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Equinox Quick Telegram | |
Tweet Topic Started: Jun 23 2015, 07:33 PM (275 Views) | |
Asylum | Jun 23 2015, 07:33 PM Post #1 |
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![]() June 23rd, 2015 | Issue #2 Current Regional Population: 434 (+15) | Current Delegate Endorsements: 108 (-8) Forum Posts: 238,524 (+2,986) | Forum Members: 913 (+17) Chancellor: Asylum Founder: Falconias Secretary of Engagement: approximate psychosis Secretary of Equinomics: yumyum36 Secretary of Lifestyle: Ceapoyce Speaker of the Senate: To Be Elected Guild Senators: The Aurors Senator | The Equinox Avengers Senator | Supreme Leader| Captian Mordor | RGarrettGamer | Scooby Gang Senator | Suicide Squad Senator World Assembly Delegate: Asylum QUICK NEWS: --Chancellor Asylum raised the guild requirements to have 3 Active Members, putting The Lords Guild & Industrialists on official warning of closure. At the last second, the Industrialist's leader; Supreme Leader returned and approved a pending member saving it from closure. Sadly, the historical Lords Guild was closed. --Using recently returned Falconias' idea, Chancellor Asylum introduced a Probationary Period for new Guilds. Any guild can be created with just 1 member, and they must have 3 members by the end of a 14 day period. As such 3 new guilds were created. The Aurors, based off the Harry Potter universe. The Equinox Avengers, based off the Marvel characters. And lastly the Suicide Squad, based off the DC Comics characters. Each guild has until June 30th to gain the needed requirement of members. --Historically speaking Equinox has not been one to Role Play, however under the guidance of Secretary of Lifestyle Ceapoyce, Role Play is slowly becoming a common activity in Equinox. Currently a war wages over an assassination, and a text adventure has kept popular, as well as the month of June's themed role play of Steampunk! --Contests have been a mainstay as well. A Photo Caption contest was held and the winner received Steam's Weekly Bundle, and a nice chunk of Equins (Equinomics currency), as well as residents could participate in an Emoticontest for new emoticons on the boards! --The Senate had a bit of activity has The Mafia's appointed Senator, RGarrettGamer lead the charge with 3 separate proposals about Amending the Electoral Guild College periods, to the Impeachment process. Chancellor Asylum also proposed the Arnhlem Treaty for the Senate's consideration. All proposals were met with a general approval of the Senate and were awaiting processing by the Speaker to be voted upon. --Speaker of the Senate Hospitlar was forced to resign his position, to focus on his Guild of Doom, which brought about an emergency holding of the Guild Electoral College. With the polls opening on June 24th and closing on June 26th the new Speaker will be tasked with calling for votes on 4 different proposals. --The Admin Team recently re-hauled the forum making it smaller and easier to navigate by eliminating unnecessary sub-forums and re-sizing of the forum banners to a smaller size in hopes of making it easier to find things and more new-member friendly. Also going smaller? The amount of account colors. Account colors are now only subjected to those who join guilds. Up until recently Residents, Admins, Moderators and foreign Ambassadors a special color to make them easier to identify. --Chancellor Asylum and his cabinet are in the process of making a series of dispatches on NationStates to help educate and get nations more familiar with participating in Equinox. The general hope is that these will be completed by the end of the month. --The Cabinet recently polled the region asking nations what they are looking for specifically on the Equinox forums, a large chunk of those voters are looking for more Online Gaming, Role Plays, and Activities to do. --The Mafia recently created raiding military wing, named The Cronies, have been recently seen in founderless regions as Consigliere Talidania (known as Carnation in Equinox) lead them into battle with help from DEN and others. --The Official Government and Staffing Records are now published, displaying any government or staff member since March of 2015. The Guilds of Equinox, A Quick Power Ranking & Information: 1. The Mafia, 13 Members, Leader: Asylum/Island Union 2. Guild of Doom, 9 Members, Leader: Hospitlar 3. Industrialists, 3 Members, Leader: Supreme Leader 4. Suicide Squad: 2 Members, Leader: Falconias 5. Scooby Gang: 3 Members, Leader: Wopruthien 6 (TIE). The Equinox Avengers, 1 Member, Leader: Geekyfox 6 (TIE). The Aurors, 1 Member, Leader: Lord Khan Edited by Asylum, Jun 23 2015, 09:38 PM.
