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- [VOTING] Pick your preferred draft
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[VOTING] Pick your preferred draft | |
Tweet Topic Started: May 6 2015, 09:52 PM (646 Views) | |
Kazmr | May 6 2015, 09:52 PM Post #1 |
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After discussion with several individuals including Harm and Funk, as well as a lack of any further discussion for several days, I am moving the existing constitutional drafts to a vote. Voting will close at 0:00 EST, Monday the 10th (that should be 9:00 PM on Sunday for the US West Coast, 8:00 AM GMT), otherwise known as major update. This gives us the rest of this week plus the weekend for votes. Anyone who is either a citizen or has 'Longtime Resident' masking is eligible to vote. Please post your votes in his thread, or PM them to the Lazarus account (the root admin of the forum which has join access by the admins). In order to vote, please rank the following options from highest to lowest preference. You do not have to vote for every option. Additionally, please note that some drafts have multiple versions which are functionally identical but with different themes; for these drafts please include in parenthesis afterwards the theme you would prefer. The winner shall be decided by Instant Runoff. Full text for constitutions can be found in the links, or in posts below.: 1. Kazmr's Draft 2. Funkadelia and Gulliver's Draft 3. Benevolent Thomas' Drafts 4. Ivo's Draft 5. Cormac's Drafts: 1 and 2 Sample Vote:
Edited by Kazmr, May 6 2015, 09:53 PM.
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Kazmr | May 6 2015, 09:52 PM Post #2 |
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Kazmr's Draft Preamble The nations, resident in the region formerly called the Peoples' Republic of Lazarus, hereby solemnly and mutually agree with each other, to form themselves into a free, sovereign, and independent body politic, or state by the name of "The Republic of Lazarus". Article I - On Citizenship 1. Any person may apply for citizenship on the Regional forum by providing their current nation in the region, their current World Assembly nation, and by swearing an oath of citizenship established by law. 2. Any person who have held a World Assembly nation in Lazarus for more than a year consecutively, who are endorsing the delegate, and who have not been convicted of a crime shall be considered a citizen. They may exercise their voting rights either on the forum or through telegramming the Speaker of the Legislature or another nation so designated. 3. Any person who was a citizen of the People's Republic of Lazarus upon its dissolution shall be a citizen. 4. The delegate shall have the power to approve or reject applications for citizenship on the forum. The Delegate must post an explanation for rejection immediately in the Legislature. The Legislature may overturn such rejections with a two-thirds majority vote. -A. Should the delegate be unable to process citizenship applications, they may publicly designate a citizen with forum administrator privileges to do so. Approvals by an appointed individual may also be overturned by the Legislature with a 2/3 majority vote. -B. Should neither the delegate nor a designated individual approve a citizenship application within two weeks, the Legislature may approve it with a simple majority. 5. Citizens shall forfeit their citizenship if they voluntarily renounce it, their nation in Lazarus voluntarily leaves the region or ceases to exist, or the Court Judiciary finds them guilty of a criminal offense and revokes their citizenship as punishment. Citizens who applied for citizenship on the Regional Forum shall forfeit their citizenship if they do not log onto it for twenty-eight days. 6. Citizens may not lose their citizenship for any reason not enumerated in this article. Article II - On the Rights of the People 1. All persons are entitled to equal protection under the law. 2. All persons are guaranteed freedom of speech, petition, peaceful association and assembly so long as their exercise does not violate the rules of NationStates or the Regional Forum's terms of use. 3. All persons are guaranteed access to the Regional Forum to the extent necessary to exercise their other rights. Access to the Regional Forum may not be infringed except for violations of its terms of service or the law. 4. No person may be banned or ejected from the region without being publicly charged with a crime unless they have violated the rules of NationStates or the policies of the Regional Message Board. 5. No person may be banned from the Regional Forum without being publicly charged with a crime unless they have violated its terms of use. 6. All persons are guaranteed the right to fair representation in a criminal trial and may not be forced to incriminate themselves. 7. All persons are guaranteed the freedom in their nations' domestic affairs, including World Assembly votes and endorsements. 8. All nations shall be permitted to maintain the following endorsements counts. A. 30% of the Vice-Delegate's endorsement count for all residents of Lazarus. B. 60% of the Vice-Delegate's endorsement count for nations endorsing the delegate. C. 70% of the Vice-Delegate's endorsement count for citizens by forum application or extended residency. D. The legislature may establish a higher cap or revert a cap to the following by simple majority vote. E. In periods of transfer of the office of Vice-Delegate, this cap shall be calculated from the endorsee with the highest endorsement count. 9. No person may be declared guilty of a crime by law or tried for a crime retroactively. 10. No person shall be considered necessarily deprived of any rights not enumerated here. Article III - On the Legislature 1. The Legislature shall consist of all citizens and and shall be the supreme governing authority of Lazarus. 2. The Legislature may enact, amend, or repeal laws by a simple majority vote. 3. The Legislature may ratify or repeal treaties with foreign powers negotiated by the executive by a simple majority vote, unless the treaty specifies its method of termination. 4. The Legislature shall have the sole power to amend this Constitution with a two-thirds majority vote. 5. The Legislature shall have the power to recall any official of the government with a simply majority vote, or with a 2/3 majority vote for elected officials or those approved by the legislature. 6. The Legislature may adopt its own procedural rules, and may do so with a simple majority vote. 7. The Legislature shall elect a Speaker to oversee its business. 8. The speaker may appoint deputies to aid them in their duties. 9. The legislature may establish a regional theme by a two-thirds majority vote. The theme may establish names for the offices and bodies prescribed by this Constitution, but such names shall not be construed as changing this Constitution's meaning. 10. The result of any vote of the Legislature shall be determined by counting only citizens who have voted, excluding any abstentions. Article IV - On the Executive 1. The Delegate shall serve as the chief executive officer of the region. 2. The Delegate shall control the on-site delegacy of the region, and shall exercise its powers only as required or permitted by law. 3. No person may serve more than two consecutive terms as Delegate. 4. The Delegate shall have a Cabinet of ministers to aid them in their duties. 5. The Delegate shall nominate ministers and the Legislature may confirm such nominees by a majority vote. 6. The cabinet shall consist of the General the Army, the Minister of Internal Affairs and the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Additional ministries may be established by law. 7. The Legislature may pass laws regulating the business of the ministries. 8. The Delegate may veto a proposals of the Legislature to enact, amend or repeal a law within a week of its passage. The Legislature may overturn such a veto by a two-thirds majority vote. Article V - On the Judiciary 1. The Judiciary shall be composed of at least three justices, though a greater number may be established by law. 2. Justices may not hold an elected office or serve as ministers of the Cabinet. 