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Amendment to the Osiris Coup Personae Non Gratae Act
Topic Started: Sep 12 2016, 02:14 PM (148 Views)
Supreme Leader of All Leaders in the Earth

Amendment to the Osiris Coup Personae Non Gratae Act

Regarding: Status of Tim as Personae Non Gratae.


  • Amending the Osiris Coup Personae Non Gratae Act to remove Tim's status as PNG.
Current text of the act
(Osiris Coup Personae Non Gratae Act

1. The following players shall be declared to be Personae Non Gratae in accordance with the Persona Non Grata Act:
Cormac A. Stark
Tim Stark
Ambroscus Koth

2. The following shall serve as explanation for the status of the aforementioned players in the record of Personae Non Gratae.
Cormac A. Stark, Tim Stark, and Ambroscus Koth are recognized as threats to the sovereignty and security of all free and democratic regions following the key roles they played in the April 2016 coup of Osiris. Upon losing an election to another citizen, Cormac collaborated with outgoing Pharaoh Tim to coup the region and keep their political rivals out of power. Their coup has destabilized the region, resulted in the ban of several prominent members of the community, and ended free democratic rule in Osiris. Lazarus finds the abuse of trust on the part of the coupers, especially so soon after Cormac was allowed back into the community, to be shameful and unacceptable behaviour. Therefore, for the safety and security of Lazarus, these players have been declared Personae non Gratae.
Shall be amended to:
Osiris Coup Personae Non Gratae Act

The Humane Republic of Lazarus
Osiris Coup Personae Non Gratae Act
No. 2 of 2016
The Grand Assembly enacts:

1: Purposes
The purposes of this Act are –
(1) Establish a list of nations declared as Personae Non Gratae for threats posed against the Humane Republic of Lazarus.

2: Commencement
This Act comes into operation upon passage.

3: Nations
(1) The nations Cormac A. Stark & Ambroscus Koth shall be designated Personae Non Gratae.

4: Line of Succession
(1) Cormac A. Stark, and Ambroscus Koth are recognized as threats to the sovereignty and security of all free and democratic regions following the key roles they played in the April 2016 coup of Osiris. Upon losing an election to another citizen, Cormac collaborated with Ambroscus Koth and an outgoing Pharaoh to coup the region and keep their political rivals out of power. Their coup has destabilized the region, resulted in the ban of several prominent members of the community, and ended free democratic rule in Osiris. Lazarus finds the abuse of trust on the part of the coupers, especially so soon after Cormac was allowed back into the community, to be shameful and unacceptable behaviour. Therefore, for the safety and security of Lazarus, these players have been declared Personae non Gratae.
Edited by Amerion, Sep 12 2016, 02:35 PM.
Don't look...or it cutes you!
I have to say that I don't agree with this proposal.

The fact that Tim is the latest in a long line of people to have been burned by Cormac doesn't change the fact that he was the person responsible for the coup which put Cormac into power in Osiris in the first place. To the best of my knowledge, until he himself became a target of the Pharaoh, Tim never expressed regret at the actions he took or at his role in dissolving democratic governance in Osiris. He's never disavowed couping as a legitimate tactic to impose change on a region against the will of the community. That forces me to conclude that if he were in a position to do so and it suited him to do so, he would take similar actions in other regions, including Lazarus, and as such he remains a "threat to the sovereignty and security of all free and democratic regions".

While I personally find it puzzling that Cormac would turn on someone who has by all appearances stuck by him through thick and thin over the years, it doesn't change anything that relates to our regional sovereignty or security.
Edited by Wintermoot, Sep 12 2016, 03:59 PM.
Blessed of the Vale
I completely agree with Wintermoot.

I frequently talk to and work closely with Tim in the course of defending, but he has never apologized or shown any remorse for couping Osiris (except his regret that he put Cormac in power), and when asked directly he's refused to.

As you said, his lack of disavowment of a coup d'etat as a legitimate means of regime change is certainly troubling.
Supreme Autocrat
I agree with Winter and Funk.
The Church of Satan
Exactly. Cormac giving Tim the cold shoulder doesn't entitle him to a pardon for making a GCR coup possible.
Supreme Leader of All Leaders in the Earth
I stand by my assessment of Tim as being a good person but after reviewing the comments in this discussion, I digress.
A Spider in the Garden. Oh but don't think for a moment I forget; Hunt or be Hunted
I heard it being mentioned in the Discord channel but never thought it would actual be proposed. No. No. Just No. I think Winter once again has explained it perfectly. To add on to what Winter said, he couped a region which he thought was for the best but not...... how months has it been since? 4-ish? And he's already regretting his actions. Does that tell he would be loyal to Lazarus?
Edited by Andrew, Sep 13 2016, 08:37 PM.
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