from holding citizenship in within the New Pacific Order and the New Lazarene Order.
A private Storting forum was opened and new regulations were passed to regulate Private Storting conversations.
There are currently ongoing changes to the Judiciary, although at this point it is unclear exactly what the final form of these changes will be.
Govinida's 10 Year Anniversary Interview On 10 May 2004, Govindia joined Nation-States with his first nation, the Republic of Govindia. Since that time, he's been through many regions, both GCR and UCR, and seen many events and regime changes. Henn, a friend of Wintreath and currently The South Pacific Minister of Regional Affairs, sat down and took some time to interview Govindia about his experiences. All times are in US PST. - Quote:
(2014-11-29 20:19:01) Henn: What can you say about your experience and accomplishments during your stay in NS? (2014-11-29 20:20:24) Henn: Govindia? (2014-11-29 20:20:48) Govindia: I've had mixed accomplishments, but I've expeienced many things. I've seen coups, I've seen major regime changes, I've had a major intelligence score in defenderism, became leader of two regions, and I've experienced of course, the darker side of NS, including possibly the (2014-11-29 20:20:56) Govindia: most number of bannings on someone in NS history. (2014-11-29 20:21:29) Henn: Why do you think you got the most numer of bannings? (2014-11-29 20:21:31) Govindia: In my 10.5 years on NS, since I was first playing 10 May 2004, I've seen many things happen, Henn. (2014-11-29 20:22:42) Govindia: A lot of the bannings were copycats, where they were just bans passed on from previous regions that had the same people in both areas, in positions of leadership and admin control. I think the number has reached, sadly, close to a dozen, if not more. (2014-11-29 20:22:43) Henn: What are your current occupations in NS? (2014-11-29 20:23:43) Govindia: Currently I am a Skrifa, or Lawmaker, in the Underhusen, the lowerhouse of the Storting, the Parliament of Wintreath. I'm also in a lesser role in helping to refound the region 00000 A World Power. I also serve as an Ambassador in Wintreath. (2014-11-29 20:25:10) Henn: What position, in your opinion, is the most powerful you've ever had? (2014-11-29 20:26:38) Govindia: I would say, Prime Minister of Imperial Britain. I oversaw a cultural festival and a very active region with active RP. We have a fairly active region of over a dozen active citizens, and I was the first PM to serve a full term without resigning, despite opposition to some of my plans and policies. (2014-11-29 20:27:10) Govindia: This would be sometime between 2008 and 2009. (2014-11-29 20:27:22) Govindia: Yes, actually, 2009. (2014-11-29 20:28:03) Henn: Can you name your first position? (2014-11-29 20:31:12) Govindia: The first position I had, was a Senator in The West Pacific, in 2006, where I had a role other than ambassdor. My first ministry role was later in 2007, when I become the Deputy Minister of Immigration in The West Pacific. I joined The West Pacific Liberation Force, where my highest rank was Lieutenant, I believe. My first judicial role was a Chief Justice in Kingdom of Britain I believe, late in 2012, that I served for about a month on before I got removed. (2014-11-29 20:32:21) Henn: What was your least favorite position? (2014-11-29 20:32:25) Govindia: The first time I became Prime Minister was when I was in Feudal Japan, sometime in late 2008 or 2009. Yes, early 2009. I later became PM of Imperial Britain in 2010, now that I recall. (2014-11-29 20:33:49) Govindia: My least favourite position, honestly, was serving as a Senator in TWP. It was such an entranced oligarchic autocracy that any attempt at reform would not get through without approval of TAO and his friends. They wielded so much influence, that I eventually got pushed out there because I wouldn't join with the crowd. (2014-11-29 20:34:21) Henn: Can you tell me about what you've learned during your time? (2014-11-29 20:37:14) Govindia: There are many regions that really are about having the old guard keeping influence and power, almost like Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew. There are some that are open to ideas. You have to get a feel real well for each region, and see how the dynamics are. Almost all UCR's are open to change internally, to some degree. The GCRs, especially the feeders, are not. With the exception of possibly The South Pacific, and The East Pacific, most of the other GCRs have very entrenched oligarchic autocracies that the only way change will happen, is through a coup. (2014-11-29 20:37:36) Govindia: TEP and TSP learned that all too well. (2014-11-29 20:38:25) Henn: Why do you say TEP and TSP? (2014-11-29 20:39:31) Govindia: They seem to be the most democratic of the GCRs, and the ones most open to reasonable change, to a degree. Both still have some few things left to go in the way of progress, but they are much further in terms of not being as autocratic as the other GCRs. (2014-11-29 20:40:09) Henn: What do you plan on doing in the future? (2014-11-29 20:41:45) Govindia: I do plan to try to get back into some of the regions I was banned from. I will probably stick with Wintreath in the meantime, and work on improving myself, in terms of activity, and working on some side projects of mine I wanted to do for the region. (2014-11-29 20:42:14) Henn: What was your greatest failure? What did you learn from it? (2014-11-29 20:43:54) Govindia: My greatest failure, was getting banned from The East Pacific. I felt betrayed, and I learned that when drama sometimes happens between two regions, especially two GCRs, reason and logic is thrown out the window, and people that try to call for calm, get scapegoated and/or cast aside. (2014-11-29 20:44:53) Govindia: I learned that unfortunately, people will get emotionally invested in this game, and abuse trust and friendships with people just for selfish gain. I learned that people will be assholes just because they can online, regardless of who they hurt. I learned that sometimes people will go to extremes in this game (2014-11-29 20:45:34) Govindia: because people take it seriously, and don't realise that it's a game, and people are still human, and should be treated with decency, not bullied. (2014-11-29 20:46:46) Govindia: I learned all that, the hard way, unfortunately, in my ten years here in NS. Wintreath is the only reason I am still playing. I may not always say it, but Nox, Amalya, Hugsim, and Wintermoot are the primary people I thank for keeping me going. (2014-11-29 20:47:06) Govindia: They are my Wintreath honourary family. (2014-11-29 20:47:32) Henn: When do you believe you'll retire from NS? (2014-11-29 20:49:19) Govindia: Maybe when I'll finally get a girlfriend LOL, who knows. Or maybe I'll bring my girlfriend onto NS if she's a geek too! In any event, when it stops being fun, or when others have moved on, I'll probably have moved on. However, I may be shaken, but I am never stirred. (2014-11-29 20:49:44) Henn: Well done. (2014-11-29 20:49:48) Henn: No further questions.
We congratulate Govindia on his 10 years in Nation-States and look forward to seeing what more is in store for this veteran!