3. The Delegate shall nominate justices and the Legislature may confirm such nominees by a two-thirds majority vote. 4. Once confirmed justices shall serve for a term of four months. 5. The Judiciary shall try all civil and criminal cases and determine the constitutionality of laws, treaties, and government policies. 6. The Judiciary shall make its rulings by a majority vote of its membership. 6. The procedural rules of the Judiciary shall be established by law 7. The Judiciary shall elect a Chief Justice to oversee its business from amongst its membership by majority vote. Article VI - On Security 1. The Vice Delegate shall seek to hold the second most endorsements in the region. 2. If the office of Delegate is vacant or the Delegate is absent, the Vice Delegate shall assume the duties of the Delegate. 3. Any citizen who meets the influence and endorsement requirements established by law may apply to be an endorsee. The Legislature may approve an applicant by a two-thirds majority vote. 4. Endorsees shall maintain endorsement counts below that of the Vice Delegate, but may exceed any endorsement cap established by law. 5. A line of succession beyond the Vice Delegate among the Endorsees may be established by law. 6. The Legislature shall vote on confidence in the Endorsees every four months. Any endorse who does not receive the confidence of a majority shall be recalled. 7. Endorsees shall maintain regional security under the direction of the Vice Delegate and enforce decisions of the Legislature to remove the Delegate. Article VII - On War and Military Affairs 1. The Lazarene Liberation Army shall be the sole military organization based in Lazarus. 2. Citizens of Lazarus are permitted to serve in foreign militaries provided they are not currently in a state of war against the region. The Lazarene Liberation Army may decide to exclude further foreign military organizations from its ranks. 3. The General of the Army shall be the operational commander of the Lazarene Liberation Army and shall serve on the Delegate's cabinet. 4. The General of the Army must be an active duty officer in the Lazarene Liberation Army, unless no officers are willing to serve or have passed confirmation by the legislature. 5. The Lazarene Liberation Army shall have two classes of ranks. These shall be officers and enlisted personnel. A. Active officers of the People's Republic of Lazarus' Lazarene Liberation Army shall, upon the adoption of this Constitution, become officers of the Lazarene Liberation Army. B. Officers may establish further ranks within either class by simple majority vote and determine the method of reaching each rank and of promotion to officer status. 6. The General of the Army may dismiss any member of the Lazarene Liberation Army. This may be overridden by a two/thirds majority vote of existing officers at the time of dismissal. A. Loss of citizenship shall result in dismissal from the Lazarene Liberation Army and forfeiture of an officer commission. 7. Votes among officers shall be tallied based on the number of officers voting. 8. The General of the Army may accept applications to join the Lazarene Liberation Army as an enlisted member. 9. Lazarus shall enter a state of war with a foreign region or organization following a simply majority vote in the legislature or a declaration of war being received by the Delegate. 10. The Lazarene Liberation Army may not raid outside of Warzone regions or regions involved in an ongoing war with Lazarus. Article VIII - On Elected Offices 1. The Speaker, Delegate and Vice-Delegate shall be considered elected offices. 2. Elections for elected offices shall be held every four months. 3. Any person who is a citizen at the beginning of nominations for an election may vote in it. Any citizen who is has registered on the Regional Forums at the beginning of nominations for an election may stand as a candidate in it. 4. Voters shall cast their ballots for a single candidate. If a candidate has a majority of votes, they shall be elected to the office. If no candidate has a majority of votes, a run-off shall be held between the two candidates with the most votes. The candidate with the most votes in the run-off shall be elected to the office. Article IX - On the Forum and Lazarene Symbols 1. The regional forum shall be located at http://nslazarus.com/archive/NSLazarus/index/ 2. The administration of the forum in matters not addressed in the Constitution shall be the prerogative of its administrators. 3. The regional flag shall be the image located at (INSERT HERE). It may be changed for a period of up to a week at a time for cultural events. 4. The symbol of Lazarus shall be the phoenix. Funkadelia and Gulliver's Draft Preamble
The nations, resident in the region formerly called the Peoples' Republic of Lazarus, hereby solemnly and mutually agree with each other, to form themselves into a free, sovereign, and independent body politic, or state by the name of "The [Pretitle] of Lazarus". Article 1: Citizenship
Article 2: The Rights of the People
Article 3: The Convocation of Souls
Article 4: The High Councillor
Article 5: Elected Officers
Article 6: The Tribunal
Article 7: The Gatekeepers [of the Dead]
Article 8: The Regional Forum
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Kazmr | May 6 2015, 09:52 PM Post #3 |
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Benevolent Thomas First Theme Preamble Lazarus is a rising phoenix, soaring above the ashes of its bourgeoisie oppressors and breaking the chains of feudalism. We, the sovereign nations of Lazarus, unite once more in order to form a more perfect region. One where the rights of its members are unalienable and the pursuit of justice is sacrosanct. The nations, resident in the region formerly called the Peoples' Republic of Lazarus, hereby solemnly and mutually agree with each other, to form themselves into a free, sovereign, and independent state by the name of "The Lazarene Republic". Article I - Citizenship 1. Any person may apply for citizenship by providing the names of a resident nation in Lazarus and a World Assembly nation, and swearing an oath of citizenship established by law. 2. The First Citizen will approve or reject applications for citizenship. If they reject an application, they will report the reasons for doing so to the Conseil des Lazarene. The Conseil may overturn such rejections by a two-thirds majority vote. 3. Citizens whose nation leaves Lazarus voluntarily or ceases to exist, do not log into the regional forums for twenty-eight days or voluntarily renounce it will forfeit their citizenship. 4. The Tribunal may remove the citizenship of a person convicted of a criminal offense. 5. Citizens may not lose their citizenship for any reason not enumerated here. Article II - Conseil des Lazarene 1. The Conseil des Lazarene will be comprised of all citizens and will be the supreme governing authority of the Lazarene Republic. 2. The Conseil des Lazarene may enact, amend, or repeal the rules of its proceedings by simple majority vote. 3. The Conseil may enact, amend, or repeal statutory law by simple majority vote. 4. The Conseil may enact, amend, or repeal legally binding agreements with foreign regions or organizations by simple majority vote. 5. The Conseil may remove any official for which a higher threshold is not established from office by simple majority vote. 6. The Conseil may remove any of the following officials from office by two-thirds majority vote: Director, First Citizen, Chief Tribune, Tribune, Engineer, Mechanic. 7. The Conseil may declare war against a foreign region or organization by two-thirds majority vote. 8. The Conseil may amend this Constitution by three-quarters majority vote. 9. The result of any vote in the Conseil des Lazarene will be determined by taking into account only citizens who have voted and discounting abstentions cast in the vote. 10. The Conseil will elect a citizen to serve as Director, to administer its business according to the rules of its proceedings. 