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Funkadelia | Jun 23 2015, 11:16 PM Post #2 |
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Thank you for the update. It really was a quick read. ![]() |
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Asylum | Jul 23 2015, 08:31 PM Post #3 |
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![]() July 23rd, 2015 | Issue #3 Current Regional Population: 332 (-102) | Current Delegate Endorsements: 58 (-50) Forum Posts: 242,127 (+3,603) | Forum Members: 930 (+17) Chancellor: Asylum Founder: Falconias Secretary of Engagement: approximate psychosis Secretary of Equinomics: To Be Appointed Secretary of Lifestyle: Ceapoyce Speaker of the Senate: To Be Elected Guild Senators: Supreme Leader | KevinWasserman | Spontaneous Lunacy | yumyum36 World Assembly Delegate: KevinWasserman NEWS FROM EQUINOX --The Guild Probation Period was not a success, ending the short lives of The Equinox Avengers, The Aurors, and Suicide Squad. --When Hospitlar resigned the Speaker of the Senate, RGarrettGamer and newcomer Spontaneous Lunacy both ran. RGarrettGamer won with 3 Guilds voting for him. --When Speaker RGarrettGamer took over, he quickly presented 4 bills for Chancellor Asylum to sign. Equinox officially signed the Arnhelm Recruiting Treaty, The Voting and Debate Limits, the Impeachment Act, and the Electoral Reform Amendment. Debate was heated with a debate on the powers of the Speaker, after the Speaker edited legislation to his liking in regards to the Equinomics Budget for the term. Chancellor Asylum quickly vetoed the altered budget and then implemented it without the Senate's blessing. --Mounting complaints of Speaker RGarrettGamer's conduct on the offsite forums and Skype, were brought forward by multiple high-standing Equinoxians to Chancellor Asylum. After filling in Founder Falconias of these, the decision to ban RGarrettGamer and his nations, North Gralend and Southern Gralend, from Equinox was announced. Met with a general approval of the residents on the forums, Equinox has already moved on. --With the banning of Speaker RGarrettGamer, the Senate is now leaderless. This and the overall inactivity of the Senate has brought forth a discussion lead by Chancellor Asylum to amend the Constitution and dissolve the Senate, giving any powers it had to the Chancellor and the Guild Electoral College. The debate so far, seems to be leaning in favor of dissolving the legislative body of Equinox. --Secretary of Equinomics yumyum36 approached the Chancellor in late June asking for a removal of office. Chancellor Asylum agreed, removing him from the position. Instead of appointing a new Secretary, the Chancellor absorbed the responsibility and set forth making the foundation of the regional economy. --Equinomic's foundations have been laid, and several personal properties have been built, and several businesses have expanded such as the Admin Shoppe, and Ye Old Photo Shoppe owned by Ceapoyce. --Delegate Asylum announced his resignation so he could help focus his efforts on the raiding military of The Mafia. A quick election was held with KevinWasserman winning a popular vote over residents Falconias, Ceapoyce and now banned RGarrettGamer. --The Forum Staff grew, when Senior Admin Asylum announced the appointment of Equinox favorite, Captain Mordor, as a new Moderator. --Secretary of Lifestyle Ceapoyce, aided by her assistant Captain Mordor and Chancellor Asylum, has been busy presenting quizzes, crossword puzzles, and new Pointless Polls of the Week, all with incentives of the Equins to aid growth in Equinomics. --Happening Now; In Equinox, was launched to better aid residents to find activity on the board. 5 different sections are now displayed below the forum, helping them find something to do in The Senate, Equinomics, Lifestyle & Culture, World Assembly Affairs, and Announcements. --Forum Staff announces new forum theme of "Touch the Sky" --The Cabinet voted in two new members to the region's Hall of Fame. Congratulations to Griff, and Mekhet (better known in NS as Zaolot). Guild Power Rankings 1. The Mafia Leader: Asylum, Members: 15 A change in The Mafia has paid off for its military, as any new member to The Mafia is now required to serve in it's raiding military. Any member of La Famiglia before the change is grandfathered in and can still opt-in only to the military. The Mafia to date has raided 136 regions, and has been on the battlefield with the likes of DEN, Funen, Lone Wolves United, and has been recently re-enforcing the Osiris raid in Founderless. 2. Guild of Doom Leader: Ceapoyce, Members: 8 With Hall of Famer, and Leader Hospitlar attending to RL matters, Ceapoyce has taken over leadership of the Guild. Guild of Doom recently gained a new member to the Equinox Hall of Fame with Mekhet (Zaolot), and has been steadily active in the region's Lifestyle and Culture activities. 3. Industrialist (TIED) Leader: Supreme Leader, Members: 3 After appointing himself as their Senator, Supreme Leader has been quiet. Luckily for them they have The Cat! Equinox's official Cat, Alunya has been the most active ambassador for the Ambassador Corps, arranging the embassies in the Feeders has been her mission and has been quite successful with her efforts. 3. Scooby Gang (TIED) Leader: Wopruthien (PAGING WOP, PAGING WOP), Members: 3 Finally appointing yumyum36 as their Senator, Scooby Gang is still the most quiet guild. A jump start by an active Wopruthien would be nice. Maybe he can get some of his defender buddies to come and start up the Scooby Gang's military to rival the raiding Mafia? (If Wop is found, please return him, we miss him ![]() |
