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Constitutional Draft | |
Tweet Topic Started: Apr 18 2015, 01:26 AM (1,200 Views) | |
Lazarus | Apr 18 2015, 01:26 AM Post #1 |
Mod Edit: Please note that this constitution is not meant to be the draft, necessarily. This is one proposal that was drafted during the NLO occupation, but the purpose of this convention is to find out where our region's values lie. Feel free to discuss this draft, or create your own entirely different drafts. Preamble The nations, resident in the region formerly called the Peoples' Republic of Lazarus, hereby solemnly and mutually agree with each other, to form themselves into a free, sovereign, and independent body politic, or state by the name of "The [Pretitle] of Lazarus". Article 1: Citizenship
Article 2: The Rights of the People
Article 3: The Convocation of Souls
Article 4: The High Councillor
Article 5: Elected Officers
Article 6: The Tribunal
Article 7: The Gatekeepers [of the Dead]
Article 8: The Regional Forum
Edited by Kazmr, Apr 23 2015, 05:02 AM.
Replies: | |
Kazmr | Apr 23 2015, 06:52 PM Post #51 |
Indeed it is I think it may be productive to include a clause in Article 1, the citizenship article, on who is considered a citizen at the outset of the new constitution coming into effect. |
Kazmr | Apr 24 2015, 04:02 AM Post #52 |
So I ran a test to see just how many people would be eligible for citizenship and voting rights under the proposal we've been discussing regarding extending this privilege based on residency. These individuals currently have WA and are endorsing the delegate. I ran for different counts, from the longest consecutive 150 in the region to the longest 1500. Please not that this does not indicate consecutive WA membership, merely that they have it currently. If we were to allow the oldest 150 (first ten pages of 'length of residency'), the following 11 nations would get citizenship, shortest in the region since Feb. 16, 2013: rhalellan, claraxia, crapzakistan, krudistan_nation, the_salvation_states, praenestia, dino_dines, atrebates, nerbia, courlany, rangers_brotherhood At 300, we would have 17, shortest in the region since Feb. 15, l2014: rhalellan, claraxia, crapzakistan, krudistan_nation, the_salvation_states, praenestia, dino_dines, atrebates, nerbia, courlany, rangers_brotherhood, azzadoni, neueziel, port_jefferson, dotangina, powthran, ur_beautiful At 750 (50 pages), 34 nations, shortest in the region since Oct. 4, 2014: rhalellan, claraxia, crapzakistan, krudistan_nation, the_salvation_states, praenestia, dino_dines, atrebates, nerbia, courlany, rangers_brotherhood, azzadoni, neueziel, port_jefferson, dotangina, powthran, ur_beautiful, arkins, jukenia, lazarussian_campinia, arkanik, sketharia, potted_plants_united, flatulati_incontinentia, cabin_john, silvinaria, democristan, racq, the_floodcity, bare_arms, puppydreamer, southeastlanders, zeonz, wellbournia With the full 1500 proposed by Loftegen, 100 pages, 62 nations, the shortest of which has been in the region consecutively since February 21: rhalellan, claraxia, crapzakistan, krudistan_nation, the_salvation_states, praenestia, dino_dines, atrebates, nerbia, courlany, rangers_brotherhood, azzadoni, neueziel, port_jefferson, dotangina, powthran, ur_beautiful, arkins, jukenia, lazarussian_campinia, arkanik, sketharia, potted_plants_united, flatulati_incontinentia, cabin_john, silvinaria, democristan, racq, the_floodcity, bare_arms, puppydreamer, southeastlanders, zeonz, wellbournia, dakota_gage_carsons, vuvuzeland, arctus, the_third_temple_welcoming_committee, neo_kervoskia, aigania, forlini_and_its_dominion, almain, acentinia, falkaria, casterphie, knights_almeria, amontis, consire, federation_of_defensive_states, rathgard, kreulstitz, baccadoria, murder_ball_of_death, taila, r3dneck_paradise, brosumland, poundin_it, barkdull, ghoolia, bruteland, sealpup, perthane Here are also raw numbers for a few nice, even counts: Longest 100: 7 nations Longest 200: 13 nations Longest 500: 34 nations (strangely enough the exact same as the longest 750) Longest 1000: 45 nations Based on this data, and the fact that Loft proposed the provision going into effect after one year of the constitution, I think it may be reasonable to consider as low as the oldest 300 nations in the region, or 20 pages of length of residency. This would, at current count, allow for roughly over a year of continuous residency within Lazarus. I confirmed this by going to said 300th nation, Catalunya i Balears, who has been in Lazarus continuously since March 22, 2014. This may go up slowly over time, but I think given the substantial age of Lazarus it is notable that at this value is only a year, and thus there is likely quite a bit of movement. We could perhaps consider making the specific value something determined by the legislature. Additionally, it would be possible to maintain a database of eligible nations for each given day. This would allow us to have a restriction such as that one must have WA status on the day a bill is first proposed in order to prevent individuals with long term puppets from simply switching just to be able to vote. I think that 17 possible votes is actually a reasonably manageable number. Note that there is a chance it may go down as I see at least a couple of nations who I know only have WA because of the current crisis. On one hand this would allow someone to have a voice simply my investing time in the community. On the other it is not such a substantial number that it would utterly swamp anything the forum could bring to bear, particularly considering not all could be expected to vote every time. |
Loftegen | Apr 24 2015, 05:10 AM Post #53 |
Supreme Autocrat
That's incredibly interesting, Kaz. I had no idea there were so many long term residents left. Thank you for compiling this. |
Ryccia | Apr 24 2015, 07:56 PM Post #54 |
Maybe we could shorten that term to 4 months or 6 months? Or 0 months? 1 year sounds very long for NS. I do not want to be here, waiting a year for voting rights.
Edited by Ryccia, Apr 25 2015, 06:42 AM.
Laurentius | Apr 26 2015, 08:36 PM Post #55 |
We need to think of a pretitle for Lazarus. Like, United Republic! |
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