11. The Director may appoint deputies to assist in legislative duties. Such deputies may be regulated by the rules of the Conseil's proceedings. Article III - First Citizen 1. The First Citizen will serve as head of state and government. 2. The First Citizen may negotiate treaties with foreign powers. No such treaty will come into force unless ratified by the Conseil des Lazarene. 3. The First Citizen will control the onsite delegacy of the region and will exercise its powers only as permitted or required by law. 4. The First Citizen may appoint a Council of Ministers to assist in state and government duties. Ministers will only take office upon being approved by a simple majority vote of the Conseil des Lazarene, and the Conseil may regulate the Council of Ministers by statute. 5. The First Citizen may veto a proposal of the Conseil des Lazarene to adopt, amend or repeal a law within a week of its passage. The Conseil may override such a veto by two-thirds majority vote. Article IV - The Tribunal 1. The Tribunal will consist of a number of at least three Tribunes, but a greater number may be established by law. 2. Tribunes will serve until resignation or removal from office by the Conseil des Lazarene. 3. The First Citizen will nominate citizens to serve as Tribunes, who will only take office upon being approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the Conseil des Lazarene. 4. A Tribune may not serve as: First Citizen, Engineer, Director, government minister, or legislative deputy. 5. The Tribune will try all criminal and civil cases and determine the constitutionality of statutory laws, foreign agreements, and government policies. 6. The rules of the Tribunal proceedings will be established by statute. 7. The most senior member of the Tribunal will administer its business according to the rules of its proceedings. This member shall be known as the Chief Tribune. 8. The Tribune will reach decisions by majority vote. Article V - The Engine of the Republic 1. Any citizen who meets the endorsement and influence requirements determined by law may apply to become a Mechanic of the Engine. 2. The Conseil des Lazarene may approve an applicant to the Engine by a two-thirds majority vote. 3. The Mechanics will monitor regional security and report on it to the Conseil. 4. The Mechanics will enforce decisions of the Conseil to remove the First Citizen from office. 5. A line of succession beyond the Engineer among the members of the Engine may be established by law. 6. Mechanics who willingly cease to meet the endorsement and influence requirements determined by law will forfeit their membership. 7. The Conseil may remove a member of the Engine by a two-thirds majority vote. Article VI - The Engineer 1. The Conseil des Lazarene will elect a citizen to serve as Engineer, to seek to hold the second most endorsements in Lazarus. 2. The Engineer will administer the business of the Engine of the Republic according to the rules they adopt for their proceedings. 3. The Engineer will be first in the line of succession to serve as acting First Citizen. Article VII - Elected Officials 1. The Director, First Citizen, and Engineer will be considered elected officials for the purposes of this document. 2. An election for an elected office will be conducted if four months have passed since the previous election for that office began or if the office is vacant. 3. Any person who is a citizen at the beginning of nominations for an election may stand as a candidate and vote in it. 4. Citizens will cast their ballots for a single candidate per office. If a candidate receives a simple majority of votes cast in the election, the candidate will be elected to the office. 5. If no candidate receives a majority of votes, a run-off election will be conducted between the two candidates with the most votes. The candidate who receives a simple majority of votes cast in the run-off election will be elected to office. 6. In the event of a tie between two candidates at the conclusion of the first run-off election, a second run-off election will be conducted. If no candidate receives a majority of votes at the conclusion of the second runoff, the tie will be broken in favor of the candidate who has been a citizen for the longest continuous period of time. 7. Abstentions cast in an election will not count against a majority. 8. No person may consecutively serve in the same elected office for more than two terms of four months. Article VIII - Lazarene Liberation Army 1. The Lazarene Liberation Army will be comprised of citizens and will be the sole legal military force of the Lazarene Republic and the only military force officially sanctioned by Lazarus. 2. The Lazarene Liberation Army will be under the command of the First Citizen, who may further delegate command to citizens. 3. The primary responsibility of the Lazarene Liberation Army will be defense of Lazarus and execution of all military mandates established by law. 4. The Lazarene Liberation Army may engage in defense of regions at the discretion of command. The Lazarene Liberation Army will be barred from invading regions absent a declaration of war by the Conseil des Lazarene. Article IX - Declaration of the Rights of Nations and of the Citizen 1. Unless otherwise noted, all nations residing in Lazarus will be afforded all rights enumerated by this article. 2. Nations will have the right to free expression, including freedom of speech and of the press. 3. Nations will have the right to free association, including freedom of peaceful assembly. 4. Nations will have the right to equal treatment under the law and freedom from denial of participation based on arbitrarily discriminative criteria. 5. Nations will have the right to defend themselves against criminal charges before the Tribunal with the guarantee of a fair and speedy trial. 6. Nations will have the right to due process of law and guaranteed protection against ex post facto applications of the law and bills of attainder. 7. Nations will have the right to reside in Lazarus and to be protected against ejection or ban without reasonable cause and due process of law. 8. Nations will have the right to sovereign management of their affairs and to decline to provide World Assembly endorsement to any other nation. 9. Nations will have the right to maintain World Assembly endorsement count up to thirty less endorsements than the Engineer or, during periods of transition in office, the Mechanic of The Engine of the Republic with the highest endorsement count. 10. Citizens will have the right to vote and to stand for elected office. Article X - Regional Forum 1. The regional forum will be located at the following URL: http://nslazarus.com/archive/NSLazarus/index/ 2. Violation of forum terms of service or use and establishment and enforcement of moderation policies will be the responsibility of forum administration. Benevolent Thomas Second Theme Preamble Just as Saint Lazarus rose from the grave, the phoenix that is this region soars above the ashes of our oppressors, breaking the shackles of feudalism. We, the sovereign nations of Lazarus, unite once more in order to form a more perfect region. One where the rights of its members are unalienable and the pursuit of justice is sacrosanct. The nations, resident in the region formerly called the Peoples' Republic of Lazarus, hereby solemnly and mutually agree with each other, to form themselves into a free, sovereign, and independent state by the name of "The Lazarene Republic". Article I - Citizenship 1. Any person may apply for citizenship by providing the names of a resident nation in Lazarus and a World Assembly nation, and swearing an oath of citizenship established by law. 2. The Conductor will approve or reject applications for citizenship. If they reject an application, they will report the reasons for doing so to the Engine of Lazarus. The Engine may overturn such rejections by a two-thirds majority vote. 3. Citizens whose nation leaves Lazarus voluntarily or ceases to exist, do not log into the regional forums for twenty-eight days or voluntarily renounce it will forfeit their citizenship. 