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Asylum | Sep 8 2015, 08:42 PM Post #4 |
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![]() September 8th, 2015 | Issue #4 Current Regional Population: 370 (+38) | Current Delegate Endorsements: 72 (+14) Forum Posts: 244,804 (+2,677) | Forum Members: 955(+25) Chancellor: Asylum Founder: Falconias Secretary of Engagement: yumyum36 Secretary of Equinomics: Cookiesurvival Secretary of Lifestyle: The Church of Satan World Assembly Delegate: KevinWasserman QUICK REGIONAL NEWS -- The Senate of Equinox was dissolved after a Constitutional Amendment was introduced and passed by the Senate with a 2-0 Vote. Inactivity had plagued the legislative body since it's birth, and the Amendment was quickly approved of by the guilds, with 3 out of 4 supporting. The Guild's Announce their supporting of the Senate being dissolved. -- The Arena of Role Play has been getting more attention than ever before in Equinox. Thrilling Role Plays lead by new comer BeoWulf, such as Ethereal Stores: The Celestial Lands have racked up 57 replies and over 400 views. We are very excited about the growth in Role Play and are looking forward to what our new found skills can bring us! -- As the End of the Term came about in late August, Chancellor Asylum made public a Google Survey, asking the Residents how the past term had gone for the region. Several questions were asked and the results were overall positive. The public results were just posted today. -- The Guild System of Equinox has always been it's most unique feature of the region. What other region do you find a system similar? Not too many. However it suffered a bit, losing two guilds that had a promising start but fell into inactivity. The Scooby Gang, was ordered closed after it fell below the minimum number of Resident's needed to stay open. And during the recent Resident Cleanse, 2/3 Industrialists Members lost Residency in the region. -- While the fall of Scooby Gang and Industrialists was a downside, a new guild powerhouse was created in Artisans. Created and formed by a coalition of new Residents to Equinox, it quickly flexed it's power and creativity in the region's elections. Check out Artisans guild application form! -- The Guild Electoral College was super busy this time around with the elections in full swing. While Chancellor Asylum, Secretary of Engagement yumyum36 and Secretary of Equinomics all won their tricky un-opposed elections, each having 3 guilds vote in their support. The elections of Secretary of Lifestyle was the one to watch, with newcomers The Church of Satan, and BeoWulf challenging Ceapoyce for her Secretary job. At the end of the voting period, CoS, Ceapoyece and the Forfeit Vote all had one guild vote for each other, forcing a tie. Whenever a tie occurs in the Guild Electoral College it becomes a 24-hour Public vote of Residents, between Ceapoyce and The Church of Satan. However not even 2 hours into the vote, Ceapoyce resigned her candidacy, giving The Church of Satan the job! You can see the full results in the announcement topic! -- One telling comment from a new Equinoxian, lead Senior Admin Asylum to remove the Profile Awards that displayed in the profiles of Equinox Hall of Famers, Stamp senders, and former WA Delegates. Trying to combat the notion that Equinox is home to a too tight knit group of players that shun new comers. -- Chancellor Asylum, who leads the Foreign Affairs efforts of the region, recently expanded the department to include a wider range of regions, on size, military alignment and more. Doing so to prove that Equinox truly is a neutral region that is friends with all types of regions. Upwards to 15 new regions were contacted to open an embassy exchange with. To our new embassies out there! Hello from Equinox ![]() -- Chancellor Asylum's first act of his second-consectutive term as Chancellor was the issuing of an Executive Order. EO #001, established the Deputy Program. Allowing each Department Head to hire Residents to help with their work load. Chancellor Asylum hired two Deputies himself, Hospitlar and Quinncunx to help with his aggressive goals this term. While Secretary of Lifestyle The Church of Satan hired RP-expert BeoWulf, to help with the activities of Lifestyle. QUICK GUILD NEWS -- Artisans begin to establish their identity, as they have the 3 Secretary positions, and begin to flirt with the idea of creating a defender-aligned military to rival the raiding efforts of The Mafia. -- Guild of Doom has been revamped by the return of the guild's founder, Hospital. With members adopting villain avatars and themes more. -- The Mafia recently surpassed 300 regions raided, and have recently captured their own regional jump-point in the late updating region of Luna Lup. GUILD POWER RANKINGS 1. ![]() Leader: Cookiesurvival Members: 6 -- In the past election the guild secured all three Secretary positions despite the guild being less than 2 weeks old. Very impressive. If the rumors and debates about creating a Defender military are true, it would be great for the guild but also the region. 2. ![]() Leader: Hospitlar, Ceapoyce & Mekhet Members: 12 -- If Hospitlar hadn't returned and lit a fire under the guild then they would have been dead last. By creating their own spam section for themselves, and adopting a theme of avatars. Guild of Doom looks alive and spunky once again. 3. ![]() Leader: Asylum Members: 11 -- With the return of a former Famiglia member of Quinncunx, the Mafia can expect an increase of activity on the forums. Off the forums they have kept busy with raiding, recently aiding in the DEN occupation of Japan. Edited by Asylum, Sep 8 2015, 09:16 PM.
