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Welcome to Grand Central!
Lord Protector: The Almighty Jesus Whale
Chancellor: McMannia Whitehall
Vice Chancellor: Ike
Magister of Immigration: Sygian Vasentius
Magister of Culture: Yuno
Magister of Foreign Activities: Festavo Vasentius
Chief Prosecutor: TBD
Grand Magister of Justice: TBD

Augustus Anumia ~ Nordic Arbor ~ Caligula ~ Rose ~ Ugg Lands
Grand Central was originally founded on March 31st, 2009 by Station Man; and again by Ugg Lands on October 1st, 2014. Grand Central believes that success of our members is what makes us great!

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
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Welcome to Grand Central! ~ New Constitution in place ~ McMannia acclaimed to Chancellery ~ Ike appointed Vice Chancellor ~ Region re-invented ~ Government structure rebuilt
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Citizen Application for Satya Romefeller

Posted by Satya Romefeller (Newest Arrival) at Oct 13 2016, 03:29 AM. 2 comments

Nation in Grand Central: The Indian Empire
Nation in the World Assembly (if applicable): don't think I have one anymore
How did you find Grand Central? If it was a friend, please provide the details of the friend: I remember when Grand Central was the new kid on the block. I wonder where I can find some old timers.
How long have you been playing NationStates? I think I started in either 2008 or 2009. I haven't played in five years.
Which other regions and organisations have you been involved in, past and present? None at the moment. In the past, too many to recall. I can't even remember all the regions.
Which other regional militaries have you served in, past and present? I was a big time raider. I commanded pretty large armies at one time.
What skills do you think you can contribute to Grand Central (EG: art, writing, debating, politics, intel)? whatever people would like me to be
What are your expectations of Grand Central and what do you hope to achieve (optional)? none
Skype username: I'll give this out if people are actually interested.
Which sector/s of the region -- military, regional government, legislative, judicial, community -- would you like to participate in (optional)? military & legislative

Citizenship Application for Namydia

Posted by keelan (Newest Arrival) at Sep 22 2016, 03:06 PM. 2 comments

Nation in Grand Central: Namydia
Nation in the World Assembly (if applicable): Namydia
How did you find Grand Central? If it was a friend, please provide the details of the friend: Telegraph from Block II on joining
How long have you been playing NationStates? A few years on other nations. Just started this one.
Which other regions and organisations have you been involved in, past and present? South Pacific.
Which other regional militaries have you served in, past and present? None.
What skills do you think you can contribute to Grand Central (EG: art, writing, debating, politics, intel)? Politics and debating
What are your expectations of Grand Central and what do you hope to achieve (optional)? I hope to be able to get involved in the political system and debate interesting topics.
Skype username: keelandaye
Which sector/s of the region -- military, regional government, legislative, judicial, community -- would you like to participate in (optional)? Legislative and judicial.

App for Weed Labs

Posted by Weed Labs (Citizens) at Sep 21 2016, 08:32 PM. 2 comments

Nation in Grand Central: Weed Labs
Nation in the World Assembly (if applicable): Weed Labs
How did you find Grand Central? If it was a friend, please provide the details of the friend: Telegram
How long have you been playing NationStates? One hour
Which other regions and organisations have you been involved in, past and present? None
Which other regional militaries have you served in, past and present? None
What skills do you think you can contribute to Grand Central (EG: art, writing, debating, politics, intel)? Debating, law, and political knowledge
What are your expectations of Grand Central and what do you hope to achieve (optional)? Be in a group of knowledgeable players and learn the game
Skype username: the11thpenguin
Which sector/s of the region -- military, regional government, legislative, judicial, community -- would you like to participate in (optional)? Judicial

Application for Empress Alexia

Posted by Empress Alexia (Citizens) at Sep 4 2016, 02:58 PM. 4 comments

Nation in Grand Central: The Empire of Alexiamia
Nation in the World Assembly (if applicable):
How did you find Grand Central? If it was a friend, please provide the details of the friend: A friend. The Rogue Nation of Voltericus
How long have you been playing NationStates? Started in 2014, but stopped. Started again recently.
Which other regions and organisations have you been involved in, past and present? I joined New Warsaw Pact, but I didn't talk to them really so I know nothing about them.
Which other regional militaries have you served in, past and present? None
What skills do you think you can contribute to Grand Central (EG: art, writing, debating, politics, intel)?Art/Mathematics/Writing
What are your expectations of Grand Central and what do you hope to achieve (optional)? A nice community.
Skype username:
Which sector/s of the region -- military, regional government, legislative, judicial, community -- would you like to participate in (optional)? I don't know yet.