4. The Tribunal may remove the citizenship of a person convicted of a criminal offense. 5. Citizens may not lose their citizenship for any reason not enumerated here. Article II - Engine of Lazarus 1. The Engine of Lazarus will be comprised of all citizens and will be the supreme governing authority of the Lazarene Republic. 2. The Engine may enact, amend, or repeal the rules of its proceedings by simple majority vote. 3. The Engine may enact, amend, or repeal statutory law by simple majority vote. 4. The Engine may enact, amend, or repeal legally binding agreements with foreign regions or organizations by simple majority vote. 5. The Engine may remove any official for which a higher threshold is not established from office by simple majority vote. 6. The Engine may remove any of the following officials from office by two-thirds majority vote: Timekeeper, Conductor, Chief Tribune, Tribune, Engineer, Mechanic. 7. The Engine may declare war against a foreign region or organization by two-thirds majority vote. 8. The Engine may amend this Constitution by three-quarters majority vote. 9. The result of any vote in the Engine of Lazarus will be determined by taking into account only citizens who have voted and discounting abstentions cast in the vote. 10. The Engine will elect a citizen to serve as Timekeeper, to administer its business according to the rules of its proceedings. 11. The Timekeeper may appoint deputies to assist in legislative duties. Such deputies may be regulated by the rules of the Engine's proceedings. Article III - The Conductor 1. The Conductor will serve as head of state and government. 2. The Conductor may negotiate treaties with foreign powers. No such treaty will come into force unless ratified by the Engine of Lazarus. 3. The Conductor will control the onsite delegacy of the region and will exercise its powers only as permitted or required by law. 4. The Conductor may appoint a Council of Ministers to assist in state and government duties. Ministers will only take office upon being approved by a simple majority vote of the Engine of Lazarus, and the Engine may regulate the Council of Ministers by statute. 5. The Conductor may veto a proposal of the Engine of Lazarus to adopt, amend or repeal a law within a week of its passage. The Engine may override such a veto by two-thirds majority vote. Article IV - The Tribunal 1. The Tribunal will consist of a number of at least three Tribunes, but a greater number may be established by law. 2. Tribunes will serve until resignation or removal from office by the Engine of Lazarus. 3. The Conductor will nominate citizens to serve as Tribunes, who will only take office upon being approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the Engine of Lazarus. 4. A Tribune may not serve as: Conductor, Engineer, Timekeeper, government minister, or legislative deputy. 5. The Tribune will try all criminal and civil cases and determine the constitutionality of statutory laws, foreign agreements, and government policies. 6. The rules of the Tribunal proceedings will be established by statute. 7. The most senior member of the Tribunal will administer its business according to the rules of its proceedings. This member shall be known as the Chief Tribune. 8. The Tribune will reach decisions by majority vote. Article V - The Mechanic Corps 1. Any citizen who meets the endorsement and influence requirements determined by law may apply to become a Mechanic. 2. The Engine of Lazarus may approve an applicant to the Corps by a two-thirds majority vote. 3. The Mechanics will monitor regional security and report on it to the Engine. 4. The Mechanics will enforce decisions of the Engine to remove The Conductor from office. 5. A line of succession beyond the Engineer among the members of the Corps may be established by law. 6. Mechanics who willingly cease to meet the endorsement and influence requirements determined by law will forfeit their membership. 7. The Engine may remove a member of the Corps by a two-thirds majority vote. Article VI - The Engineer 1. The Engine will elect a citizen to serve as Engineer, to seek to hold the second most endorsements in Lazarus. 2. The Engineer will administer the business of the Mechanic Corps according to the rules they adopt for their proceedings. 3. The Engineer will be first in the line of succession to serve as acting Conductor. Article VII - Elected Officials 1. The Timekeeper, Conductor, and Engineer will be considered elected officials for the purposes of this document. 2. An election for an elected office will be conducted if four months have passed since the previous election for that office began or if the office is vacant. 3. Any person who is a citizen at the beginning of nominations for an election may stand as a candidate and vote in it. 4. Citizens will cast their ballots for a single candidate per office. If a candidate receives a simple majority of votes cast in the election, the candidate will be elected to the office. 5. If no candidate receives a majority of votes, a run-off election will be conducted between the two candidates with the most votes. The candidate who receives a simple majority of votes cast in the run-off election will be elected to office. 6. In the event of a tie between two candidates at the conclusion of the first run-off election, a second run-off election will be conducted. If no candidate receives a majority of votes at the conclusion of the second runoff, the tie will be broken in favor of the candidate who has been a citizen for the longest continuous period of time. 7. Abstentions cast in an election will not count against a majority. 8. No person may consecutively serve in the same elected office for more than two terms of four months. Article VIII - Lazarene Liberation Army 1. The Lazarene Liberation Army will be comprised of citizens and will be the sole legal military force of the Lazarene Republic and the only military force officially sanctioned by Lazarus. 2. The Lazarene Liberation Army will be under the command of the Conductor, who may further delegate command to citizens. 3. The primary responsibility of the Lazarene Liberation Army will be defense of Lazarus and execution of all military mandates established by law. 4. The Lazarene Liberation Army may engage in defense of regions at the discretion of command. The Lazarene Liberation Army will be barred from invading regions absent a declaration of war by the Engine of Lazarus. Article IX - Declaration of the Rights of Nations 1. Unless otherwise noted, all nations residing in Lazarus will be afforded all rights enumerated by this article. 2. Nations will have the right to free expression, including freedom of speech and of the press. 3. Nations will have the right to free association, including freedom of peaceful assembly. 4. Nations will have the right to equal treatment under the law and freedom from denial of participation based on arbitrarily discriminative criteria. 5. Nations will have the right to defend themselves against criminal charges before the Tribunal with the guarantee of a fair and speedy trial. 6. Nations will have the right to due process of law and guaranteed protection against ex post facto applications of the law and bills of attainder. 7. Nations will have the right to reside in Lazarus and to be protected against ejection or ban without reasonable cause and due process of law. 8. Nations will have the right to sovereign management of their affairs and to decline to provide World Assembly endorsement to any other nation. 9. Nations will have the right to maintain World Assembly endorsement count up to thirty less endorsements than the Engineer or, during periods of transition in office, the Mechanic with the highest endorsement count. 10. Citizens will have the right to vote and to stand for elected office. Article X - Regional Forum 1. The regional forum will be located at the following URL: http://nslazarus.com/archive/NSLazarus/index/ 2. Violation of forum terms of service or use and establishment and enforcement of moderation policies will be the responsibility of forum administration. |
