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Drall for Convenor
Topic Started: Jul 28 2017, 03:33 AM (53 Views)
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Wildly Popular Scoundrel
Hello all!

As most of you know, I'm Drall, and I'll be running in this Special Election for Convenor. I've been in Lazarus for around three months, and during that time I'm been a pretty active member of the community, both on the forums and discord. I've actively debated legislation in the Cosmic Council, spammed, and chatted with folks around here.

A couple of points I'd like to focus on:

1) I'd like to approach the Office of Convenor with the intent of keeping it as apolitical as possible. In my mind, the position is intended to moderator and administrate the Cosmic Council - not to turn it into anything else.

2) I'd also like to facilitate greater discussion in the Cosmic Council and continue that activity throughout the term. We're currently revising the Mandate and it thus seems logical that there shall be plenty of other laws to amend, rewrite, and draft. This is, in my view, a high point for the legislative process in Lazarus, something I'd like to facilitate and maintain.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.
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