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-:- The MandateSpoiler: Description
The nations, resident in the region formerly called the Peoples' Republic of Lazarus, hereby solemnly and mutually agree with each other, to form themselves into a free, sovereign, and independent body politic, or state by the name of "The Humane Republic of Lazarus". [...]View Full Text: Constitution of Lazarus (Mandate 9) -:- Embassy ApplicationsSpoiler: Description
For the purpose of this application:
"Members" is defined as any person(s) that maintain an account on your forum. "Head of State" is defined as the person that leads your government (e.g. president, king, emperor, etc) [...] Tell us a little about your region. What is your region's military stance? Invader/Defender/Imperialist/Neutral (Choose whichever applies) Does your region maintain an army? If Lazarus provides you with an embassy, would you be willing to grant us one in return? [...] Apply for an Embassy: Embassy Applications -:- Lazarus Chat (IRC)Spoiler: Description
What is IRC, and how does it work?
IRC (Internet Relay Chat) provides a way of communicating in real time with people from all over the world. It consists of various separate networks of IRC servers, machines that allow users to connect to IRC. Generally, the user runs a program (called a 'client') to connect to a server on one of the IRC networks. The server relays information to and from other servers on the same network. [...] View Full Wiki: Mibbit Quick Start Guide -:- Proposing LegislationSpoiler: Description
Lazarene Legislature Standing Orders
• Proposals • Any citizen may introduce a proposal to exercise a power of the Legislature by presenting it in a dedicated location for debates of the Legislature. • If the Delegate rejects an application for citizenship, the applicant shall be considered to have introduced a proposal to overturn the rejection. • If the Delegate fails to act on an application for citizenship within a week, the applicant shall be considered to have introduced a proposal to approve their application. • If the Delegate nominates a candidate for the Cabinet or Judiciary, the Delegate shall be considered to have introduced a proposal to confirm the candidate. • If the Delegate vetoes a proposal to enact, amend or repeal a law, the citizen who introduced the proposal shall be considered to have introduced a proposal to override the veto. • If a citizen applies to be an endorsee, the citizen shall be considered to have introduced a proposal to approve their application. [...]View Full Text: Legislative Procedures -:- Nationstates GuideSpoiler: Description
This guide will help if you are a new player to this game or an experienced player looking to expand your knowledge of NationStates.
The aim of this guide is to help you: • Prepare you for the limitless possibilities; • Find out the the varying aspects of this game; and • Manage your nation. [...] View Full Guide: NationStates Guide |
-:- The Sovereign: Harmoneia- The Delegate: Sovereign (a.k.a. The Daughter of Fènghuáng)-:- The Grandee Secretary: Vacant- The Vice-Delegate: the Grandee Secretary-:- Director of Ceremonies: Gulliver- The Speaker of the Legislature: Director of Ceremonies-:- Minister Steward: Benevolent Thomas- Minister of the Interior: Minister Steward-:- Minister Herald: Deadeye Jack- Minister of Foreign Affairs: Minister Herald-:- The Grand Commandant of the Army: Kazmr- General of the Army: The Grand Commandant-:- Court Officials: Belschaft, Powthran, RPI- Justices: Court Officials |
-:- Apply for CitizenshipSpoiler: Description
Before applying, please make sure you have read and understood our constitution. It is a short read and will give an overview of the governmental structure
Article I - On Citizenship 1. Any person may apply for citizenship on the Regional forum by providing their current nation in the region, their current World Assembly nation, and by swearing an oath of citizenship established by law. 2. Any person who have held a World Assembly nation in Lazarus for more than a year consecutively, who are endorsing the Sovereign, and who have not been convicted of a crime shall be considered a citizen. They may exercise their voting rights either on the forum or through telegramming the Director of Ceremonies or another nation so designated. 3. Any person who was a citizen of the People's Republic of Lazarus upon its dissolution shall be a citizen. [...] View Full Text: Constitution of Lazarus (Mandate 9) -:- Participate in the WASpoiler: Description
The World Assembly: Nationstates Guide: Game Mechanics
Membership to the World Assembly is entirely voluntary. A player may choose to join this organization and in doing so, gain them in-game functions of being able to endorse other nations as well as receive endorsements. [...]A player can choose to join the World Assembly by clicking on the 'Apply to join' button in the World Assembly page. If you choose to join, please endorse our Delegate and Vice-Delegate to help protect our wonderful region from invaders and to increase our home region's power in the World Assembly! -:- Enlist in the LLASpoiler: Description
Why Join the Lazarus Liberation Army: View Full Topic
The LLA is a defender military. We go around fighting invaders and helping innocent nations and regions from being plundered by raiders. Raiders serve to bring others down and break regions and communities for their own personal fun. It's even a stated goal of most of them. [...]Come check it out: Enlist in the Lazarene Liberation Army -:- Write for the Lazarene GazetteSpoiler: Description
The Lazarene Gazette is Lazarus' official newspaper with a long history of both great journalism and witty satire.
[...]Come check it out: Sign Up to Write for the Lazarene Gazette -:- Elections InformationSpoiler: Description
Lazarus holds elections and nominations for offices every four months:
[...]Article VIII - On Elected Offices 1. The Director of Ceremonies, Sovereign, and Grandee Secretary shall be considered elected offices. 2. Elections for elected offices shall be held every four months. 3. Any person who is a citizen at the beginning of nominations for an election may vote in it. Any citizen who is has registered on the Regional Forums at the beginning of nominations for an election may stand as a candidate in it. 4. Voters shall cast their ballots for a single candidate. If a candidate has a majority of votes, they shall be elected to the office. If no candidate has a majority of votes, a run-off shall be held between the two candidates with the most votes. The candidate with the most votes in the run-off shall be elected to the office. [...]View Full Text: Constitution of Lazarus (Mandate 9) -:- Embassy AssignmentsSpoiler: Description
Lazarus has Embassies in other regions, and may from time to time require new ambassadors.
Current Embassies: View Full List |
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