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Kazmr | May 6 2015, 09:53 PM Post #4 |
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Spoiler: click to toggle The Lazarene Charter Preamble We, the united nations of Lazarus, declaring our commitment to a new and free region based on democracy and the will of the people, do hereby convene to establish the Democratic Republic of Lazarus. The Lazarene Charter shall stand as the absolute law of the region in every practical sense. Article A: Citizenship (a) Any person may apply for citizenship by disclosing their nation residing in Lazarus and their World Assembly nation, any/all crimes committed in past regions, and swearing an oath of citizenship established by law. (b) Pending security approval from the administrators, the Secretary of Internal Affairs will accept or reject applications for citizenship. The Regional Assembly may vote to overturn approval or rejection of an application for citizenship within fourteen days, should an appeal be brought forth. (c) Citizenship shall be revoked by the Secretary of Internal Affairs if citizenship is voluntarily forfeited, if the citizen's nation has relocated out of Lazarus or ceased-to-exist, if the citizen has not posted on the forum for more than twenty-eight days, or if the citizen has been convicted of a criminal offense and sentenced to a ban according to the Criminal Code of Lazarus by the Supreme Court. (d) Citizenship shall not be removed except under the conditions cited within this Charter. Article B: The Regional Assembly (a) The legislative and supreme governing body of the Democratic Republic of Lazarus shall be known as the Regional Assembly. (b) All citizens of the Democratic Republic of Lazarus will be members of the Regional Assembly. (c) The Regional Assembly shall have the power to enact, amend, or repeal its own procedural rules by a simple majority vote, accounting for only the number of citizens voting and discounting abstentions. (d) The Regional Assembly shall have the power to enact, amend, or repeal legislation by a simple majority vote, accounting for only the number of citizens voting and discounting abstentions. (e) The Regional Assembly shall have the power to enact, amend, or repeal treaties with foreign regions or interregional organizations by a simple majority vote, accounting for only the number of citizens voting and discounting abstentions. (f) The Regional Assembly shall have the power to enact, amend, or repeal a Criminal Code of Lazarus by a simple majority vote, accounting for only the number of citizens voting and discounting abstentions. (g) Any citizen shall have the power to initiate legislation for the Regional Assembly to consider. (h) The Regional Assembly shall have the power to initiate a recall referendum against any higher official by a simple majority vote, accounting for only the number of citizens voting and discounting abstentions. (i) The Regional Assembly shall have the power to remove any of the following officials from office by a two-thirds majority vote: President, Vice President, Councillor, Speaker, Secretary, Counsel. (j) The Regional Assembly shall have the power to declare war against a foreign region or interregional organization by a two-thirds majority vote. (k) The Regional Assembly shall elect a citizen to serve as its Speaker, to administer its business according to its procedural rules. The Speaker shall have the power to appoint deputies to assist in legislative duties, whom may be regulated by the procedural rules of the Regional Assembly. (l) Only the Regional Assembly shall have the power to amend this Charter by a three-quarters majority vote. Article C: President (a) The Regional Assembly shall elect a citizen to serve as the President of the Democratic Republic of Lazarus. All executive powers and duties shall be vested within this position. (b) The President shall serve as the World Assembly Delegate of Lazarus and will only exercise the powers of the delegacy as permitted by law. (c) The President shall have the power to negotiate treaties with foreign regions and interregional organizations, which will only take effect upon ratification by the Regional Assembly. (d) The President shall have the power to veto legislation to enact, amend, or repeal legislation within fourteen days of its passage. The Regional Assembly shall have the power to override such veto by a two-thirds majority vote. Article D: Vice President (a) The Regional Assembly shall elect a citizen to serve as Vice President of the Democratic Republic of Lazarus. (b) The Vice President shall hold the second-highest number of endorsements in Lazarus, behind the President. (c) The Vice President shall administer the business of the Cabinet according to its procedural rules. (d) The Vice President shall be first in the line of succession to serve as the Acting President of the Democratic Republic of Lazarus. Article E: Cabinet (a) The Cabinet shall be appointed by the President to oversee state and government affairs. Secretaries will take office only if the Regional Assembly confirms their appointment by a simple majority vote. (b) The Cabinet may be consisted of Secretaries, including those who oversee Internal Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Culture, Defense, and WA Affairs. The President shall have the power to modify these positions as seen fit. Article F: The Supreme Court (a) The judiciary branch of the Democratic Republic of Lazarus shall be known as the Supreme Court. One High Counsel and two Associate Counsels shall serve in this court until resignation or removal from office by the Regional Assembly. (b) The President shall nominate citizens to serve as Counsels, who will take office only if the Regional Assembly confirms their appointment by a simple majority vote. (c) A Counsel of the Supreme Court may not serve as President, Vice President, Speaker, Secretary, or Deputy Speaker simultaneously. (d) The procedural rules of the Supreme Court shall be established by law. (e) The Supreme Court shall have the power to try all criminal and civil cases and determine the constitutionality of established laws, foreign treaties, and government policies. (f) The Supreme Court shall elect a Chief Counsel from among its membership to administer its business according to its procedural rules. (g) The Supreme Court shall reach decisions by majority vote. Article G: Security Council (a) The Security Council shall be consisted of Councillors who are tasked with maintaining regional security in the Democratic Republic of Lazarus. (b) Any citizen who meets endorsement and influence requirements established by law has the opportunity to apply to become a Councillor. (c) In order for a Councillor application to be accepted, the Regional Assembly must approve it by a two-thirds majority vote. Councillors shall serve until resignation or removal from office by the Regional Assembly. (d) The Security Council shall monitor and report on regional security to the Regional Assembly. (e) The Security Council shall enforce the decisions of the Regional Assembly to remove the President from office. (f) Councillors must be prepared to serve as the Acting President, if the office of President is vacant or the President is absent without notice, according to the line of succession established by law. (g) The Acting President shall exercise the powers and duties of the President for the duration of the office's vacancy or, in the case of absence without notice, until the President returns. (h) The President may only be considered absent without notice if certified as such by a simple majority vote by the Security Council. (i) Councillors who cease to meet endorsement and influence requirements established by law shall automatically forfeit their position on the Security Council. Article H - The Lazarene Liberation Army (a) The Lazarene