Application Achilles of Cape Red Nave

Posted by Achilles of Cape Red Nave (Newest Arrival) at Aug 20 2016, 03:18 PM. One comment

Nation in Grand Central: Luzerna
Nation in the World Assembly (if applicable): Luzerna
How did you find Grand Central? If it was a friend, please provide the details of the friend: by accident
How long have you been playing NationStates? around a month
Which other regions and organisations have you been involved in, past and present? none
Which other regional militaries have you served in, past and present? none
What skills do you think you can contribute to Grand Central (EG: art, writing, debating, politics, intel)? art, politics and debating
What are your expectations of Grand Central and what do you hope to achieve (optional)?
Skype username:
Which sector/s of the region -- military, regional government, legislative, judicial, community -- would you like to participate in (optional)? regional government, legislative, judicial

Citizen Application for Jesus Whale

Posted by Jesus Whale (Citizens) at Aug 17 2016, 12:59 AM. 5 comments

Nation in Grand Central: Jesus Whale
Nation in the World Assembly (if applicable): None at the moment
How did you find Grand Central? If it was a friend, please provide the details of the friend: I'm kind of spiritually related to Fest and Ike/Simon
How long have you been playing NationStates? Three years
Which other regions and organisations have you been involved in, past and present? Oh boy. Alrighty, Osiris, The Silver Isles, Scandinavia, Kylaris, The Freed Lands, I have two nations in TNP and Lazarus not sure what I'm doing with them yet, Atlas. There might be some I've forgotten, if I did it wasn't malicious intent, I'm not a Gatesville plant, etc.
Which other regional militaries have you served in, past and present? No.
What skills do you think you can contribute to Grand Central (EG: art, writing, debating, politics, intel)? Debating, politics, I'm supposed to be good at GCR politics but we all saw how that turned out :P.
What are your expectations of Grand Central and what do you hope to achieve (optional)? I don't really know to be honest, I'm back after a four month hiatus, let's see what happens.
Skype username: Jesus Whale
Which sector/s of the region -- military, regional government, legislative, judicial, community -- would you like to participate in (optional)? Regional Government, Community, Legislative

Citizen application for Amy

Posted by AmyMountbatten (Citizens) at Aug 16 2016, 04:23 PM. One comment

Nation in Grand Central: Cutiepatooties
Nation in the World Assembly (if applicable): Cutiepatooties
How did you find Grand Central? If it was a friend, please provide the details of the friend: Recruitment telegram
How long have you been playing NationStates? A month
Which other regions and organisations have you been involved in, past and present? None
Which other regional militaries have you served in, past and present? None
What skills do you think you can contribute to Grand Central (EG: art, writing, debating, politics, intel)? Writing, debating
What are your expectations of Grand Central and what do you hope to achieve (optional)? Surprise me ;)
Skype username: amy.parsons68
Which sector/s of the region -- military, regional government, legislative, judicial, community -- would you like to participate in (optional)? Community

Citiczenship Application for Tai-Bet

Posted by Tai-Bet (Citizens) at Aug 16 2016, 01:13 PM. 2 comments

Nation in Grand Central: Tai-Bet
Nation in the World Assembly (if applicable): Not yet
How did you find Grand Central? If it was a friend, please provide the details of the friend: I was a citizen many years ago. I was even WA Delegate for a while
How long have you been playing NationStates?: I haven't played in a while, but it was a few years last time I logged on
Which other regions and organisations have you been involved in, past and present?: GC through and through
Which other regional militaries have you served in, past and present?: See above
What skills do you think you can contribute to Grand Central (EG: art, writing, debating, politics, intel)?: I used to be involved in the politics of GC, and would like to get into it again.
What are your expectations of Grand Central and what do you hope to achieve (optional)? Make it everything SMan wanted it to be
Skype username: N/A
Which sector/s of the region -- military, regional government, legislative, judicial, community -- would you like to participate in (optional)? Regional Government, Legislative, bartender

