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UPDATE; From like late April, oopsie | |
Tweet Topic Started: May 31 2017, 06:51 PM (45 Views) | |
Veniasufia | May 31 2017, 06:51 PM Post #1 |
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![]() NationStates Region Offsite Forum Our Discord GOVERNMENT NEWS New Premier, New Order? The region had an important election in March, it was the first after the new constitution was agreed upon, which resulted in a victory for SatanLord. Gaining 7 votes, he defeated 3 other candidates, Tytor, a veteran member of the region, Mr K and KaiserAdolf. As he gained the highest first priority votes, he was automatically recognised and officially elected as The Premier by our serene Grand Chancellor, Her Excellency, Beatrice.Later on, SatanLord appointed several members of the region to serve in the cabinet. Sadly, achieving the objectives we set has been challenging but we're slowly getting there. ROLE PLAY NEWS (If it's green you can join in the Roleplay!) How Do You Solve a Problem Like Phuebra? Tensions built on years of tribalism pitting Muslims against Buddhists, made Phuebra into a ticking time bomb. All that anger, frustration and hatred finally was unleashed engulfing any in its path. Maybe it was orchestrated by foreigners, maybe it was one summary execution too far. All we know is that since the first fighting began we have seen thousands die and millions of Phuebrans become internally displaced. With the old Buddhist government out of their seat of power and requesting formal assistance from the international community it is up to the world to decide the fate of these tortured people's. A Cold Deep Truth Deep in international waters, near the north and south poles of Mundus, another fight is underway. In the sometimes dangerous, but profitable world of illegal fishing. For some seeing world famous coral reefs being devastated was too much to handle. A radical new brand of conservationists, calling themselves the Coral Crusaders have risen up to combat this perceived threat to mother nature, attempting to put a stop to operations, one ship at a time. Governments around the world are already rallying behind a common goal but some choose to remain suspiciously quiet. So Eco-warriors with a legitimate axe to grind or terrorists going after well established business practices? This question that has led to many debates and some intense and even fatal confrontations on the open seas. COMMONWEALTH TREATY ORGANISATION ROUND UP Tim Carpenter new Sec-Gen ![]() Courtesy of Free Mundus Network After struggling to work efficiently these last few months and weeks, proponents of the Commonwealth Treaty Organisation can breathe a sigh of relief in their newly appointed Secretary General. Tim Carpenter, who was also the CTO's first ever Sec-Gen has returned with an ambitious agenda and intense desire to get things done. It will Trying to restore confidence in the Organisation and ensuring it is prepared to handle any crisis will not be an easy task but if there is any man for the job it's Mr.Carpenter. From his remarks at a press conference post appointment it seems clear that he does not want to waste even a second. Speaking before all the world's press he said "It is my hope that we can restore some shine to the CTO, it's become quiet, far too quiet. It's an organisation that has great potential and its been slow to do anything, that will not be allowed to happen under my watch and you can guarantee our two agencies of the Refugee Council and Health Organisation will have leaders appointed by the week is out. Uppsala is a mess, it shouldn't be and as such I want to break the walls down the former leadership of this organisation put up for the Alanders and actually do some good. It's vital we engage newer members so watch out Mundus, I have a rucksack and I will be using it." SPORTS ROUND UP ![]() Sammy Lawson and in the background bronze medalist Melanie Parker (Courtesy of Achkaerin News Service) Mundus Games IV The fourth edition of the Mundus Games is nearing completion and a special thanks must be given to the people of Arstotzka for organising such a wonderful event. Throughout the course of the games we have seen some impressive displays in a wide range of disciplines. When one looks at sheer quality and professionalism athletes have shown it is safe to say that the only way is up for sporting in Mundus. Who could forget exhilarating performance put up by East Moreland born women's 400m Medley swimmer Daisy Greechan or Achkaerinese Cyclist Sammy Lawson winning her tenth well deserved gold in the history of the games by a massive 31 seconds. MEDIA ROUND UP Lodja Times Political commentators and social media have been buzzing when word came that Queen Viktoriya had decided to send her close confidant and world renowned celebrity, Lady in Waiting Stasya Pelagiya as an envoy to the EM government ahead of their fast approaching referendum on joining the CNN. When trying to alleviate some of the concerns about Lady Stasya having zero political experience the Royal Press Secretary called the new envoy a"highly intelligent lady who speaks good Morelandish." Achkaerin News Service On the heels of a statement made by CTO Secretary General Tim Carpenter the Achkaerinese Minister of trade, Viola Summers expressed support for Mr. Carpenter's statement. Adding "we now publicly make known that we shall be stepping up our pre-existing sanctions against Mercia to incorporate those instructed by the CTO resolution.....this is going to take a collective effort and the sooner the CTO steps up the better." Protoa News Network In the wake of the Jacobsen's Virus that devasted central Protoa. The Imperium has commenced sanitization works in the dormant cities and border controls have also been relaxed. Imperial State News Agency According to polls conducted by the Imperial State News Agency of Satanica the National Conservative party is gaining ground while the New Monarchist Party is on a steady decline. Polling date also suggests that around 41.9% Satanicans lean towards the right with the left taking up 35.7%, centrists account for 5.8% and the non-aligned make up 16.6% of the electorate. SHORT STORY SECTION "GO!GO!GO!" Redfern yelled as he pushed Rhiannon ahead of him, they'd been packing up camp when an alien flyer had spotted them, it had circled them then shot off towards the city, experience told them that where flyers were Skitters usually weren't far behind. The camp had hastily packed up and got on the road, the