Liberation Army shall be comprised of citizens and will be the sole legal military force of the Democratic Republic of Lazarus and the only military force officially sanctioned by the government. (b) The President shall be Commander-in-Chief of the Lazarene Liberation Army. The President may further delegate command to the Secretary of Defense and other citizens. (c) The primary responsibility of the Lazarene Liberation Army will be the defense of Lazarus and the execution of all military mandates established by law. (d) The Lazarene Liberation Army shall engage in the defense of regions at the discretion of command. The Lazarene Liberation Army shall be barred from invading regions in the absence of a declaration of war by the Regional Assembly. Article I - Election Procedure (a) The President, Vice President, and Speaker shall be considered elected officials for all intents and purposes within the Charter. (b) A general election shall be conducted every four months for an elected office. A special election shall be called if an office becomes vacant before a full term is over (c) One ballot for every office may be cast by any citizen. If a candidate receives a simple majority of the votes cast in the election, the candidate will be elected to the office. (d) If no candidate receives a majority of votes, a run-off election shall be conducted between the two candidates with the highest number of votes. The candidate who receives a simple majority of votes cast in the run-off election will be elected to office. (e) All ties shall be broken in favor of the candidate who has been a citizen for the longest continuous period of time. (f) Any abstentions cast in an election will not count against a simple majority. (g) No person may simultaneously hold multiple elected offices. (h) No person may serve in the same elected office consecutively for more than two terms of four months each. (i) Elections shall follow their procedural rules established by law. Article J: The Rights of Citizens (a) All citizens shall have the right to freely express themselves, including freedom of speech and press. (b) All citizens shall have the right to freely associate themselves with others, including freedom of peaceful assembly. (c) All citizens shall have the right to equal treatment under the law and freedom from denial of participation based on arbitrary discrimination. (d) All citizens shall have the right to defend themselves against criminal charges before the Supreme Court with the guarantee of a fair and speedy trial. (e) All citizens shall have the right to the due process of law and guaranteed protection against an ex post facto application of the law or a bill of attainder. (f) All citizens shall have the right to vote and to stand for elected office. (g) In no way may the rights granted to citizens of the Democratic Republic of Lazarus be construed to be granted to all the residents of Lazarus. Article K: The Rights of Residents (a) All nations shall have the right to reside in Lazarus and to be protected against ejection or ban without reasonable cause and due process of law. (b) All nations shall have the right to sovereign management of national affairs and to decline to provide a World Assembly endorsement to any other nation. (c) All nations shall have the right to maintain a World Assembly endorsement count up to the limit set by the Regional Assembly. Article L: Regional Forum (a) The regional forum shall be located at the following URL: http://nslazarus.com/archive/NSLazarus/index/ (b) Violation of the terms of service of the forums, and the establishment and enforcement of moderation policies will be the responsibility of the forum administration. Cormac First Theme Covenant of Lazarus Preamble Like the phoenix rising from the ashes, like the sun rising in the east, so Lazarus rises. Though governments and their mandates may rise and fall, Lazarus endures. We, the nations of Lazarus, affirm our collective commitment to maintaining the community of Lazarus as a source of liberation from the chains of past lives, an everlasting sanctuary of rebirth. The Eternal Sanctuary of Lazarus will stand as the guarantor of this affirmation and the government of Lazarus, as mandated by this Covenant. 1. Charter of Rights (1) Unless otherwise noted, all nations residing in Lazarus will be afforded all rights enumerated by this article. (2) Nations will have the right to free expression, including freedom of speech and of the press. (3) Nations will have the right to free association, including freedom of peaceful assembly. (4) Nations will have the right to equal treatment under the law and freedom from denial of participation based on arbitrarily discriminative criteria. (5) Nations will have the right to defend themselves against criminal charges before the Chancellery with the guarantee of a fair and speedy trial. (6) Nations will have the right to due process of law and guaranteed protection against ex post facto applications of the law and bills of attainder. (7) Nations will have the right to reside in Lazarus and to be protected against ejection or ban without reasonable cause and due process of law. (8) Nations will have the right to sovereign management of their affairs and to decline to provide World Assembly endorsement to any other nation. (9) Nations will have the right to maintain World Assembly endorsement count up to thirty less endorsements than the Grand Sentinel or, during periods of transition in office, the Sentinel with the highest endorsement count. (10) Citizens will have the right to vote and to stand for elected office. 2. Citizenship (1) Any person may apply for citizenship by disclosing their nation residing in Lazarus and their World Assembly nation, and swearing an oath of citizenship established by statute. (2) The Grand Master will approve or reject applications for citizenship. The Convocation may vote to overturn approval or rejection of an application for citizenship within fourteen days. (3) If the Grand Master neither approves nor rejects an application within fourteen days, it will proceed to vote in the Convocation. (4) Citizenship may be voluntarily forfeited or may be removed if a citizen's nation residing in Lazarus ceases to exist or voluntarily relocates, or if a citizen is convicted of a criminal offense. (5) Citizenship will not be removed except under the conditions enumerated by this Covenant. 3. Convocation of the Elect (1) The Convocation of the Elect will be comprised of all citizens and will be the supreme governing authority of the Eternal Sanctuary of Lazarus. (2) The Convocation may enact, amend, or repeal the rules of its proceedings by simple majority vote. (3) The Convocation may enact, amend, or repeal statutory law by simple majority vote. (4) The Convocation may enact, amend, or repeal legally binding agreements with foreign regions or organizations by simple majority vote. (5) The Convocation may remove any official for which a higher threshold is not established from office by simple majority vote. (6) The Convocation may remove any of the following officials from office by two-thirds majority vote: Grand Orator, Grand Master, Grand Chancellor, Chancellor, Grand Sentinel, Sentinel. (7) The Convocation may declare war against a foreign region or organization by two-thirds majority vote. (8) The Convocation may amend this Covenant by three-quarters majority vote. (9) The result of any vote in the Convocation will be determined by taking into account only citizens who have voted and discounting abstentions cast in the vote. (10) The Convocation will elect a citizen to serve as Grand Orator, to administer its business according to the rules of its proceedings. (11) The Grand Orator may appoint deputies to assist in legislative duties. Such deputies may be regulated by the rules of the Convocation's proceedings. 