Pracinha Citizenship Application

Posted by Pracinha (Guests) at Aug 10 2016, 03:48 PM. 5 comments

Nation in Grand Central: Ilservian.
Nation in the World Assembly (if applicable): Secret (stealth op! :P).
How did you find Grand Central? If it was a friend, please provide the details of the friend: Don.
How long have you been playing NationStates? Since 2012.
Which other regions and organisations have you been involved in, past and present? (non military) Travelling Region, KAISERREICH, and ULLD.
Which other regional militaries have you served in, past and present? KGB, DEN, TBR, USSD/Red Fleet, LKE, Chaos Brigade, HYDRA, The Invaders, and PRC.
What skills do you think you can contribute to Grand Central (EG: art, writing, debating, politics, intel)? Military experience and admin skills.
What are your expectations of Grand Central and what do you hope to achieve (optional)? A military position.
Skype username: liammorgan26
Which sector/s of the region -- military, regional government, legislative, judicial, community -- would you like to participate in (optional)? Military/regional government.

Donovan's Citizen App

Posted by Donovan (Citizens) at Aug 9 2016, 04:51 PM. 4 comments

Nation in Grand Central: Garenheim
Nation in the World Assembly (if applicable): Not applicable
How did you find Grand Central? If it was a friend, please provide the details of the friend: I found Grand Central from Lost (another GC member)
How long have you been playing NationStates? A year, on and off
Which other regions and organisations have you been involved in, past and present? This is new to me
Which other regional militaries have you served in, past and present? (see previous answer)
What skills do you think you can contribute to Grand Central (EG: art, writing, debating, politics, intel)? I have a bit of experience in debate and politics, but nothing extrordinary
What are your expectations of Grand Central and what do you hope to achieve (optional)?
Skype username: minimeatmonster (Yeah, i know its weird, but i was 8 at the time...)
Which sector/s of the region -- military, regional government, legislative, judicial, community -- would you like to participate in (optional)? Govt., legis., or judicial are fine by me

VdeVoltera's Citizen Application

Posted by VdeVoltera (Citizens) at Aug 3 2016, 03:03 PM. 4 comments

Nation in Grand Central: http://www.nationstates.net/nation=voltericus

Nation in the World Assembly (if applicable):

How did you find Grand Central? If it was a friend, please provide the details of the friend: Recruitment message

How long have you been playing NationStates? Played for over a year in 2013

Which other regions and organisations have you been involved in, past and present? None

Which other regional militaries have you served in, past and present? None

What skills do you think you can contribute to Grand Central (EG: art, writing, debating, politics, intel)? Writing, debating, politics

What are your expectations of Grand Central and what do you hope to achieve (optional)? Activity. I hope to become influential.

Skype username: vdevoltera22

Which sector/s of the region -- military, regional government, legislative, judicial, community -- would you like to participate in (optional)? All

The James Solution

Posted by James Locksley Mountbatten (Administrator) at Jul 29 2016, 12:17 AM. 12 comments

Nation in Grand Central: James Locksley II
Nation in the World Assembly (if applicable): N/A
How did you find Grand Central? If it was a friend, please provide the details of the friend: Via Block through KGB
How long have you been playing NationStates? A few years.
Which other regions and organisations have you been involved in, past and present? Kingdom of Great Britain.
Which other regional militaries have you served in, past and present? N/A
What skills do you think you can contribute to Grand Central (EG: art, writing, debating, politics, intel)? Regional Politics and Culture.
What are your expectations of Grand Central and what do you hope to achieve (optional)? I hope this is as fun a place as Don and Block say!
Skype username: James.Locksley
Which sector/s of the region -- military, regional government, legislative, judicial, community -- would you like to participate in (optional)? Government, Legislative, Executive, Community.

