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Citizenship Applications (Closed Topic)
Topic Started: Apr 8 2015, 09:51 PM (5,820 Views)
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Before applying, please make sure you have read and understood our constitution. It is a short read and will give an overview of the governmental structure.

Citizenship Application
Lazarus Nation Name:
Were you brought onto the forum by someone? If so, who?
Please describe your history on NationStates:
Link to Lazarus Nation:
How long have you played NS:
Regions you are and have been involved in:
Any crimes you may have committed in in those regions and others:
Other names you may go by and your main nation name if the nation you have provided to Lazarus is not:
Link to Main Nation if any:
From this time forward, I (INSERT-NATION), voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, pledge my loyalty to Lazarus and her people, whose democratic beliefs I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.


After you have applied, feel free to apply for government positions listed below (list may not always be up to date). Note that most of these will likely be contingent on your citizen application being accepted

Lazarene Liberation Army Enlistment
Edited by Funkadelia, Jun 8 2015, 01:22 AM.
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Lazarene People's Party Application

Nation Name: The Raven Crown

Were you brought onto the forum by someone? If so, who? No one

Please describe your history on NationStates: I first registered at the beginning of 2014, in which I got involved in a small monarchist region, I lead an underground faction that was opposed to the Pro-Imperialist/Raider stance of the government, we successfully won out in the end, however sadly the region collapsed a week later. Throughout the regions six-ish months of existence I worked in a variety of positions :(

WA Nation: Here you are :)

Link to Lazarus Nation: Here you are :)

Previous Regions and Positions: Princess Consort of Valconesia, Prime Minister of Valconesia, Director of State Security (Valconesia)

Current Regions and Positions: Nothing

Have you committed in any crimes in past regions? If so, describe: I was put on trial in The Principality of Valconesia for "Subversion" however it was mostly related to the fact that I was staunchly defender and anti-imperialist, which the Government didn't take a liking to. I was able to defend myself though and was never convicted.

Please state which province you wish to reside in. You may only choose one:
-- Information District (Writers and Reports Welcomed!)
-- Judicial District (for those who wish to battle crimes against the state!)

I, Druk, hereby submit my application for membership in the Lazarene People's Party. I am a Lazarus citizen and acknowledge the legitimacy of the People's Republic and its laws.

By posting this statement, I permit the Chairman to revoke my citizenship in the event that I have been dishonest in this application.

Hail Lazarus! Hail the People's Republic!

Edited by Druk, Apr 8 2015, 10:05 PM.
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Should probably make this official...

Lazarene People's Party Application

Nation Name: Lazmac

Were you brought onto the forum by someone? If so, who? Funkadelia

Please describe your history on NationStates: Complex. :P

WA Nation: Classified. ;)

Link to Lazarus Nation: http://www.nationstates.net/nation=lazmac

Previous Regions and Positions: So very many. I can try to spend a few hours compiling a full list if necessary. :P

Current Regions and Positions:

Taijitu - Citizen-Initiator
The North Pacific - Citizen
The Rejected Realms - Citizen
Spiritus - Citizen
Equilism - Senator
The Grey Wardens - Warden-Commander

Have you committed in any crimes in past regions? If so, describe: I'm banned from several imperialist regions for being a defender. I was also convicted of treason in Osiris.

Please state which province you wish to reside in. You may only choose one:
-- Diplomacy District (Where our ambassadors to other regions reside)

I, Cormac, hereby submit my application for membership in the Lazarene People's Party. I am a Lazarus citizen and acknowledge the legitimacy of the People's Republic and its laws.

By posting this statement, I permit the Chairman to revoke my citizenship in the event that I have been dishonest in this application.

Hail Lazarus! Hail the People's Republic!
Edited by Cormac, Apr 12 2015, 11:38 AM.
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The Church of Satan
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I've been a citizen since hobbes Lazarus forum. No need for me to reapply. :P
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Same, though there was a stint where I wasn't a citizen for a bit due to inactivity.
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possibly the only jew on NS
Same as CoS
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Edited by Ivo, Apr 10 2015, 02:35 AM.
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Citizenship Application

Lazarus Nation Name: The Commonwealth of Miristevo
Were you brought onto the forum by someone? If so, who? N/A
Please describe your history on NationStates: I have been a casual player since I arrived and only recently have been interested in getting more involved.

Link to Lazarus Nation: http://www.nationstates.net/nation=miristevo

How long have you played NS: Since 2009 (est)

Regions you are and have been involved in: Rejected Realms is the only one I remember as when I was offline for awhile, the region (which I can't remember) was taken over and I just stayed in Rejected Realms.

Any crimes you may have committed in in those regions and others: No.

Other names you may go by and your main nation name if the nation you have provided to Lazarus is not: Miristevo is it.

Link to Main Nation if any: http://www.nationstates.net/nation=miristevo

I Miristevo, agree to follow the spirit and word of the People's Republic to the best of my ability. I, Miristevo, hereby submit my application for membership in the Lazarene People's Party. I promise to abide by the principles of the People's Party. I am a Lazarus citizen and acknowledge the legitimacy of the People's Republic and its laws. By posting this statement, I permit the Chairman to revoke my citizenship in the event that I have been dishonest in this application.

Hail Lazarus! Hail the People's Republic!
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Star Destroyer
Lazarus People's Party Application

Nation Name: Amerion

Were you brought onto the forum by someone? If so, who? N/A

Please describe your history on NationStates: It is a very long history and therefore would take time to compile.

WA Nation: N/A

Link to Lazarus Nation: Manly Seas

Previous Regions and Positions: N/A

Current Regions and Positions: NPA, TNP Regional Assembly member, Prime Minister of the Coalition of Democratic Nations.

Have you committed in any crimes in past regions? If so, describe: N/A

Please state which province you wish to reside in. You may only choose one: Judicial District

I, Amerion, hereby submit my application for membership in the Lazarene People's Party. I am a Lazarus citizen and acknowledge the legitimacy of the People's Republic and its laws.

By posting this statement, I permit the Chairman to revoke my citizenship in the event that I have been dishonest in this application.

Hail Lazarus! Hail the People's Republic!
Edited by Amerion, Apr 9 2015, 05:44 AM.
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Right now, since there is no Chairman present, no one has the authority to accept citizenship applications :(
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