4. Grand Master of the Convocation (1) The Convocation will elect a citizen to serve as Grand Master, to serve as World Assembly Delegate of Lazarus and as head of state and government for the Eternal Sanctuary of Lazarus. (2) The Grand Master will exercise the powers of the World Assembly Delegacy of Lazarus only as permitted by statute. (3) The Grand Master may negotiate treaties with foreign regions and organizations, which will come into force only if enacted by the Convocation. (4) The Grand Master may appoint a Council of Ministers to assist in state and government duties. Ministers will only take office upon being approved by a simple majority vote of the Convocation, and the Convocation may regulate the Council of Ministers by statute. (5) The Grand Master may veto legislation to enact, amend, or repeal statutory law within fourteen days of its passage. The Convocation may override such a veto by two-thirds majority vote. 5. Chancellery of the Convocation (1) The Chancellery will be the judicial authority of the Eternal Sanctuary of Lazarus and will be comprised of three Chancellors who will serve until resignation or removal from office by the Convocation. (2) The Grand Master will nominate citizens to serve as Chancellors, who will only take office upon being approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the Convocation. (3) A Chancellor may not serve as: Grand Master, Grand Sentinel, Grand Orator, government minister, or legislative deputy. (4) The rules of the Chancellery's proceedings will be established by statute. (5) The Chancellery will try all criminal and civil cases and determine the constitutionality of statutory laws, foreign agreements, and government policies. (6) The Chancellery will elect a Grand Chancellor from among its membership to administer its business according to the rules of its proceedings. (7) The Chancellery will reach decisions by majority vote. 6. Sentinels of the Convocation (1) Any citizen who meets endorsement and influence requirements established by statute may apply to become a Sentinel. (2) The Convocation may approve an application to serve as Sentinel by two-thirds majority vote. Sentinels will serve until resignation or removal from office by the Convocation. (3) Sentinels will monitor and report on regional security to the Convocation. (4) Sentinels will enforce decisions of the Convocation to remove the Grand Master from office. (5) Sentinels will be prepared to serve as acting Grand Master, if the office of Grand Master is vacant or the Grand Master is absent without notice, according to a line of succession established by statute. (6) The acting Grand Master will exercise the powers and carry out the duties of the Grand Master for the duration of the office's vacancy or, in the case of absence without notice, until the Grand Master returns. (7) The Grand Master may only be considered absent without notice if certified as such by majority vote of the Sentinels. (8) Sentinels who cease to meet endorsement and influence requirements established by law will automatically forfeit their service as Sentinels. 7. Grand Sentinel of the Convocation (1) The Convocation will elect a citizen to serve as Grand Sentinel, to seek to hold the second most endorsements in Lazarus. (2) The Grand Sentinel will administer the business of the Sentinels according to the rules they adopt for their proceedings. (3) The Grand Sentinel will be first in the line of succession to serve as acting Grand Master. 8. Lazarene Liberation Army (1) The Lazarene Liberation Army will be comprised of citizens and will be the sole legal military force of the Eternal Sanctuary of Lazarus and the only military force officially sanctioned by Lazarus. (2) The Lazarene Liberation Army will be under the command of the Grand Master, who may further delegate command to citizens. (3) The primary responsibility of the Lazarene Liberation Army will be defense of Lazarus and execution of all military mandates established by law. (4) The Lazarene Liberation Army may engage in defense of regions at the discretion of command. The Lazarene Liberation Army will be barred from invading regions absent a declaration of war by the Convocation. 9. Elected Officials (1) The Grand Orator, Grand Master, and Grand Sentinel will be considered elected officials for the purposes of this Covenant. (2) An election for an elected office will be conducted if four months have passed since the previous election for that office began or if the office is vacant. (3) Citizens will cast their ballots for a single candidate per office. If a candidate receives a simple majority of votes cast in the election, the candidate will be elected to the office. (4) If no candidate receives a majority of votes, a run-off election will be conducted between the two candidates with the most votes. The candidate who receives a simple majority of votes cast in the run-off election will be elected to office. (5) All ties will be broken in favor of the candidate who has been a citizen for the longest continuous period of time. (6) Abstentions cast in an election will not count against a majority. (7) No person may simultaneously hold multiple elected offices. (8) No person may consecutively serve in the same elected office for more than two terms of four months. 10. Regional Forum (1) The regional forum will be located at the following URL: http://nslazarus.com/archive/NSLazarus/index/ (2) Violation of forum terms of service or use and establishment and enforcement of moderation policies will be the responsibility of forum administration. Cormac Second Theme Lazarene Compact
Preamble Like the phoenix rising from the ashes, like the sun rising in the east, so Lazarus rises. Though governments and their mandates may rise and fall, Lazarus endures. We, the nations of Lazarus, affirm our united commitment to maintaining the community of Lazarus as a source of permanent revolution against tyranny, liberation from the struggle against reactionary forces, and rebirth into a society of solidarity and peace. The United Socialist State of Lazarus will stand as the guarantor of this affirmation and the government of Lazarus, as mandated by this Compact. 1. Charter of Rights (1) Unless otherwise noted, all nations residing in Lazarus will be afforded all rights enumerated by this article. (2) Nations will have the right to free expression, including freedom of speech and of the press. (3) Nations will have the right to free association, including freedom of peaceful assembly. (4) Nations will have the right to equal treatment under the law and freedom from denial of participation based on arbitrarily discriminative criteria. (5) Nations will have the right to defend themselves against criminal charges before the People's Court with the guarantee of a fair and speedy trial. (6) Nations will have the right to due process of law and guaranteed protection against ex post facto applications of the law and bills of attainder. (7) Nations will have the right to reside in Lazarus and to be protected against ejection or ban without reasonable cause and due process of law. (8) Nations will have the right to sovereign management of their affairs and to decline to provide World Assembly endorsement to any other nation. (9) Nations will have the right to maintain World Assembly endorsement count up to thirty less endorsements than the Vice Secretary or, during periods of transition in office, the Presidium Councillor with the highest endorsement count. (10) Citizens will have the right to vote and to stand for elected office. 2. Citizenship (1) Any person may apply for citizenship by disclosing their nation residing in Lazarus and their World Assembly nation, and swearing an oath of citizenship established by statute. (2) The General Secretary will approve or reject applications for citizenship. The Central Union may vote to overturn approval or rejection of an application for citizenship within fourteen days. (3) If the General Secretary neither approves nor rejects an application within fourteen days, it will proceed to vote in the Central Union. (4) Citizenship may be voluntarily forfeited or may be removed if a citizen's nation residing in Lazarus ceases to exist or voluntarily relocates, or if a citizen is convicted of a criminal offense. (5) Citizenship will not be removed except under the conditions enumerated by this Compact. 