Citizenship Application for Jomsgård

Posted by magnusfacius (Citizens) at Jul 28 2016, 07:23 PM. One comment

i was telegramed:
about a week
jumped around abit to look at all the shiny thing but i never stayed more than a few minutes
i dont really know this is all very new to me
i have no expectaions but i hope for happy nation that looks and sound evil but in reailty is a nice and homey place
i wouldnt know yet


Posted by Hiamur (Citizens) at Jul 28 2016, 12:57 PM. 5 comments

Nation in Grand Central: Hiamur
Nation in the World Assembly (if applicable): I dont think I have one
How did you find Grand Central? If it was a friend, please provide the details of the friend: telegram
How long have you been playing NationStates? I am new to nationstates
Which other regions and organisations have you been involved in, past and present? I am new
Which other regional militaries have you served in, past and present? I am new
What skills do you think you can contribute to Grand Central (EG: art, writing, debating, politics, intel)? I think I would like to participate in debate and politics within this political game
What are your expectations of Grand Central and what do you hope to achieve (optional)? I am not sure yet
Skype username: I do not feel comfortable sharing my skype
Which sector/s of the region -- military, regional government, legislative, judicial, community -- would you like to participate in (optional)? government seems good

Citizenship Application

Posted by Kajan (Newest Arrival) at Jul 27 2016, 03:54 PM. One comment

Nation in Grand Central: Pyrone
Nation in the World Assembly (if applicable): Kajan
How did you find Grand Central? If it was a friend, please provide the details of the friend: Yuno
How long have you been playing NationStates? August 2014
Which other regions and organisations have you been involved in, past and present? Osiris, The Pacific, The West Pacific, Europeia, Balder, Lazarus
Which other regional militaries have you served in, past and present? None
What skills do you think you can contribute to Grand Central (EG: art, writing, debating, politics, intel)? Not sure really
What are your expectations of Grand Central and what do you hope to achieve (optional)?
Skype username: Already in chat (Jimbob Duggar - JRHNBR)
Which sector/s of the region -- military, regional government, legislative, judicial, community -- would you like to participate in (optional)?

Dizhao's Citizen App

Posted by Dizhao (Citizens) at Jul 21 2016, 04:12 PM. 2 comments

Nation in Grand Central: Dizhao. http://www.nationstates.net/nation=dizhao
Nation in the World Assembly (if applicable): Dizhao. http://www.nationstates.net/nation=dizhao
How did you find Grand Central? If it was a friend, please provide the details of the friend: I was recruited by Block II's recruitment telegram.
How long have you been playing NationStates? Not particularly long. Three days or so.
Which other regions and organisations have you been involved in, past and present? None. This is my first region.
Which other regional militaries have you served in, past and present? None. This is my first.
What skills do you think you can contribute to Grand Central (EG: art, writing, debating, politics, intel)? Not to toot my own horn, but I have a pretty good memory for facts or things I see written down. I also am a reasonably good debater.
What are your expectations of Grand Central and what do you hope to achieve (optional)? I expect Grand Central to offer some protection so I don't get steam-rolled by raiders or invaders. I hope to help my nation to flourish, and further the goals of Grand Central.
Skype username: I don't have skype at the moment. The latest updates lag my computer to hell and back.
Which sector/s of the region -- military, regional government, legislative, judicial, community -- would you like to participate in (optional)? I'm most interested in Judicial, as I think I could apply my strengths best there.

Citizen Application

Posted by Telrani OFA (Citizens) at Jul 21 2016, 03:43 PM. 0 comments

Nation in Grand Central:
The Allied States of Telrani

Nation in the World Assembly (if applicable):

How did you find Grand Central? If it was a friend, please provide the details of the friend:
I browsed through the regions until I found one concerned primarily with civil freedoms and political liberty that had a considerable following

How long have you been playing NationStates?
I have been playing for a few days now.

Which other regions and organisations have you been involved in, past and present?
I have no involvement in any other regions or organizations in the past aside from an affiliation to south pacific upon joining nation states.