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Benevolent Thomas | Sep 8 2015, 08:58 PM Post #5 |
Blessed of the Vale
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I cant access any of the linked topics ![]() |
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Asylum | Sep 8 2015, 09:17 PM Post #6 |
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Stop being a stranger and make an account ![]() ![]() |
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Benevolent Thomas | Sep 8 2015, 09:24 PM Post #7 |
Blessed of the Vale
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How are you going to attract new people to your community if they cant even scope it out first? ![]() |
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Asylum | Sep 8 2015, 09:38 PM Post #8 |
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*grumbles to self as he expands what the guests can see* Better? ![]() |
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Asylum | Nov 4 2015, 05:01 PM Post #9 |
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![]() November 4th, 2015 | Issue #5 Current Regional Population: 400 (+30) | Current Delegate Endorsements: 77 (+5) Forum Posts: 250,914 (+6,224) | Forum Members: 1,007 (+52) Chancellor: Asylum Founder: Falconias Secretary of Engagement: Katalina Secretary of Equinomics: Quinncunx Secretary of Lifestyle: Ceapoyce World Assembly Delegate: KevinWasserman QUICK REGIONAL NEWS -- The Forum Staff expanded recently with the addition of long-time Equinoxian Mekhet to the Moderator position, and a promotion of Moderator Viisbyax to Junior Admin. Link to Announcement -- The Region held a Flag Contest to replace the old flag that was originally designed around the "Gaming and Lifestyle" forum that Founder Falconias intended this Equinox revival to be. After rounds of submissions, Chancellor Asylum's proposal was adopted as the new flag of the region. (See below) ![]() -- One of the first acts as an elected Cabinet is to select a new member of the Equinox Hall of Fame. This time was different as the cabinet agreed to vote in one member/nation as well as one guild of Equinox's past. We were pleased to welcome Akrine and The Lords Guild into the Hall of Fame! Link to Announcement -- A month after election the cabinet suffered a loss by wave of Secretary of Equinomics Cookiesurvival's resignation. In the election for cookie's replacement only one candidate was running at the end of the nomination period. Instead of dragging out the time for Quinncunx to take power, Chancellor Asylum issued Executive Order #002 to place Quinncunx into power without election. Cookiesurvival's Resignation -- Executive Order #002 -- The cabinet's woes continued on for a few weeks with inactivity plaguing Secretary of Lifestyle The Church of Satan, and the sudden disappearance of Secretary of Engagement yumyum36. Finally Chancellor Asylum acted and issued Executive Order #003. Effectly removing The Church of Satan and yumyum36 from their respective Secretary duties. Including with EO #003, it promoted past Secretary of Lifestyle and current Deputy Ceapoyce into the Secretary position. Executive Order #003 -- Executive Order #003 left the Secretary of Engagement position open for election. Veteran Hospitlar faced off with relatively new comer Katalina, both from the Guild of Doom. After the Guild Electoral College voted, Katalina secured the election 2-1, by having Guild of Doom and The Mafia back her candidacy, with Hospitlar securing the Artisan vote. Guild Leader Voting Center for Secretary of Engagement -- Embassy Row grew by welcoming our friends from The Kingdom of Great Britain, ACA and Asgard! -- An Equinox Tradition was revived with a small twist! Deputy Chancellor Quinncunx was tasked with bringing back the "Quadannual Silver Spork Awards", with a new name and a new award Quinncunx played host to the "Triannual Silver Shot Glass Awards!" Equinoxians were able to nominate and vote for their fellow Equinoxians on a host of awards, including "Member of the Term", "Guild of the Term", "Funniest Quote" and "Couple That Should Happen" Final List of the Winners! ![]() -- For the month of September Equinox experience a sudden surge in activity and posts. September experienced over 5100 posts, which was the highest posts in one month since October 2010. The following month of October returned to the average posts of 1500-2000 per month since the revival occurred. -- In order to drive up Equinomics importance and simplicity potential Residents are asked if they would like an account when they apply for Residency. Equinomics members have increased significantly since the policy