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Welcome to Grand Central!
Conductor: George Mountbatten VI
Stationmaster: Augustus Anumia
Deputy Stationmaster: McMannia Whitehall
Regent of Military Affairs: TBD
Regent of Integration: Yuno
Regent of Culture: Grassedia
Regent of Foreign Affairs: TBD
Attorney General: James L. Mountbatten

Chairman: Northeast Scotland (CRP)
Councilor: James L. Mountbatten (IND)
Councilor: McMannia Whitehall (IND)
Councilor: Grassedia (CRP)
Councilor: Tom Vasentius (TPP)

Chief Justice: TBD
Associate Justice: Frederick Hanover

Council of Elders
Augustus Anumia ~ Nordic Arbor (Chairman) ~ Block II ~ Caligula ~ Rose ~ Ugg Lands
Grand Central was originally founded on March 31st, 2009 by Station Man; and again by Ugg Lands on October 1st, 2014. Grand Central believes that success of our members is what makes us great!

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
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Welcome to Grand Central! ~ Augustus Anumia elected Stationmaster ~ James Mountbatten elected to vacant Grand Council seat ~ McMannia is Deputy Stationmaster ~ Cabinet now mostly in place ~ Nordic Arbor nominated as Chief Justice
Last Activity Yesterday, 11:03 PM
Average Posts Per Day 1.2
Member's Local Time Aug 31 2016, 07:09 AM
Contact Information
Email Address: Click Here
Personal Messenger PM
Profile Information
Birthday: August 21
Account Information Signature
Ambassador Bean, diplomat to Grand Central since: 07.01.09
Posted ImageThe Nuclear Sovreign of Beinirham, (Founded: 01.16.07, Re-founded: 11.23.11)
Head of State: Sub-Sector Governor Beinir >>Praetorian Newsreel - Safari on Catachan<<
Colonies: The Confederated Herds of Armed COWS (Founded: 10.09.05, Re-founded: 05.03.12) ,
The Inquisitorial Conclave of BRU MkI (Founded: 07.22.07, Re-founded: 08.22.12)

Refounder, Former UN & WA Delegate for:
Posted Image

(Founded: Fall.07, Refounded: 04.20.14)
Former UN Delegate for: Suffragist League

"It's often remarked that diplomacy is just warfare by other means. Our battles are no less desperate for being bloodless, but at least we get wine and finger food."
-Tollen Felrang, Imperial Envoy to the Realm of Ultimar, 564-603 M41
In the grim darkness of the far future there is only war...

Incendio by S&D; of Outline