Which other regional militaries have you served in, past and present?

What skills do you think you can contribute to Grand Central (EG: art, writing, debating, politics, intel)?
I believe myself to be a competent writer as well as and above average debater. I would like to contribute by introducing new and interesting discussions to grand central and bolstering the communities intellectual integrity by offering controversial opinions as well as critiques of contemporary arguments.

What are your expectations of Grand Central and what do you hope to achieve (optional)?
Upon joining grand central I shall do my best to uphold the political and civil liberties of my fellows in the region through whatever means necessary be it through political debate, legislation, or military force (purely in defense of the region or my siblings in liberty). I would also like to grow as a debater and have my ability to discuss things political and social grow and improve.

Skype username:

Which sector/s of the region -- military, regional government, legislative, judicial, community -- would you like to participate in (optional)?
I am not opposed to participating in any of the sectors listed above (or any additional sectors), however I would like to involve myself in the judicial, legislative, community, and regional government sectors.

Citizenship Application

Posted by jdulaney (Citizens) at Jul 21 2016, 11:11 AM. One comment

Nation in Grand Central:Chivalric League
Nation in the World Assembly (if applicable): The Chivalric League
How did you find Grand Central? If it was a friend, please provide the details of the friend: Telegram
How long have you been playing NationStates? 1 week
Which other regions and organisations have you been involved in, past and present? Briefly in The Remnant region
Which other regional militaries have you served in, past and present? n/a
What skills do you think you can contribute to Grand Central (EG: art, writing, debating, politics, intel)? Military, Politics
What are your expectations of Grand Central and what do you hope to achieve (optional)?
Skype username: jdulaney
Which sector/s of the region -- military, regional government, legislative, judicial, community -- would you like to participate in (optional)? Legislative Branch

Citizen Application for Tennanthon

Posted by Tennanthon (Citizens) at Jul 19 2016, 05:58 PM. 5 comments

Nation in Grand Central: Tennanthon
Nation in the World Assembly (if applicable): Yes!
How did you find Grand Central? If it was a friend, please provide the details of the friend: Yes, Rozumnost is a friend of mine that is part of Grand Central. I trust his judgement when it comes to choosing a region.
How long have you been playing NationStates? Since yesterday, but I can already tell I'm going to be active on here.
Which other regions and organisations have you been involved in, past and present? The North Pacific
Which other regional militaries have you served in, past and present? None, so far.
What skills do you think you can contribute to Grand Central (EG: art, writing, debating, politics, intel)? I'm very passionate about issues but I'm also here to listen and learn about other people's opinions. I'm pretty good with Photoshop (I made my own flag if you want an example).
What are your expectations of Grand Central and what do you hope to achieve (optional)? I'd love to be actively involved in making decisions.
Skype username: I don't use Skype, but my email is twichert479@gmail.com
Which sector/s of the region -- military, regional government, legislative, judicial, community -- would you like to participate in (optional)? I'm interested in pretty much everything but the military. Wherever help is needed, I am here!

Citizen apple

Posted by fluffymurderkillerstabber (Citizens) at Jul 19 2016, 05:19 PM. One comment

Nation in Grand Central:Fluffymurderkillerstabber GC
Nation in the World Assembly (if applicable):fluffy west
(Changes regular)
How did you find Grand Central? If it was a friend, please provide the details of the friend:Trever told me about it
How long have you been playing NationStates?started late 2015
Which other regions and organisations have you been involved in, past and present?the black hawks, hydra command, fluffy squishfish, the glorious nations of iwaku, sineland*, fun fish*
* (no longer exists)
Which other regional militaries have you served in, past and present?the black hawks
What skills do you think you can contribute to Grand Central (EG: art, writing, debating, politics, intel)?debating and writing maybe.
What are your expectations of Grand Central and what do you hope to achieve (optional)?an embassy between here and my personal region fluffy squishfish would be nice
Skype username:fluffymurderkillerstabber
Which sector/s of the region -- military, regional government, legislative, judicial, community -- would you like to participate in (optional)?hmm... they all sound nice to me :)

Incendio by S&D; of Outline