went into place. -- Role Play Pro, Captain Mordor, is creating a whole new world for Equinoxian Role Players to partake in. Currently under construction "Tales of Urdun" is expected soon! While fellow RPer BeoWulf (The Merry Gentleman) introduced a Post-Appoc RP that is called "Simple to play", "Downfall: The Plague" -- Equinox celebrated the annual NationStates "Z-Day" by letting each nation decide what "Faction" to join. The Church of Zombie Overlords (COTZO), Equinox United for the Cure (EUC), and Zombie Eradication and Ravager Operation (ZERO). COTZO easily destroyed the other factions in route to a blowout victory for the zombies. Infection Rate: 99.4% (66.8 billion infected, 376 million survivors) was the finally tally, and further underlines the importance of coordination and forum joining as majority of the Equinox forum users were for COTZO. We look forward to next zombie day! -- To somewhat capitalize on the activity that Z-Day presents, the cabinet threw together a Halloween Mini-Party where attendees answered quizzes about their survival in a zombie world, voted for their favorite costumes and what their favorite horror movie is. -- In order to take the financial burden off just an individual or two for recruiting efforts, the Cabinet and Staff joined forces to increase the potential of NS Store donations by offering an Equin reward and placing more links around the forum to increase the likihood of donations. Donate Telegram Stamps! -- Chancellor Asylum addressed the region's lack of motivation in his Midterm Address, trying to motivate residents into action for the benefit of Equinox. In the address he introduced two key policies that will be outlined below. Midterm Address -- The Guild Tax is officially a thing after the Midterm Address. Guilds will automatically get a Equinomics account and will now be taxed a total of 250 Equins per month. If a guild fails to make a payment they will be closed. In order for the Guilds to combat this high tax, Tax Credits are given for certain requirements being met by forcing the guilds to provide activities and make a cultural impact on the region. In addition to Tax Credits, guilds can face fines from the Government, however no such fines have yet to be determined. List of Guild Tax Credits & Fines -- Also in the Midterm Address was Executive Order #004. Which alters the Constitution into creating a Mid-term Approval Poll. Since terms of Government are 4 month periods of time, this Midterm Approval Poll will be started by the Forum Staff. If an elected official fails to meet a 50% approval or higher, they will be removed from office and the election process begins. Officials removed by these polls are barred from participating in the replacement election. The Constitutional Amendment is currently being voted on by the Guilds, needing 2 out of the 3 to approve of. The Mafia has voted in Favor of this Amendment, while Artisans and Guild of Doom have yet to vote. Amendment Guild Vote GUILD POWER RANKINGS 1. ![]() Leaders: Hospitlar, Ceapoyce & Mekhet Members: 13 (+1) -- By winning the Guild of the Term at the Triannual Awards, and having Ceapoyce and Katalina secure the open Secretary spots were huge for Guild of Doom. Out of the 12 Government and Staff positions, Guild of Doom holds 6 of them. 2. ![]() Leader: Asylum Members: 13 (+2) -- With a renewed vigor Chancellor Asylum and newly elected Secretary of Equinomics Quinncunx lead the guild enough to claim the 2nd spot in the rankings. However their lack of raiding and disappearance of military leader Talidania has made The Mafia into a very shaky 2nd place. 3. ![]() Leader: Cookiesurvival Members: 7 (+1) -- While the Artisans claimed all the Secretary positions in the election they quickly lost all 3 spots by the end of October. This coupled with silence on the guild front has lead the guild to drop from 1st place to last. Hopefully guild leader Cookiesurvival and constant BeoWulf (The Merry Gentleman) can pull something out of the magic hat! |
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Asylum | Jan 22 2016, 11:51 PM Post #10 |