3. Central Union (1) The Central Union will be comprised of all citizens and will be the supreme governing authority of the United Socialist State of Lazarus. (2) The Central Union may enact, amend, or repeal the rules of its proceedings by simple majority vote. (3) The Central Union may enact, amend, or repeal statutory law by simple majority vote. (4) The Central Union may enact, amend, or repeal legally binding agreements with foreign regions or organizations by simple majority vote. (5) The Central Union may remove any official for which a higher threshold is not established from office by simple majority vote. (6) The Central Union may remove any of the following officials from office by two-thirds majority vote: Chairman, General Secretary, People's Judge, People's Assessor, Vice Secretary, Presidium Councillor. (7) The Central Union may declare war against a foreign region or organization by two-thirds majority vote. (8) The Central Union may amend this Compact by three-quarters majority vote. (9) The result of any vote in the Central Union will be determined by taking into account only citizens who have voted and discounting abstentions cast in the vote. (10) The Central Union will elect a citizen to serve as its Chairman, to administer its business according to the rules of its proceedings. (11) The Chairman may appoint deputies to assist in legislative duties. Such deputies may be regulated by the rules of the Central Union's proceedings. 4. General Secretary (1) The Central Union will elect a citizen to serve as General Secretary, to serve as World Assembly Delegate of Lazarus and as head of state and government for the United Socialist State of Lazarus. (2) The General Secretary will exercise the powers of the World Assembly Delegacy of Lazarus only as permitted by statute. (3) The General Secretary may negotiate treaties with foreign regions and organizations, which will come into force only if enacted by the Central Union. (4) The General Secretary may appoint a Cabinet of Ministers to assist in state and government duties. Ministers will only take office upon being approved by a simple majority vote of the Central Union, and the Central Union may regulate the Cabinet of Ministers by statute. (5) The General Secretary may veto legislation to enact, amend, or repeal statutory law within fourteen days of its passage. The Central Union may override such a veto by two-thirds majority vote. 5. People's Court (1) The People's Court will be the judicial authority of the United Socialist State of Lazarus and will be comprised of three People's Assessors who will serve until resignation or removal from office by the Central Union. (2) The General Secretary will nominate citizens to serve as People's Assessors, who will only take office upon being approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the Central Union. (3) A People's Assessor may not serve as: General Secretary, Vice Secretary, Chairman, government minister, or legislative deputy. (4) The rules of the People's Court's proceedings will be established by statute. (5) The People's Court will try all criminal and civil cases and determine the constitutionality of statutory laws, foreign agreements, and government policies. (6) The People's Court will elect a People's Judge from among its membership to administer its business according to the rules of its proceedings. (7) The People's Court will reach decisions by majority vote. 6. Presidium Council (1) Any citizen who meets endorsement and influence requirements established by statute may apply to become a Presidium Councillor. (2) The Central Union may approve an application to serve as Presidium Councillor by two-thirds majority vote. Presidium Councillors will serve until resignation or removal from office by the Central Union. (3) The Presidium Council will monitor and report on regional security to the Central Union. (4) The Presidium Council will enforce decisions of the Central Union to remove the General Secretary from office. (5) Presidium Councillors will be prepared to serve as acting General Secretary, if the office of General Secretary is vacant or the General Secretary is absent without notice, according to a line of succession established by statute. (6) The acting General Secretary will exercise the powers and carry out the duties of the General Secretary for the duration of the office's vacancy or, in the case of absence without notice, until the General Secretary returns. (7) The General Secretary may only be considered absent without notice if certified as such by majority vote of the Presidium Council. (8) Presidium Councillors who cease to meet endorsement and influence requirements established by law will automatically forfeit their service on the Presidium Council. 7. Vice Secretary (1) The Central Union will elect a citizen to serve as Vice Secretary, to seek to hold the second most endorsements in Lazarus. (2) The Vice Secretary will administer the business of the Presidium Council according to the rules it adopts for its proceedings. (3) The Vice Secretary will be first in the line of succession to serve as acting General Secretary. 8. Lazarene Liberation Army (1) The Lazarene Liberation Army will be comprised of citizens and will be the sole legal military force of the United Socialist State of Lazarus and the only military force officially sanctioned by Lazarus. (2) The Lazarene Liberation Army will be under the command of the General Secretary, who may further delegate command to citizens. (3) The primary responsibility of the Lazarene Liberation Army will be defense of Lazarus and execution of all military mandates established by law. (4) The Lazarene Liberation Army may engage in defense of regions at the discretion of command. The Lazarene Liberation Army will be barred from invading regions absent a declaration of war by the Central Union. 9. Elected Officials (1) The Chairman, General Secretary, and Vice Secretary will be considered elected officials for the purposes of this Compact. (2) An election for an elected office will be conducted if four months have passed since the previous election for that office began or if the office is vacant. (3) Citizens will cast their ballots for a single candidate per office. If a candidate receives a simple majority of votes cast in the election, the candidate will be elected to the office. (4) If no candidate receives a majority of votes, a run-off election will be conducted between the two candidates with the most votes. The candidate who receives a simple majority of votes cast in the run-off election will be elected to office. (5) All ties will be broken in favor of the candidate who has been a citizen for the longest continuous period of time. (6) Abstentions cast in an election will not count against a majority. (7) No person may simultaneously hold multiple elected offices. (8) No person may consecutively serve in the same elected office for more than two terms of four months. 10. Regional Forum (1) The regional forum will be located at the following URL: http://nslazarus.com/archive/NSLazarus/index/ (2) Violation of forum terms of service or use and establishment and enforcement of moderation policies will be the responsibility of forum administration. Edited by Kazmr, May 6 2015, 09:53 PM.
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Syrixia | May 6 2015, 10:12 PM Post #5 |
tunak tunak tun
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killer kitty | May 6 2015, 10:17 PM Post #6 |
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Benevolent Thomas | May 6 2015, 10:35 PM Post #7 |
Blessed of the Vale
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Foxfyre Islands | May 6 2015, 10:42 PM Post #8 |
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The Church of Satan | May 7 2015, 12:11 AM Post #9 |
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Funkadelia | May 7 2015, 12:21 AM Post #10 |
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