two groups splitting up as they exited the woods. Rhiannon was carrying her half brother William as Redfern began herding their group, panic was setting in and some of the older members of the group were struggling. The hand full of Red's either ran ahead or joined the herding process in the rear, as Rhiannon stumbled at a jog across the muddy field she felt the weight of William disappear, Robbie Peacock had returned and had unceremoniously thrown William over one shoulder as he took off across the field. Rhiannon was now free to unsling the rifle she'd been carrying across her back and run along with the others. "Down the embankment" Alex yelled pointing the way and turning as the column stretched out. "Left flank" a call came out as two Red's opened fire on a Skitter emerging from the tree line. Immediately everyone with a weapon began searching for targets, Rhiannon stopped and squeezed off a few rounds along with several others, she had no idea if her rounds were hitting their mark as Alex grabbed her and ran pushing her ahead of him. "You don't stop" he shouted as Barks caught them up and began running alongside between the Skitter and Rhiannon as he fired his own rifle from the hip. Another Skitter emerged just as the first seemed to lose a limb or two and slow down. "Down" Alex yelled as he heard the tell tale sound of a Mech's gun spinning up. The tree's on the edge of the woods seemed to explode in a flash of light and flying shards as those towards the rear of the column were ripped apart, several of the Red's there died in that exchange as the others hit the dirt. "Crawl" Alex ordered Rhiannon as he pointed to the embankment. "Where's William?" She said in a panic looking around and about to get to her feet, Alex pulled her back down. "Bloody move" he screamed in her face as he pushed her just as a hail of gunfire went over their heads. Rhiannon did as she was told and crawled as quickly as her arms would drag her to the embankment. With the two Skitters now dead or dying, Alex could never be sure the Mech was the only threat, Alex knew they could probably out run it once down the embankment but not with the older people in their group, speed was essential now. "Peacock" Alex yelled across to where his colleague was holding a frightened William down as he tried to fire back. "What" he yelled back as he changed mags. "Get going North East, we'll go North West, head for Rockhampton" Redfern yelled pointing the way. "I know.....I know" Peacock yelled back. "Can't go til that Mech's down." he screamed. "Screw the Mech" Redfern was firing now and noted how rounds came from behind him, Rhiannon was opening up to as other survivors and Red's streamed past them sliding unceremoniously down the embankment. "We save what we can" Alex said grimly as he swapped his own mag. The Mech was marked by hundreds of rounds but seemed to keep moving relentlessly. Peacock was about to accept they weren't going to save everyone when a bright flash almost blinded them as the Mech exploded. "Thank Jekar" Alex said with a sigh of relief unsure what had happened but not about to ask too many questions, he now pushed Rhiannon down the embankment watching as she half rolled and half slid to the bottom where Saxby hauled her to her feet and pushed her onwards. Redfern and Sgt.Thomas stayed at the edge of the field for a moment or two waiting to see what else was going to emerge, about 30 people lay in the field dead, they'd have to leave them. Alex was tempted to see if he could salvage any gear when he saw movement at the woods edge, had more Skitters come? Redfern squinted down his scope expecting to see some of the multi-legged beasts emerge from the woods. "Wait for them to get into the field" Thomas said more to himself than Redfern. "Friendlies" Alex said as he lowered his rifle. Three figures took a knee as they scanned the area, four more hurried forwards and the group made their way cautiously towards the Red's. "Redfern!" Came the woman's voice in a low hiss. "2nd Lt.MacAllister" Redfern said with a grin standing up. "And what the hell was that." "LAW" Sophie said as she walked forward and embraced him. "We got five more of them" she tapped the one on her back, she was bristling with gear, the DPM uniform literally bulging with extra magazines. "We got into the Reservists base at Northfort West a few days ago, stocked up big style" she said as the other members of her Alpine Cadre arrived. "We spotted you guys had left a few bits and pieces and began heading to Rockhampton, spotted the Mech and figured it must be following you, so we followed it." "Glad you did" Alex said shaking hands with Sophie's colleagues. "You didn't see your Auntie on your travels did you?" he asked hopefully. "No" she shook her head, "But then again we were too busy chasing you" she said hoping to give a glimmar of hope to what she suspected was a lost cause. "You got Rhiannon?" Sophie fell into step beside Alex as they walked down the bank. "Yeah, she's being a bloody idiot, won't do what I tell her, wants to fight, wants to save everyone." Alex shook his head disapprovingly. "Daddy's Little Girl" Sophie knew how much her cousin had doted on her father and would have been keen to see his legacy of an East Moreland that lived by the Code survive even in these harsh times. "We OK to fall in?" Sophie asked formally. "You bring them LAW's and you can have a promotion to Field Marshall for all I care." Alex said. "I'd take my 2nd pip" Sophie had been in the Alpine Cadre, her uncle's beloved Regiment for two years as a reservist before enlisting full time just 6 months before the attack, she was due to be promoted in two months but then all this had happened. "Soph" Rhiannon spotted her and hugged her tightly. "If you promise to not go away you can have your pip" the Queen promised her. "Well I promise to stay for at least as long as it takes to get to Rockhampton, how's that." "It'll do" Rhiannon released her and turned to Alex, "How bad we get hit?" she asked. "30 dead" he said grimly. Without a word Rhiannon took a notebook from her thigh pocket, turned to a page that said "Kingdom of East Moreland, Population 603" she counted the seven new arrivals and then did some maths quickly in head, a pencil line neatly went through the number before beneath it she wrote "580" before flicking the page closed and walking away. Thank you for reading our news! Come visit the Order sometimes! Thanks to our authors, Temcluse and Kaiser Adolf. |
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