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![]() January 22nd, 2015 | Issue #6 Current Regional Population: 388 (-12) | Current Delegate Endorsements: 84 (+7) Forum Posts: 254,942 (+4,028) | Forum Members: 1,072 (+15) Hierarch: Asylum Chancellor: Ceapoyce Secretary of Engagement: Dr.Killjoy Secretary of Equinomics: Boy101 Secretary of Lifestyle: BeoTheGreat World Assembly Delegate: KevinWasserman Founder: Falconias QUICK REGIONAL NEWS -- Equinox experience a brief lull over the holiday season. The holidays were greatly enjoyed here in Equinox, as we hope they were enjoyed by all of you! -- Elections for the new term were held in January and we're very excited about our new cabinet! It was a tight race this term with two positions being won by a mere two vote margin! Newcomer Dr.Killjoy secured the position of Secretary of Engagement with an 8-6 vote against Cookiesurvival. Dr.Killjoy also ran for the position of Secretary of Lifestyle, but lost to BeoTheGreat in a 10-4 vote race. Former Secretary of Lifestyle Ceapoyce climbed the government ladder this term, winning the position of Chancellor by two votes over her opponent WA Delegate KevinWasserman; the final vote was 10-8. -- The deadline for the nominations of residents to the Secretary of Equinomics passed before any viable nominees came forth, leaving the position vacant after the elections. It fell to the new Chancellor, Ceapoyce, to select a candidate. Long time citizen Boy101 was selected for the position, via Executive Order #007, and is preforming admirably. -- Asylum served as Chancellor for all of 2015, and in his most recent term he issued a grand total of six Executive Orders. The most expansive of which was Executive Order #005 The order made several changes to Equinox's constitution, one of which was the addition of a new position entitled, Hierarch. The Hierarch's responsibilities are to ensure the region's survival and maintain the activity of the forums, the region, the Government, the guilds, and all of Equinox. Asylum secured the position himself, running unopposed in the recent election. -- The changes to the constitution also included the addition of a Citizen's Council. The Citizen's Council allows all members of Equinox to engage in government through the proposal of new legislation and the sharing of ideas. Currently, the council is discussing a proposal for a mentorship program that would assign new members a mentor to help them acclimate to their entertaining new lives on the Equinox forums. -- Each term the new cabinet convenes to select one member of the forum to enter the hallowed halls of The Hall of Fame. This terms selected member is Quinnicunx! A long time member, Quinn has made many notable contributions to Equinox. Most notably Quinncunx has rescued and redesigned Equinox's economic system several times, serving as Head of Equinomics on numerous occasions. Congratulations Quinn, we love you. -- Due to a brief CTEing of our Founder, Falconias, a World Assembly Guardian Crew was created. The World Assembly Guardian Crew, comprised of veteran and established players only, actively seek out endorsements of Equinox WA Members. An endorsement cap for the region was also established, any citizen who is not the WA Delegate or part of the WA Guardian Crew may now receive no more than fifty endorsements. Link to announcement -- Equinox hosted a medieval themed Grand Tourney in November, the event was well attended and considered a rousing success! Events included; a game of werewolves that came down to a standoff between a rouge vigilante and the bloodthirsty werewolf, a forum where anyone and everyone could alter another's posts entitled The Jester's Mods, hilarity and spam games in The Silver Shotglass Tavern, and The Grand Melee, in which participants utilized a system of fight mechanics and ruthless strategy to beat out opponents. Citizen Cookiesurvival claimed the win in the Grand Melee. We look forward to hosting more events like this in the future! ![]() -- Embassy Row grew by welcoming our friends from Auralia and DEN We also welcomed back old friends in, The Alliance of Queens! -- As role play has seen a slight dip in activity, an RP Crisis Conference was held. Members of the role play community met to discuss the current state of the Arena of Roleplay. Spearheaded by new Secretary of Lifestyle BeoTheGreat, the conference addressed many important issues and much progress was made. Currently the RP department is hosting an "easy to play" RP entitled; 1939-1945 the story is set in Nazi Germany and has already attracted several participants. -- Contests and games continue to be a favorite in Equinox! Recently held contests and games included, a paper hand-turkey creation contest, a Christmas tree decorating contest, and a game of Driedel. Most contests included Steam games as prizes! Currently we're hosting a Map Creation Contest in which participants are creating maps of Equinox! -- The Guild of Doom is now hosting games of Cards Against Humanity, where forum members meet in an online version of the game to play and laugh together. The game is enjoyed by many in the region. Link to Announcement |
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